Return of the Immortal mage chapter 43--Most strangest Training.

As Jinsang had told them that their training would be the most difficult most of them got afraid and became unwilling to do it. Jinsang signalled the man and then the man opened a portal Jinsang took out a potion from his pocket and then sprayed the whole potion on the members of Lightning Leopards. All the members got confused by Jinsang's action. After spraying the whole bottle on the members of Lightning Leopards Jinsang ordered them to go through the portal although they all were unwilling but they couldn't afford to anger or disobey Jinsang so they all went quietly through the portal after all of the members had gone through the portal they saw that they all were inside a forest and that the forest was a lot dense and dangerous then the one they had set their training camps at Jinsang stood in from of the portal and said to them that