
Izuku woke up to light see 2 people crowding around her with smiles. "Hun, we did it. We had a child, she's gorgeous too." The female said, 'Me?' Izuku said, but turn into wail. 'Heh!?' Izuku said, but it sounded as a louder wail. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Want to see, daddy?" The man asked, smiling. 'Daddy?! I have a dad now! What is happening! Have I been reborn!' Izuku yelled, but it turned into a cry. "Okay, daddy, Will hold you." He said, laughing. He picked Izuku up. Izuku turned her head to the side, while looking at him. He followed along confused. Izuku laughed, making the adults gush out of cuteness. 

Izuku didn't know what was happening, but she hoped that this life will be better then her last one. Izuku tried her best to hug her new father. The man hugged her back, the mother gushed. The man had black hair, muscles that weren't hard to miss, and warm brown eyes. The woman had long black hair, slender build, and warm forest green eyes. They were really good looking in Izuku's prospective. 

Izuku was loved by her parents which made her happy. There was weird times for her like when she had to feed and they changed her diaper. Izuku found out that there are powers in these world which were the 4 elements. The ones that could use one of the elements are called benders. Her father was an air bender, his great great grandfather escaped when the fire nation attacked. Her mother was an earth bender. There is a person that could use all the elements called the avatar, but he disappeared a long time ago. They lived in the earth nation ground in a small town. The fire nation kept attacking, taking over the lands, they killed lots of people. It all started when the avatar disappeared. Izuku found it cool.