《Chapter 14》 《Tha endie》

Two days later, on a Thursday morning...

"*Heyy Peaches... i'm here, meet me at the Rose Mead Park, I miss you,*"I boldly ignored his message, which had been sent two hours earlier.

"*Morning Jordan, you can drop by my aunt Anastasia's place around around 10, she's at work,*" my response was pretty fast response.

"*And if she catches us, then what?*" His unashamedly quick response told me that he'd really missed me

"* Will you just relax, just because you're no longer in my good books doesn't mean you're out of favor with her

Quite frankly, I too had missed him and really wanted to see him, somewhere where I had the power to kick should he'd ever pissed me off. My heart was yearning for him no matter how much I tried to resist. He came and it seems he's leg had gotten better, alongside his step. We chilled, had breakfast, even watched a movie, spoke and deterred from speaking about Thandie.

Somehow, the next day was pretty much the same except for the part where he arrived unexpectedly and made himself too comfortable around me, grabbing my butt as he hugged me... At least he offered to make me breakfast though.

"So how far with Thandie?" I asked randomly, almost making him choke of her cup of coffee, for his chivalrous behaviour was just too good to be true plus I hadn't indulged in it for a very long time.

"We still speak even though we..."

"Yet here you are pretending like i'm the only girlfriend you have", I asserted, cutting his sentence short.

Those words clearly stayed with him 'cause the only response i got was a silent one as he delayed chewing the small bite he'd taken off his French toast, as I quietly rubbed my cup of coffee against her cheek.

"Are you still on about that? Why you acting as though I've asked her out?"

"Yet you sound like you want to," I interrupted him, as a rueful sensation bit the organ behind my breastplate.

"To be honest, I've told him about you and she wants to meet you." he declared awkwardly.

"Don't look at me as though I'll say yes to that absurd request"

"Babes please just go, she won't bite...," Jordan sneezed and took another hot sip. "It's just a friendly meeting.

"Clearly you aren't serious, what if he's planning to kill me." I dramatically gripped the edge of the sofa while cutting off our eye contact, my thoughts still dominated by those chilli beans he'd just spilled out.

"Please just go, i'd really appreciate it if you meet her... Tomorrow!" said he as he came closer, trying to use his good looks to induce into agreeing.

I ended up saying yes not because i had a massive soft spot for him, but because I wanted to meet the 20 shades of Thandie which he'd described to me about 24 minutes ago. Plus he's foot message had done the trick, almost making me ready to embark on this little unhinged adventure to meet the girl who'd knocked me off my unrivalled throne in Jordan's heart.

So, the next day he came and even listened to my favourite songs, preparing me a quick sandwich snack as I bathed. The warm shower was hot enough to elevate my blood pressure, as anxiety leapt from my heart and up my spine before bringing my mind a plague of tiny little worries and fears.

After eating I then let him walk me halfway my 12 minute journey to McDonald's where I'd planned to meet my replacement.

Upon arriving, I stopped and peered inside though I could not see her. I was after I'd ordered two strong cups of coffees and gone to wait upstairs when I finally saw and met her.

Seems like she was dressed to impress. Her tight, gothic, sexy and slightly transparent outfit which complimented her skin tone, showed the rainbow raven on one of her thick thighs and disclosed her flat tummy. Her tight, puce crop top left the impression that she probably had nipple piercings, given that she had a hardly noticeable piercing on her belly button. Her two purple, Afro buns sprinkled with a faint pink color near the top.

I couldn't help but notice all this within the 4 seconds that she got up me before we got caught upin each other's warm, but awkward, hugs. Surprisingly we were about the same height. We then duplicated each other's fake, deviously friendly smiles as we sat down, just in time for the two cups of coffee and and burgers; guess I wasn't the only one who had placed an order, and she'd placed hers before mine. She was a rich lawyer's daughter after all.

Nevertheless we didn't waste anytime nor pay attention to the warm, steamy, aromatic coffee and burgers that soon spread across our table, before getting down to business.

"Firstly, thanks for agreeing to meet up with me Ashleigh." she took a small chuck off her saucy burger. "I know that you're his girlfriend and that you probably found my request a bit weird..."

"Honestly I did, but since I love him and see my future with him I agreed. And why exactly am I here though? I boldly stated, before biting my own burger too.

"Well, I also see a bright future with him." her threatened expression surfaced, Plus I'm ready to marry him, I'd love me some colorful babies". Her cocky words strained the strength and courage out of my body.

"If this is your idea of a challenge then just know that I'll gladly raise those kids as my own," I laughed, "I don't think your marriage would last.

"Don't judge a book by its cover hun, You don't even seem that much of marriage material anyways." Thandie's giggles didn't make her words any blunt.

"Say's the semi-nude model herself, the wanna-be fashion designer!"

"Be warned Ashleigh, but then again i aint in  the mood for a catfight... I just wanted to know how your relationship with Jordan is going as well as how long it's been"

"Couldn't you just ask him," i blurted just after swallowing the strong coffee that had left my tongue, and throat, a little burnt. "Nonetheless, it was great until you came into the picture."

"Boys lie a lot, besides, I wanted it to hear it from you... I'm one of your 8590 Instagram followers anyway." Her last tone told me she was teasing me, but then I remembered seeing the notification anyways.

"Just know that you have my blessing... If he says yes to you then you can have him". I then blew my strong coffee breath at him with a mild resentment written all over my face.

"She also says that you guys only had sex six times, is it true?"

"OH! So this is your idea of asking if he's a freak in bed or not?"

"Ashleigh boo. I'm just saying that I respect you and that I can see that you two really love each other..."

"keep  lying to yourself honey." I kept my voice lower than hers.

"I'm not here to destroy your relationship, that would be very fiendish, and selfish of me," she continued with a devious smile, her brows beautifully drawn.

But I could see through her brown circles in her eyes that she just wanted to suck the information out of me. She was wrong to think i was naive.

"That decision lies beneath his tongue, I cannot force him to keep dating me if he wants you. So as I said... You have my blessing".

That's I placed my 2 cash notes on the table to show her that I too could flex, before brushing my fingertips against my curls, getting up and colliding with the waiter whose eyes and brows shot me a reminder that the cups of coffee she was holding were mine, as I walked past her halfway down the staircase. I then smiled at her and pointed her to the to the table which I'd left Thandie, just before I walked out of McDonald's shop with a proud, but rueful, smile playing about my lips.

As soon as I got home I ran myself another shower, trying to wash away the condescending, dirty stares and her stupid questions and memories, which still lingered in my mind. As I slowly brushed my palms past my breasts, I suddenly eyed them and pictured myself with nipple piercings. I felt a strong urge to get my own, it was a sexy move anyway; maybe even my last hope of saving whatever that was left between Jordan and I. "Or maybe I should shave my private bush more often, if not dye it in his favourite color," I thought to myself as I folded my fingers and ran my nails down my flat tummy, past my pacing heartbeat and my now ticked lungs, onto my thighs and...

I then called and told Jordan of what had transpired at the coffee shop before asking for his decision forward.

"Well I still like both of you, I mean..." he mumbled over the phone.

"You've even downgraded your feelings for me from Love to Like... It's clear you've made space in your heart for that Thandie of yours... Guess boys will always be boys huh?"

That's when I cut short our little conversation  and dropped the phone call, realizing that I had just been another stepping stone in his 'stream of love'; for he'd now tossed me aside like his previously favourite pair of  sneakers, tossed aside for a new one.

For I had invested so much in him, both literally and figuratively. Yet now that was all water under the stepping stones in his stream of love'.

3 days later he finally came over for a  chill session. ..

What took you so long Jordan

Relax Leigh, wasn't sure if your aunt was around

And Listen babes, I'm such an idiot... Sorry bout this Thandie situation

"So what are you sa...

"That I'm done, I don't wanna lose you Peaches"

"Just like that Jordan?... I don't buy it"

"Whaaat? Do you not believe me?"

"You haven't had the best track record lately Jordan"

"Haven't been the best boyfriend lately, but I just Us to get back to normal"

"Me too, I honestly kinda do," his smile made me blush

"So can I make you your favourite desert"

"Let's seee... Always!"

My buttocks were soon on his lap, shunting with every joke he cracked, all until his phone rang and he ran to the bathroom in search of privacy. Obviously I snuck through the passage and followed.

As his conversation, probably with  Thandie,  got longer and deeper he began forgetting to maintain his low voice...

"I like you too, even more," he giggled in the bathroom. My jaw didn't drop though, I had already seen this coming. Confronting her about it soon enough,  he proudly dodged that question.

"He's obviously moved on with her,  he's such a liar," the whisper that finally surfaced upon my lake of thoughts, a whisper so loud it blurred out his deceitful voice, and the lies that dwelled within it. Lies such as; "My mom wants me to date her, she keeps on sexting me, my feelings for her are not as strong as yours." Jay would lie convincingly.

"Well I suppose this i the end of our relationship, so please stop coming to my place as you wish 'cause..." I paused a little to swallow my feelings for him." You and I are officially over", added I after reiterating my thoughts.

"But, how can you say that, we've come a long way..." He said just as I changed the focus of my gaze towards the TV, just before increasing the volume, which also couldn't out sound the emotionally devastating truth, that he'd spilled out. The same truth which was slithering within my eardrums as I pulled him to the kitchen and opened the door for him; to get out of my life.

"But Leigh... what 'bout our little...?"