《Chapter 16》《Change `f Assets》

"Hide Leigh Hide," yelled Lathi-tha, gesturing me to go down, as soon as my eyes picked up hers. Her beautiful blue afro  now soaking wet as it hung to the sides of her head and covered her ears.

In that moment a slightly audible whisper barely left my lips as I prudently lowered my head, almost dropping my phone. When suddenly I head a revving of engines, of a metallic black Mercedes one would usually see before a drive-by shooting. I just ran for my life towards my girls.

"What was that about?" She asked in a shock voice that reflected her fearfully beat heart.

"It's  a long story Leigh, but that was Mr X cruising around and searching for potential ^targets^ to take on a date." She coughed, "he owns most of these Toyota Quantum's that you're seeing right now, and I mean a lot of them."

"Otherwise, what happened this morning with Jay" giggled Nathi-tha as she playfully pecked my left cheek.

"We finally reached the end of our relationship, that's all," I giggled.

As there confusing responses swam out of their mouth, I noticed their eyes roam all over my expression with a pitiful, but perpetual, understanding. We hadn't even crossed the road which separated the taxi rank and the neighborhood when we saw it creeping nearby. Quickly crossing into the busy street that stretched past the triplets house, the creepy Mercedes pulled up right beside us.

"Want a ride ladies? Kinda cold out here." He said after the window slid down.

"Maybe next time Mr X, we're almost home anyway," Lathi-tha firmly responded.

"I mean two sexy twins and a pretty girl getting wet, now aint that..."

"No Mr X, we don't need your ride nor your kindness," Nathi-tha's goofy grin sweetened her harsh words.

"Okay lovey, at least take this." He stuck out his big brown wallet through the window, as the silver daylight illuminated his genuine smile as her picked up a few one-hundred Rand notes amongst the fat notes which were squeezed amongst others within his pregnant wallet.

"Since you insist." Lathi-tha rolled her eyes and reached for the notes, only for him to take and kiss her hand as soon as they palms exchanged the money. Her then blew her a kiss and laughed like a horney young geezer before signalling his chauffer to pick up speed with the clap of his hands..

"You know this is just the start right, that sugar daddy will be back for more right." I spat out as I watched the Mercedes slowly shrink with distance before disappearing into traffic.

"He doesn't take no for an answer, and I don't let free money pass me by... He's loaded anyway."

"Some say he owns an Apartment in Mowbray if not Rose Bank," Nathi-tha agreed with her sister, and giggled as her eyes locked on the noted in Lathi-tha's hand.

"Either way that's no excuse for you to give birth to a Mini Mr X." My question triggered Lathi-tha's eye roll.

"Long as he'll be a naughty but present dad capable of spoiling his kid." Lathi-tha chuckled and stroked her wet hair justifiably.

"Mmmm! No way guys, that man already looks as though he has 12 kids all over this neighborhood," I nodded my head disapprovingly.

Five heartbeats later we strolled past a small intersection, and kept going straight. My hands still buried deep inside my jacket's warm pockets as we began picking up our pace and overtaking randomly-paced pedestrians as faint drizzles failed to stop Nathi-tha and Lathi-tha's blabbering, nor their inane smiles.

When we reached their house and entered their yard and I saw them release their sexy bodies from their long puffy jackets as we stood before their door. It was when I stepped in and turned around to close the door when I suddenly saw a familiar figure for the second time. It was a guy wearing a white mask, orange overalls and big black Timberlake's. "Maybe he too had been invited," I thought to myself as I saw him wave at at me from across the road, a packet of chips in his other hand, I could tell that he was smiling at me from behind his mask, with his true intentions hidden in the distance too.  It was then when I suddenly looked away when my intuition told me to look back again, when I suddenly saw the mysterious figure vanish as at the passing of a speeding Toyota Quantum.

Looking back and walking into the packed house, a sense of warmth covered me as I giggled and nodded to the positive vibes which surrounded me. Music was playing all over, and Nathi-tha and Lathi-tha had already disappeared into the the small scattered crowd of partying peeps before I could even tell them about the figure. His thoughts crept into the back of my head and slowly barged through other formidable thoughts of mine. His creepiness had truly awakened the uncomfortable chills which were still running all over my skin. I hadn't even fully digested the moment, especially how fast he vanished in a span of a heartbeat. Something didn't quite make sense.

"Maybe its Jordan;" the thought which calmed me down as I walked into the lounge once again, dodging several bottles on the floor, while sliding past several students whose souls seemed to be vibrating to the beat; judging by how swiftly their bodies moved to the rhythm. The girls wearing short, tight, if not transparent tops and skirts. Boys rocking their skinny jeans and and loose colourful shirts; just as Yathi-tha had described, and wanted. Seems like the weather had no threshhold in the house. I felt naked too at that moment, as though I had just walked into a night club. Feeling more and more nude by the second while taking off  my long cardigan jacket. Guess this was what to expect on the last party dedicated to the June Holiday, for only a few days were left before dawn of our return to class, lecturers waiting to serve us with knowledge, assignment, projects and exams.

I just wore my favourite smile as i slightly swayed to the beat while walking past the untraceable laughters and giggles which echoed through the lounge, others continuing to dance, while others stopped to join the clichés of students preoccupied with trivial matters. Some faces I recognized, some faces I could not. Some laughing like wild geese while others' breath reeked of alcohol and wine. That was when Yathi-tha pulled me through a fog of smoke before I sat with them near the window. Around the same table that had been used for my case against Cassidy and Zoey.

"Nice outfit, I like your..." said one of the three guys which sat on that table

His voice was lost in the music and the noise but I managed to read his lips as I made my way to sit down, just before I glanced towards Lathi-tha and Nathi-tha who were staring at me too. Their eyes were narrowed at mine as they moved their shoulders vigorously yet gracefully to Dua lipa's song, despite the Russian bear bottles that were in their hands; as they both whined to this muscular guy who seemed to be loosening the buttons to his shirt.

Before I knew it I too had filled my lungs with sweet smoke and left my tongue brushing alcohol against my teeth as I sat between a handsome guy and Lathi-tha. The same guy whose face was hidden by the smoke he was blowing out, as I remembered him to be the same guy I'd always seen on Yathi-tha's posts. Quite frankly, his tight unbuttoned shirt showed the rigidity of his arms, and big arms were one of the things which I'd always loved about a guy. His six pack wasn't bad either.

Deep down I desperately wanted to kiss him and savor his taste. He was even more muscular than Jordan and the desire to kiss him had gripped me, leaving a sense of guilt etched upon my soul, and engraved across my breasts. All until he pulled my chin and gaze towards him, wiped the wine off my cheeks with his thumb and also wiped away my inability to resist his good, tempting looks.

"Yathi-tha will kill you if you keep playing with him like that," said Lathi-tha as she kissed my cheek.

So I grabbed the hookah pipe from his hands before blowing out some smoke towards Lathi-tha, jiust before she pulled my arm towards a group of couples which were also dancing near the TV, not so far from the table. That's when Lathi-tha began dancing with me and forced me to indulge in her whining, as she slowly shook and pressed her butt against me. I can't believe that I actually enjoyed spanking it. She was just setting an example of how other bootilicious girls should twerk, while also adding to the intimate flavor of the house party. Everytime I huffed and puffed contently from a nearby pipe, I would remind myself that there was nothing wrong with enjoying spanking her big buttocks.

We soon sat down to take a breather and as he whispered some words I leaned towards him while intending to place a warm, heartfelt kiss on his shaved and smooth cheek, just beside his grin. Yet, with  a slight brutal movement of of the head, he nimbly turned and intercepted my lips with his pretty moist plump ones which I soon braced and covered with mine, before leaving them smudged with hints of my pink lipstick. Just before I squirmed away and pealed into a peal of laughter, inciting Lathi-tha and her friends ratchet giggles, in time for Yathi-tha's return to the table.

A tipsy smile played about my lips as my heavy eyes pierced through the cloud of smoke, past the bottles on the table, only to find Nathi-tha and her boyfriend secretly touching each other more intently and passionately, knocking other couples as they danced more hungrily and passionately than before.

"There's something I need to tell you," said Lathi-tha as her strawberry breath jumped into my nostrils, her eyes smiling at mine from beneath her long lashes and leaving me deeply immersed in wild, speculative thoughts.

"Can't it wait though," I whispered impetuously, as her contagious smile infected me, thoughts of my next Jordan secretly pulled the strings to my smile.

Submitting to her hand on my ribs, I soon let her jump onto my with a husky, but sweet, breath. Encircling her hands around my neck as she pressed her lower arms against my bosoms, Lathi-tha's succulent lips then injected a lustful craving into my mouth. Within a single heartbeat she then got off my lips and dispersed into the smoke and crowd, leaving my tongue with a bitter-sweet flavor of guilt which i soon washed down by savoring some sour Jack Daniels. Her friend then slid close, her naughty eyes whispering at mine as she passed me the pipe.

Her barely audible whisper seemingly drowned in the loud music, her words also blocked by and hidden in the the smoke that dived out her nostrils. She watched me persistently pull its smoke until it was on the brink of fully colonizing my lungs, while her short braids brushed her shoulders as she swayed gracefully to the song's rhythm.

It was then when I finally stood up; my sight blurry, feet heavy, throat burning and went after Lathi. Almost slipping on an empty bottle as I slid past some nearly drunk students towards the dimly lit passage, where one door stood out in particular as some light crawled out from beneath it and illuminated the bottom end of the passage, as well as some students making out while about 2 seemed passed out on the floor. I slowly dawdled towards it, wondering what awaited me there, It was her room after all. Once inside, she languidly blew me a kiss and shuffled towards me with her pink nightgown on just before she  dominantly ambushed me and drowned my words with playful, hungry kisses which only quickened my pulse. My conscience drowned as her tongue made my heart stirred with surging possibilities. As her kisses ardently gained passion, a twinge of adrenaline shot into my veins and made me return them eagerly and fervently.

My heart was now banging against my ribcage, pounding at my punching bag of guilt as my hands instinctively ran all over her morning gown and removed it. Her hands fumbling all over my body whilst praisingly caressing my womanly curves and skin with her long nails. I couldn't help but enjoy those kisses, as I grabbed her butt and nibbled her bottom lip, whilst also trying to suck out the answers that only the night would soon unravel. Her hands slowly running down my belly in a soft caress that ended on my panties.

That's when she dragged it and pulled it, and my  fearful mind, towards the bed. She then switched off the lights before her solid, curvy silhouette came towards me. I could feel my clitoris exploding with bubbles of excitement when she slowly held my hands down with hers before kissing me from  my lips to  my belly button before nibbling my nipples in a way that made me squeal with thrill as well as excitement. I now wanted to lick her breasts too, but i was held beneath her. Her thin thighs were soon planted between my one, as her tongue slowly slid down my belly towards my vagina. Her nails and tongues proved to be the perfect combo at making me squirm, and soon I was grabbing her afro, craving for more of her tongue magic as I felt as though I was about to squirt. Her longs nails gently nursing my clit as her tongue turned, twisted and twirled within my vulva, making my hips swat to my moans.

It was in that very sexual, and sensational moment, as I grabbed and squeezed my own breasts to cope with the surfeit of pleasure when the door slid open and three figures emerged and hit the light switch. I looked up and found a girl with a pretty shocked facial expression.

Lathi-tha then picked up her night gown and rushed to the door, where I soon heard an argument out sound the music before a loud smack, or clap, made the witnesses gasp loudly. That's when I heard Lathi-tha saying, "I kiss and touch whoever I want, you don't own me Lovey," and arousing childish chants and claps echo in the hallway. That's when I grabbed the nearby fleece and wrapped it around my nudity and rushed to the door. I saw the cute girl blabbing and desperately yelling at Lathi-tha just before she tried to kiss her, only for Lathi-tha to sting her cheek with another bitch slap  that quickly silenced her. A slap that made her rub her palms to the searing cheek at tears welled in her eyes just before she pushed Lathi-tha and walked away.

Seems as though that slap had also silenced the by-standers like a slap to their mouths, except for her two sisters whose lips were mumbling in defiance as they rushed behind this girl, their hands on her shoulder as they gave her their support.

"Oh My!" Lathi-tha is so..." the thought that came into mind as the sound of her abusive slap replayed in my mind, her slap playing behind my eye lids with every wink I took, making me slam the door closed before sliding into bed. As I hung under the dark warmth of the thick duvet, I could still see the tears of the cute girl sliding down her cheeks, making me realize that Lathi was both a lovely womanizer and a monster. Momentarily, I drew a shuddering breath, grateful to the Lord that the moment was finally over; even though I could still feel the sensation of her lips crawling between my breasts before bracing and nibbling my nipples, every painful little tickle intact.

My private parts were still craving for her tongue and nails, when suddenly the door slid open again, and I stuck my head out the blanket only to see her. Her eyes peering down to me, as she enticingly sniggered  at me before slowly closing the door behind her and switching off the light. Her silhouette figure both scared and aroused me as it walked towards me, releasing her morning gown before giggling and pulling my blanket away...