Feeding Time At The Zoo

The sparkling metal chains tying me to the cold marble floor were incredibly tight, but in front of me stood almost every 'noble' person in Titan's Reach. They were queuing up to inspect Skargar's latest prize.

'You harm any of us, your friends all die. It's that simple, Jake.' That's what he'd told me a few minutes earlier. It was the man's only bargaining chip against me, and after what I'd seen him do already, I had no choice but to take his threat seriously.

Skargar wouldn't let his guests get too close, though; no doubt planning to use the restricted access to add more mystery and intrigue to the grand unveiling tomorrow. They'd show up to every game now, if only for a chance to see what else I could do.

'Show them.' He muttered at my shoulder, frowning when I didn't comply as quickly as he'd hoped.

I wanted to make him look bad, but decided against it in the end. I closed my eyes, allowing my thoughts to gather, and when I opened them, my leering observers seemed to jump. I couldn't help but smile as the glistening white tiger I'd just conjured swiped at them, only to disappear right away.

'I demand his head, Skargar!' One woman roared, her dangling gold earrings jingling as she leapt towards me. 'I will not tolerate such insubordination from a foolish slave.'

'Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You'll see more in tomorrow's game.' Skargar promised, apologising profusely, and bowing to his guests one final time.

After they had left, the man turned back around, standing mere inches away from my face. So close, I could bite his nose off if I wanted to. 'I suppose you thought that was clever? Just remember, you brought this on yourself. Guards!'

By the time I arrived back at the cell where the rest of the Rimeholde Raiders were sat impatiently awaiting my return, it was pitch black outside. I didn't know what time it was exactly, only that we would have to get some sleep if we wanted to be at our best for the game.

I tried to wander towards the dark corner at the far side of the room, but Alistair and Baltar blocked my path, bombarding me with a myriad of questions.

'I knew there was something special about you; having access to magic when no one else does. How is such a thing possible?' Baltar demanded.

I didn't feel up to explaining anything to them, but as I looked at their desperate faces, I knew I'd have to say something sooner rather than later. Getting them to believe me was going to be the challenge, though.

'I'm from another world, a place much different to this, a paradise, almost.' I shrugged, noticing that everyone else was listening in too. I couldn't stop now; I told them everything. We'd even discussed Brockwing Vale's magical water, and then I watched as their eyes widened in shock at the mention of Nightmouth and what he'd done to the world of Runazia. They had no trouble believing me about the last part.

'I was at that game when you all arrived,' Scarlet Yunae announced. She was on the team's substitute list. 'The damage that thing caused was catastrophic, and it was here for less than an hour. I can only imagine the havoc it wreaked upon this other world, having as much free time as it did.'

'It was horrible,' I agreed. 'Wait, you said you were there? How?'

Yunae sighed. 'I was watching the game with my daughter, she... didn't make it. When I demanded an explanation from the guards for what had happened, they threw me in with the other prisoners.'

'I'm so sorry.'

She just shrugged. 'I'm here now.'

Baltar had been waiting to get a word in. 'You can save everyone now, Jake! Take us all to one of those other worlds.'

'You know I can't risk my friends lives like that!'

Baltar punched the wall, dislodging one of the loose stones. 'They're going to die if you don't help them!'

'That's not fair!' I yell back.

'Jake, he's not wrong,' Molly held up her hand, forestalling any further comment from me. 'Listen, please. I told you I played Runeball. What I didn't tell you was, I'd played it for years before being imprisoned. Time must work differently here to how it does on these other worlds of yours.'

'So, you're saying that Nightmouth may well have had months, or even years to find another way out?'

She nodded.

There wasn't any other choice then. 'How do we do this? You know as well as I do, if I were to attack Skargar and the other members of the Leadership, the people we love would be killed long before we got close enough to rescue them.'

Sameth looked thoughtful. 'We need reinforcements. I suggest we see who we're playing against in tomorrow's game.'

Alistair grinned. 'My brethren do love a good fight; I know they'll help us.'

I smiled back. 'Teams usually have at least one Giant, right?'

'They sure do.'

We had part of a plan; not everyone seemed happy though. Baltar wanted to act now, as did some of the others. One or two of the players didn't endorse any action at all, instead, looking away as we spoke about the prospect of violence. They were no doubt under the delusion that Skargar could not be defeated; we would have to convince them otherwise.

The Sun's raise beamed through the eastern window of our cell; the tiny square opening was allowing through just enough light to let us know it was morning. Twelve sets of badly battered armour sat in front of our beds, looking like they'd been removed from the bodies of the dead. It didn't take long to enchant them as I had done last time, not with Sameth helping me. He seemed to be impressed by the idea, marvelling as dozens of elements became entwined with the otherwise ordinary-looking equipment. Plus, seeing the stern-faced Elf smile for a change was something worth witnessing.

The guards ushered us outside; we were going to be playing on the same pitch that we had last trained on it seemed. This tiny piece of wisdom was all that Skargar wished to bestow upon us, though.

At least we'll be marginally familiar with the layout of the grounds. I told myself.

'Gooooood morning Runeball fans.' Belgrin announced cheerily.

'It sure is,' Gretta replied with just as much enthusiasm. 'I'm surprised we have any fans left after that last game, though-'

Gretta stopped speaking as Skargar fired his pistol at the screen of the commentator's box; the reinforced glass seeming to crack in several places around the webbed fracture at its centre.

'W-what do we h-have here?' She stuttered, trying to change the topic.

'It's the Rimeholde Raiders, Gretta, and they appear to be playing with an entirely different team!'

'Except for Baltar Greathoof, and Jake Goodwin... Wait, what's he doing?' She asked to the collective gasp of the crowd.

I summoned all of my strength there, and then; I couldn't afford to risk my magic, not working when I needed it most. I glanced over the team as they marched beside me in silence, thinking that I'd never seen a more confident looking group of people.

Belgrin cheered a little himself, howling and whooping with his voice carrying throughout the stadium. 'Oh, I think we're in for a treat today, Gretta!'