
'Keep your damn voice down!' Reid barked, turning to smile at us again as she tried to reign in her temper.

'Another part of the visitor experience?' I ask ruefully.

She wasn't laughing, though. 'I wish. Someone has broken into one of the enclosures on the Carnivorous Trail.'

I seemed to recall that she'd found us in a similar predicament. 'Do you know who did it?'

She shook her head. 'So signs of the culprit, perhaps you'd like to take a look with me?'

Something didn't feel right; you don't send clueless visitors to investigate a damned murder. I frowned, hoping she wasn't watching me. 'I think I'll pass; I'm not a Detective, Zookeeper Reid.'

She rolled her eyes. 'The Chama Patrol are on their way; they'll be at least an hour though.'

Asher frowned, unsure whether to laugh or cry. 'Don't the Chama, usually deal with rowdy visitors and the occasional theft?'

Reid nodded. 'Sure, but throughout the past several months, we've needed them to deal with much more.'