Otterly Adorable

'Where's everyone at?' I ask.

Asher smiled. 'They're around. Said they would check out the other trails while they waited for me to get you.'

I felt something brush up against my leg, and as soon as I noticed them, they began squealing. A romp of Otters, running around and jumping on top of each other as they demanded our attention.

'You should be in the Carnivorous Trail,' Asher said, opening a portal and guiding them through. Two seemed to backtrack at the last moment, though, sidestepping the rift and bolting off down another path.

'What's down that way?'

Asher grimaced. 'Aquarium.'

'Of course, it is.' I laughed. Fish were often at the top of an Otter's meal plan, and they were about to have a buffet.

I couldn't help but admire the billboard hanging above the main entrance; it had a blue backdrop, with schools of tropical fish swimming at the forefront. Each one with big cartoon eyes and buck teeth; if the idea was to make them look cute, they had failed miserably.