A Realm In Need

'One-minute Reid's behaving like a monster; truly the worst human being I've ever met, then she's helpful. And now, she's back to her old self again. I don't know about you, but I think we need to find that Zookeeper and have a nice, friendly chat.'

Asher nodded. 'Reid's probably back in the keeper's den by now.'

'What's that?' I ask.

'Come on; I'll show you.'

'Wait, there's something that's got me baffled,' I gestured to the lower Valley again. 'The animals keep wandering into those buildings, but I was informed that the entire area floods on occasion. Aren't you worried about their safety?'

Asher looked smug. 'It's an early warning system. When we see the animals heading for shelter, we know that a bad storm is coming,' he saw my reaction. 'Relax, they're safe, look, see that.' He pointed.