Erodin Forest

'Fear not; Exarch Blackoak wants us alive. Otherwise, he'd have picked you all off.' Maya whispered.

'Let them go, you bastard, it's me you want.'

'Not this time, Maya. I've been promised great rewards if I hand the five of you over to that creepy ass man people are calling Nightmouth.'

'Blackoak's not even mind-controlled.'

Maya nodded. 'He'll do anything so long as he gets paid, Jake.'


In my bubbling fury, I hadn't even realised Maya was silently counting down from ten until she yelled the last few digits. 'Three, two, one... Get down!'

We did as we were told, though diving for cover in a bog was easier said than done. 

The instant his vines began to recede, Maya hurled several 'Pyro Lances' at them and then a few afterwards just for good measure. The bog was already starting to harden, making our movement a little easier.


'Abominable Transmutation!'