The Deceiver

The outside of the temple seemed quiet enough, and by the time I'd flown around to the front, I saw that the airship construction was well underway. Its bottom half was already starting to look like the hull of a sea-faring vessel while the sides slowly knitted themselves together. It was quite satisfying to watch.

I don't see any problems here.

Go inside, Jake. I hope I'm wrong.

I approached the building entrance from the side, having landed a short distance away. I was practically crawling up the last few steps to avoid detection, but still, nothing seemed out of place. Then right before I walked through the doorway, I pulled myself back. The strange Elf who'd neglected to mention his name was talking to someone, though he was alone in the hall.

Dammitt, I should have known he was one of Nightmouth's puppets!

Well, I didn't suspect him either, and I possess the wisdom from having lived for ten thousand years.