It Could Always Be Worse

'That's Jasper Farhorne.'

Hilgarda was staring out at the Manuari hosts. 'I'm assuming you mean the leader of this particular group?'

I nodded. 'After Jasper went missing, we assumed he'd died or that Nightmouth, his creation, had gotten to him.'

'And now he's here, yet another victim of the Manuari.'

I set Dauntless on a starboard heading, turning away from the enemy. 'We won't stand a chance if we face them all at once. Dammit, I want to believe so badly that this wasn't a trap, but those bastards were waiting for us.'

Hilgarda was frantically scrolling through instrument readouts on her tablet. 'I can't tell where we're going, but if I had to guess, I'd say we were entering the area behind those void barriers.'

'Were we followed?'

She cursed in Uvaaaru. 'The last readings taken by Dauntless showed the Manuari on the move, but they stopped at the last minute.'