
We couldn't trust that the docking bridge would last much longer, so we both flew instead. Then there was a mechanical hiss from behind as Icarus continued to pull away.

'Those bastards are behind this.'

'We're nearly there, Maya, come on,' I must have jinxed it because the hatch seal broke on Dauntless's side, and suddenly, the ship was open to the elements. 'Claustra Omnia.' 

The Harpie smiled after realising she was safe; I'd even secured Dauntless, for the time being, and all seemed to be looking up until the opposite end of the docking bridge broke off too. As I turned, I saw pieces of Icarus breaking apart. Her old age was telling as brittle metal fractured under stress.

'Those people were asses, but I doubt they'd willingly do that to the ship.'

'Unless there was more than one Manuari onboard, Maya.' 

She shrieked. 'We should have checked before leaving.'