One Chance

The projection of the Manuari didn't want to leave, and yet it wouldn't say a word. 'Why program a recording like this?'

'Why not?' The real Manuari fired back. 'Why must a person deliver such pleasant-sounding rhetoric to be worthy of remembrance?'

'You're right. So, who is it we remember this day?'

'Graone, leader of our people, or what's left of them.'

'Aren't their billions of you?'

The Manuari sighed. 'Who told you that? The Ingarans?'

'Pretty much everyone I've spoken to has told me that, including your species.'

'Propaganda is a useful morale tool, Jake Goodwin, even to employ against ourselves. And as you put it earlier, the Ingaran's are divided and giving them a 'big bad enemy' to fear united them for a while,' it sighed again. 'You'll find there are a few hundred thousand of us at most.'