Every Portal Has a Downside

'You may be quick and free, but you'll forever be hungry and without glee.' 

'What the hell does that mean, Jake?' 

'I don't know, Asher. I've just read it to you.'

'The next inscription's even worse,' Cali rested her hand on the top of the stone. 'After jumping through this portal, you'll become displaced in time, or will you?'

Asher snorted. 'I don't think I'll select that one then.'

'Over here,' Sameth was stood on the opposite side. 'Look, this clue is written in Ingaran.'

'Usque ad locum, Sina vita,' I read aloud. 'To the place without life; yeah, let's avoid that portal as well if we can.'

'You are lost, you are broken, but given time, you can be reborn.' 

Cali shook her head at me. 'Not a single one of these clues sounds pleasant.'

I shrugged. 'When creating a puzzle, you'd want the participants to struggle, not obtain every correct answer with ease.'