Refurbished, But Like New

We weren't prepared to contact our Icarus representative; even if we knew how to, nothing good could come of that conversation, especially not now.

We need to get in there, and the only thing standing in our way is an insane, overpowered Ingaran. What's your little friend telling you this time?

Make fun all you want, Cali. What I do know is, we need to take Butland down quietly, without killing him.  Follow my lead.


I approached the Ingaran before Cali could talk me out of it, and he was already wagging his near-conical fingernail. 'I told you, without permission, I cannot let you inside.'

'Relax, we have it right... Cleebahooray.' I'd only noticed the two Overseers skulking behind me by accident, their movements as silent as Avrae's currently were. But I cast the spell from both hands for maximum effect. Something was wrong, though; my barrier was fading. Claustra Omnia.