The Beta Rays Are Boarding

Carting all of our equipment up and out of the bridge hatch proved to be a nightmare. 'We could call for help.'

'No, if our guitarist friends wanted to assist us, they'd have come back inside by now. They'll wait out there, safe in their assumptions that the airship can't go anywhere else.'

'Couldn't we open a portal?' Asher asked, plainly wondering why I hadn't suggested it yet.

Fortunately, Rac answered before I had to. 'We don't know what other effects their warding magic will have on a portal, and we're clamped, so Dauntless won't be going anywhere without having chunks of metal ripped out of the hull.'

'Levo Omnia.'

'Whoah!' Rac yelled, floating out of his seat.

'Damn, I'm sorry. That was meant for the musical instruments, not you.' I shut off the spell, this time casting it upon each separate piece of equipment before guiding them out the bridge access door.