No Honour Amongst Traders

As soon as the Conductor had said it, I started to feel as though my skin no longer fit. But my reflection in the train window revealed nothing to be out of place, though.

'You're too easy,' the Conductor roared. 'Hurry and take your guitar before you're forced to leave it behind. Everyone else has taken their instruments already.'

Of course, they had; that's why my guitar was bouncing from top to bottom and side to side in a fit of rage, with every cord being one of angry strumming. So I picked it up and slung the strap over my shoulder.

'Everything alright?' Cali asked, having waited for me a short distance away with Bruno at her side.

I was still staring at the tinted glass and massaging the skin under my eyes. 'Yeah,' I answer, staggering backwards as the Doom Train shot away, although there was no slow build-up with the mysterious engine this time. 'Yeah.' I repeated, trying to convince myself as much as her.