Fear Eaters

Sameth dove to the ground to avoid the blaster fire that was sure to be headed his way. And he'd called it right; as the popping sounds grew louder and more frequent, so too did Gimble's screaming.

Trader Klaren was now torn between the search for the invisible monster and neutralising us as a threat. Fortunately, he'd wasted too much time dwelling on that dilemma. And before he could realise his mistake, he slumped forward, his hands proving to be flimsy protection as something struck his stomach to send him skidding across the bumpy ravine.

'Claustra Omnia.' I didn't want to risk the chance of the same thing hitting us, but then another Elf was knocked out the way. It seemed Gimble saw the danger and had chosen to confront it.

'Dammit!' The other Elf cursed. 'We need reinforcements!'