Can't See Me

Did you know you were naked?

Yes, Vultorn, but I don't have the luxury of time to conjure a new pair of clothes.

The summon laughed. Then might I suggest casting Indespectus?

I had to stop myself from sighing, so I closed my eyes. Vultorn, your last advice got me in a lot of trouble, and that's putting it mildly. So, I hope you take no offence when I say no thank you.

Okay, good luck.

The ship's deck was crawling with hundreds of Black Suns and pirates. And as Dauntless approached at speed, angry fists slammed against wood and metal to echo the sounds of their war drum. And anyone who wasn't near the hull beat on their chests instead with just as much force. Frightening chants aside, there were too many to take on alone.

Vultorn, am I going to regret trusting you again?

I've been nothing but trustworthy!