Is That A Made Up Sport?

It wasn't exactly the reception for which we'd hoped. Yes, the stable ramp door was open, but only because Cleo was appeared to be struggling to round up creatures. The stablehand was out of her depth, and that was saying something. I swore; I could almost hear Rac yelling from down here before I did.

The external speakers crackled to life, but his irritation was not directed at us. 'Jake, Cali, make yourselves useful, will you? I still don't think we'll clear the ground while carrying this much weight. But, I also know that no airship would take off with its ramp open.'

I studied the situation for a second. One Kangaroo sprung into a tent, and the patchwork sheet kept moving every time its head struck the top. I wouldn't want that thing on Dauntless if I could help it.