Preparations Are Underway

I visited engineering first; I would need Maya and Butland after all. Every metallic component was curiously bone dry, and I couldn't see the swimming pool, only a partitioning wall with a sealed access hatch. Then I heard laughter swiftly followed by Bruno clawing at the door to get out.

I hesitated, though. I still wasn't quite sure how I felt about the presence of a damn swimming pool within the engineering compartment. 'This doesn't seem right.'

'Oh, just open it already,' Sameth muttered. 'Do you honestly think that Rac would have allowed its construction if it weren't safe?'

That settled it for me, for the Rachi pilot would never put Dauntless in harm's way. One could even argue that he cared more for the airship than he did for its crew, but that would be mean thinking on our part. I yanked the hatch open and inhaled deeply as the steam quickly filled my lungs, then Bruno pounced and knocked the air back out.