For All The Right Reasons

Arch-Mage Reynard licked his dry lips as he eyed the basket rim, acutely aware that Delle was likely conjuring his latest distraction.

But as Reynard crouched, extending his arms, he found nothing of the kind. The ball shot through the air to a collective gasp of surprised fans.

And as the ball swished through the net, the elite magician celebrated, jumping up and down with his brass chain-linked brooches jingling. Then he caught himself, and his smug look vanished as he noticed the other players glaring at him and Delle in horror.

'What the hell? How come this overdressed clown gets special treatment?'

Delle was amused but didn't so much as turn to face the belching troll. Instead, the manipulating Stone Golem had his attention on Reynard.

The Arch-Mage must have thought he was so clever by using the continuing uproar to his advantage, but Delle hadn't missed a beat. It was clear that the Stone Golem had counted on that.