
Chapter 3E

I heard him before I saw him

"You killed him, you actually killed him" Damon was standing right behind me, he sounded worried, I set the glass of blood down and huffed as I stood up.

He held me by my shoulders.

"Are you okay? Do you see anything, anything scary? Rats? Spiders? Enclosed spaces?" Damon was genuinely worried, I pushed his hands away from me

"Rats? Spiders? Enclosed spaces? I grew up in a house with one tiny room, enclosed spaces don't worry me, rats? I shared my food with rats, and spiders, when nature called I was in company of creepy crawlies" I huffed, breathing heavily

"I'm sorry Clarissa, tell me what is your greatest fear then?" Damon whispered,  I wanted to strangle him

"Have you still not figured it out?" I whisper shouted, to which he shook his head "Damon, the reports of a vampire hunter came from spain, france, England, countries of Europe, I called you here from America, didn't you wonder why?" Damon just shrugged at my question I carried on in a whisper "my greatest fear is being alone, being the only vampire in existence, I lived alone for three thousand years I wanted you by my side" tears ran down my face and Damon gripped me in a hug, he hugged me tight as I cried.

He apologised and I held him tight too.

I heard a groan, I sniffed and wiped away at my tears as I moved away from Damon to face the new vampire, he looked at me then using his hands to push himself on the floor he backed away from me

"You killed me" he shouted I raised an eyebrow at him "wait, you killed me" he was talking to himself now "I died but that means... oh no no no no no" he stood up now "no I can't be" he looked me dead in the eye

"You're in transition" I confirmed, with a smile "and you will drink this blood and complete the said transition, or you will die, and that will put a damper on things" I picked up the glass and offered it to him, he shook his head no, "I could compel you to drink it, you are now a vampire after all" I smiled he looked at me with anger.

"Why, why would you do this to me?"

"Drink, then I'll tell you, I'll explain everything,  but first" I offered him the glass once more, he took it, he held it in his hands just staring at it, as though something would jump out at him "I  have a proposition for you" he looked away from the glass and looked at me

"There are some vampires that kill for blood, there's no need, I dream of a world where vampires and humans live in peace" like they used to, I thought, "and you can help me achieve it" he looked at me questioningly "you see as a vampire you're emotions are heightened,  you're still a vampire hunter but you're now stronger, and faster, oh and you drink blood, all you have to do is tell vampires that they must not kill, if they do, you will kill them" he smiled at that "now, drink" I told him he, once again, looked at the glass in his hand then bought it to his lips, I smiled as he drank the whole thing in one go.

Once Steven drank the blood I compelled him to make sure he would only kill vampires after a warning, I had to make sure he wouldn't go killing every vampire in sight. Damon finally took charge and offered to stay with Steven until he was used to what was happening, I agreed a new vampire had to learn how to control himself.

Two months later Damon had returned home to America and Steven kept doing  his thing, he hadn't killed many vampires, he was quiet surprised at how vampires were good at controlling themselves, word had spread about a vampire vampire hunter, and how he would kill any vampire that killed humans for blood.

The end

Look out for next story.