Past Wounds Start To Open

As Duana entered her room she shut the door behind her and rested her daggers on her dressing table before taking off her boots and kicking them off beside her wardrobe doors.

She peeled of the layers of clothes surrounding her throwing them into a pile where she could get rid of them later.

She walked into the bathroom afterwards and started to wash off before bandaging her thigh. "That shouldn't get infected but I should keep an eye on it," Diana thought allowed before cleaning the wound on her side which already stopped bleeding.

Before she started on the two wounds on her back Diana heard knocking at the door. "One minute," she called out rapping a towel around her making sure not to bother the wounds on her back.

Opening the door a freshly bathed and treated Alex stood waiting for her. "I thought I'd help you with the wounds on your back," he explained "and don't even try to argue, otherwise I'll drag you to the medical wing myself."

"Fine," Dians replied going back in her room and sitting on the stool as Alex followed her into hervroom closing the door behind him. He began to gently clean her wounds "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," she replied nonchalantly.

"Where did you get this scar on your right shoulder? If you don't mind me asking, I noticed it last time too," he explained.

She contemplated on replying to his question or not before finally deciding. "Remember when you said once that it sounded like I didn't have a happy childhood?"

"Yes," he replied as he bandaged the first of her wounds.

"That's a scar from it," she explained recalling the memory vividly "A few years after they killed my friend I started to rebel enough so it was evident but not enough so that they could do anything about it. Until one day around the time I turnt eight, I snuck out the palace. I'd done it before but this time was different I wasn't prepared for what I'd find. The day itself went fine, I loved my time in town exploring and feeling less like a prisoner even for a second."

Diana paused remembering the bliss that day brought her before it all went up in flames. As she recalled this she ran her thumb over the silver pheonix birthmark on her left wrist. "Then that night I smelt smoke and followed it to where I found an orphanage a flame. The screams and crys of children filling the air as if on pure instinct I ran into the burning building and saved as many children as I could but that still wasn't enough. One hundred and twenty children resided within those walls with only ninety five coming out alive seven of which later died of severe burn injuries or smoke inhulation. Another twelve were left with life defying injuries and seven had wounds that would never heal."

Alex just listened as he cleaned her wounds unable to speak as he heard her story. "When I returned to the castle I was covered in soot, my cheeks streaked with tears and inside my room waiting there were those two hanious monsters that dare call themselves my parents." Alex began to pack away the medical supplies as she continued "Before I ever even spoke my...farther said 'what a pity those children suffered because of your mistakes,' and before I could even react my....mother came up behind me and sliced my right shoulder. Then they left me their in pain saying it was all my fault and that scar is a reminder of that day."

"I'm sorry Diana you didn't deserve that," Alex said a hint of sorrow in his voice.

"Don't be I'll make them pay for it so those children can finally have the justice they deserve," she declared her voice firm but sorrow filled her eyes as a few tears trickled down her face.

Before she could wipe them away Alex was there doing it for her his ruby eyes pouring into hers.

"Well when you do I'll be by your side to help you," his eyes as clear as diamonds no hint of hesitation clouding them their depths as endless as the sky above. "Good night Diana get some rest." With those last words he left her room closing the door behind him.

Entering her walk in wardrobe putting her boots away before finding a rouge nightgown witch ends before reaching the top of her knee. As she walked out of the wardrobe and curled up in bed the sheets wrapping around her like a cloud.

Soon she drifted of to sleep but soon awoke in a cold sweat the nightmares images burning into her eyes.

She got out off bed and got changed 'I must have been asleep for awhile,' she thought as the sun was beginning to rise once again over the horizon. She slid her daggers into her boots and put on her belt her swords hanging at her sides.

Dianas feet carried her to the training ground where she picked a blush red apple from the tree and sat in its branches watching the sunrise painting the sky. After an hour or two she jumped down from the tree and began to spar.

Her swords slicing through the air as the rustling of the trees and only a few far of voices could be heard as she trained the light of the sun dancing of her sword. Leaves circling around her as they dance upon the breeze.

'Diana, you always have to be so strong for everyone else but never for yourself. You try to shut everyone out but all you do is hurt yourself.' The man thought as he watched her train from a nearby balcony sighing inwardly as he thought over everything.