School ***Sebastian's POV***

"Hey" I said and looked at my shoes, I had no idea how she felt about what I did yesterday. I ran my fingers through my hair nervously and still staring at my shoes. She mumbled something but I didn't hear her

"Hi" she said and stepped aside while I walked in

"So---" I trailed and looked at her "about yesterday I'm"I tried to apologize but she stopped me

"Please do not try to remind me of that. You can sit" she said quickly and pointed to the couch "I will go grab my bag" she said and dashed up the stairs

I scanned the living room with my eyes. My eyes stopped and I stared at the pictures hanging on the wall. There was one turned to face the wall and the pictures of only Kesha and her mom hung loosely on the wall.

'Did she never had a dad?' I asked myself and walked to a picture of a younger version of Kesha. She looked so happy and innocent with thick trimmed glasses and her hair in a ponytail. She looked like a book geek. Her blue eyes were sparkling in the picture making her more beautiful. I wonder what she would look like if she smiled.

My fingers touched the turned picture lightly, curiosity threatening my moves. She cleared her throat and I turned to look at her. I'm sure I looked like a kid who was caught doing something he wasn't meant to do. At this moment I feel like that kid

"I'm" she cut me off before I could speak and cocked her brow

"That is not the chair" she said and grabbed her phone. I followed her quickly as she led us outside, she stared at the car parked down the street, it looked familiar

"Let's go?" I asked her, she looked at me and nodded

When we got to school, she was reluctant to come down from the car. Princeton's students were walking to the school building while others where doing whatever they wanted. She doesn't want to be seen with me, it hurts but I understand, Chelsea never wanted me to be seen with her in school after her friends spread rumours about our break up. Our relationship was a secret after that

I opened my car and hopped out. Surprisingly, she did the same. Before we got to her locker, our pictures were everywhere and rumours spread that we she actually fucked me.

She shrugged at all the attention she was getting but to me,  it felt like she wanted to disappear, I kinda found out she hated when people stared at her. I stayed beside her while she took out her history note, I could feel her anger radiating. She looked at me with a murderous look that only invited more attention. They formed small group pretending to not listen to our conversation but I know they were interested in it. I didn't think she would be upset, I should have thought this through, I held my bag strap tighter and laughed nervously

She tilted her head to look at someone behind me who had an over excited squeal. I turned and met her 'only friend' if that's possible

"Hey buddy"she said to me grinning

"Hi" I replied not sure what to say

"I can't believe you fucked him, you said you wouldn't. I told you he was handsome" Regina said to Kesha and nudged my side

"He is not handsome, I have seen more hotter boys, people more handsome than he is and NO I did not fuck him. He is an idiot" kesha said. They spoke and tuned me out like I wasn't there.

The students moved there gaze to who ever spoke ready for gossip

"But the student news" Regina said whining

"I do not know what to say to you. I have told you countless times to listen to me not the school news. My name is there every week, recordar" Kesha said with a frown etched on her pink lips. They make me want to kiss them again

Last night was amazing, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. I was happy she kissed me, I wanted it to last longer but she had to pull away. "Snap out of it Seb, you have a girlfriend who loves you" my subconscious reminded me, but Chelsea's kiss never sent sparks and it never made me feel this way, I want to kiss her again" I thought but of course my subconscious spoilt the moment reminding me of Chelsea again.

The bell rang and everyone started moving to class, I ran to my locker, shoved my bag in it and grabbed my history note and ran down the hall before the second bell rang

During the lunck break, I wanted to go to the cafeteria but I was summoned to  the principal's office. I sound like Merlin being summoned by the Dragon. I laughed at my own thoughts and went to the cafeteria

My eyes scanned the room for my orange head, I didn't find her, she wasn't here yet. I moved to the lunch lady with a grin

"There's no cheesecake left" she said

"How's that possible, kesha won't be happy about that, I'm not happy about that" I replied

"Kesha has the last slice, if that's all please step aside" she said politely. I moved and scanned for my orange head again and there she was alone with Regina, she pulled a beanie of her head and continued her conversation

I grabbed a bag of ships from the snack machine and moved to her booth "hey" I said to her friend who welcomed me to the booth while kesha killed us mentally

"Stay away from me, why are you in our booth and stop talking to me, just pretend I do not exist" kesha said

"I will have to talk to you to answer your questions. And I can't pretend you don't exist when we" she looked at me and I realized her friend didn't know we were neighbours "attend the same school, share classes and we are in the same booth" I added while her friend giggled at Kesha's face

"No-one invited you to the booth" she said

"Technically, Regina invited me to the booth" I said and munched my chips

She groaned and stomped her feet on the ground and left the booth calling Regina to follow her

"You are the first person to render her speechless. She always has a comeback" her friend said happily. "Regina!" Kesha called and Regina moved her giggling self to meet her annoyed friend

'That's a record' i said and smiled remembering her annoyed face, I have never seen her annoyed. She's either angry or has no mood but today she actually stomped like a child throwing a tantrum. I brought out her cute baby side

I waited for her by my car after school, I knew she would easily catch a ride with Regina but I waited anyway. Kesha and Regina walked out and hugged each other and went different ways

Kesha stopped and stared at me, she just remembered I brought her to school, I smirked when she walked my way. "Hi" I said adding to my achievements with an award winning smile, she ignored me and walked to the passenger side, I unlocked the doors and she hopped in. I did the same and turned  on the ignition and my baby roared to life

I opened my mouth to talk but she stopped me. "Do not think about talking to me" she ordered in a warning tone. We drove home in an awkward silence. She murmured a thank you, it still surprises me although i have heard it thrice or four time, I don't know!

Now I have to pretend like I want to ignore her. I drove home and moved to my room