Date with Seb ***Kesha's POV***

I groaned in my bed, my mom made sure she woke me up bright and early to get ready for my date. Who wakes a child at 8 am on Saturday.  It is one day I do not have to wake up by 6am but mom decides I should get ready for hours before my date. I have successfully avoided her for two hours

"Kesha!!!" Her always cheery voice called out to me

"What do you want mom?" I asked completing the statement with a loud groan

"It's almost ten get ready for your date" she said opening my door slightly and peeping through the tiny space

"Stop doing that mom, if you are going to come in then come in" I said and groaned for the third time today. The day just started and it is already painful

"Go get ready, he will be here by twelve" she said and walked  to my bed. I stretched out my limbs occupying the whole bed leaving no space for her. I stuck out my tongue at her and cuddled my pillow. She pinched me and I yelped, creating enough room for her to sit

"Mom I have two hours and it is not a date" I said laying emphasis on the date

"Then what is it?" She asked

"Just two strangers going to a soccer game, one to play while the other to sit there and do nothing, cause you know I hate crowds. School is already painful enough" I said and sat on the edge of the bed with my mother

"He is not your friend?" She asked. I turned to look at her and placed my head on her right shoulder. "No mom, Regina is already a pain in the ass. I do not want any more problems" I said staring at nothing but just staring

"Are you ever going to move on?" She asked with a saddened tone. I hated myself right now, I have done everything I could do for four years to make sure my mother was never sad but today she asked me about the only person I hated

"I have moved on mom" I assured her, I reminded her that I had Regina and that was all I actually every needed.

"You can make me smile" she said with a vulnerability in her eyes. I know this look, she is about to make me do something I am going to hate "Have another friend" she pleaded with her gold eyes staring into my blue ones.

"No mom" I dismissed the conversation and ran into the bathroom. "I told you to get ready two hours ago but you would not listen to me, now you have thirty minutes to prepare. Be back by dinner" she said and I heard my door close

After I took my bath, I stared at my wardrobe, what do you wear to a place like that. I tried different outfits, they were either making look over dressed or under dressed. I slumped down in my bed sighing in defeat, I hate being in a position where I cannot decide what happens next.

The door bell rang and my mom yelled to tell me Sebastian was here. I wore faded blue jeans and a red crop top, I grabbed my blue sweat shirt, wore red vans and rolled my hair in my messy bun

"I probably look so awkward" I whispered to myself and walked down to living room

"Hey" Sebastian said walking into the living room from the patio

"Hi" I said grabbing my keys and my phone

"I am driving, no need to take your car" he said

"What if I get angry and decide to ditch you" I asked him, knowing myself

"Then you can take my car and leave me stranded" he said and tried to take my keys

"Let the boy drive you to the game niña" my mom said walking out of the kitchen and i saw Sebastian's eye lit up with amusement

"I am not a child" i said and dropped the keys

"You look amazing "my mom said reading my insecurity, I walked over to her and pecked her forehead and left the house with Sebastian to the stupid game

We got there quite early, it was 1pm and people were literally just hanging around "When does the game start?" I asked slightly confused

"3" Sebastian deadpanned and I felt like snapping his neck in two "Are you crazy? Why did you bring me here so early?" I asked, he shrugged and dragged me to a table to get pizza

"Are you for real, where are the you guys playing the game" I said taking in my surrounding and it looked nothing like a soccer field

"It's a thirty minute drive from here, we just want to hang out before we go. We can live by 2 and I can go practice before the game. Someone seems to care" Sebastian teased my angry glare

"I need a knife" I told him. He turned to look at me, shocked at why i should need a knife "Why?" He asked raising his left eyebrow

Before I could say anything some boys from school came and they bumped fist with each other, I was irritated by the close up group, i think it radiated so much they backed away after bumping fist. I noticed more players were coming towards him, I carried on with my answer

"To cut your balls off and make sure you never have children" I said with a fake smile. The boys stood still and stared at Sebastian

"That was" a team member paused "protect your kids bro" he added and they left

"I think we have had enough fun" Sebastian said and we drove to the game

After Sebastian left, Regina came to me and spoke about all the hot boys from the opponent group and how they needed quick lays. I tuned out her conversation and the game. This is a very bad day. The game ended and I think my school won 'Well good for them, now time for dinner with the Hearts'