Being Kesha's driver ***Sebastian's POV***

  Last night was pretty amazing but I need to stay away from Kesha's brother. Our texts kept me excited all night.

Finally my alarm blared, I dashed into the bathroom and got ready for school. I walked downstairs fully ready for school gave my mom a kiss and grabbed one avocado toast and took a sip out of mom's coffee mug

"Good morning mom" I said flashing her a smile and a wink

"Huh son, what's wrong?" She asked staring at my uniform and me awkwardly

"Mom it's my uniform" I said and walked out of the kitchen

I grabbed my keys and left the house. I wonder why my mom and dad are staring at me that much

I drove to Kesha's house and walked up to the door. I knocked and waited patiently, the door knob twisted and I saw Kesha's mom

"Good morning ma" I said and smiled at her

"Como está?" she asked, reminding me they were Spanish (how are you)

"Estoy bien señora tu?" I asked with a polite smile (I'm good ma'am you)

"I'm good son, you're here for Kesha right?" She asked and I nodded

She opened the door wider and asked me to come in, I told her no, I really don't want to come in contact with her brother

Kesha came out moments later fully dressed in her pajamas, isn't she ready for School?

"Why are you dressed like that, we'll be late for school" i said staring at her.

"It is Saturday dummy" she said and pointed to my phone. I turned it on and realized she was right, i was shocked and slightly embarrassed. I ran my fingers through my locks and blushed from the embarrassment.

I turned to look at her and saw she was clearly holding back her laughter. I avoided further embarrassment and asked her on a date, was i expecting a yes, definitely not but her mom assured me of one.

I went back home and greeted my dad who shot me weird looks

"I know it's Saturday" I said "I was so excited to take Kesha to school" I admitted

"It's good to see you've moved on and forgotten about Chelsea" my dad said. My mom hit him hard on his chest and apologized.

"You shouldn't be saying things like that"my mom told my dad and gave me a sorry look

I left them and went upstairs

I tried all day to think about Chelsea but all I could do was think about the date with Kesha. An hour to the date, I started my search on what to wear and that was not easy, trying to impress Kesha was the only thing i was thinking

I gave up and settled on a navy blue cotton shirt and black slacks, I rolled the sleeves a bit to expose my tattoos and wore my signature scent.

I grabbed my keys and walked over to Kesha's house. I rang the doorbell and slightly prayed her brother wasn't home. The door knob turned slowly and I couldn't help the suspense

The door finally opened and I couldn't help but stare at her, she looked amazing but I think I'm a little over dressed

Her mom pushed her out and wished us a great night

"You look amazing" she said. I looked up and smiled, I actually impressed her, my hands moved up to my hair and messed it up a little

"Thank you, you look more amazing" I said

"You do not have to compliment me" she said. "I feel a little under dressed" she said and laughed at the growing tension

"And I feel a like too dressed" I said to her.

"We should talk about what we wear next time" I said and she nodded, was she assuring me of a next time

"I am not assuring you of a next time" she said and together we walked to my car.

I started the engine and started driving "So where are we going?" She asked and I remembered I totally forgot about making plans. I was so excited I couldn't decide.

"So where do you want to go FRIEND" I said emphasizing on friend.

"I thought you wanted to surprise me" she said trying to fix her seatbelt

"Should I help you with that?" I asked and parked the car

"Well you already caught me being stupid" she said. She looked at me and continued "should I be rude or should I ask truthfully or should talk be outright rude dimwit" she gave me her puppy eye and pouted

"You're cute" i commented helping her fix her seatbelt. I brushed her skin with my hand smiled at her

"I am not cute, just so sexy" she said and mumbled a thank you. There's my rude-polite friend i thought and continued driving

"So do you want to watch a movie?" I asked

"Nope! Why would I want to watch a movie when I have a TV, a laptop and a fucking phone, plus I do not need to stare at a larger screen right now" she said

"What about a concert?" I asked

"Do you have tickets?" She asked immediately

"Nope" I said shifting my gaze from her to the road.

The car jerked forward due to my sudden stop.

"What was that for?" She managed to say through her pants. She shot me a glare and pushed herself off the dashboard.

"I should be the one asking that" I said and continued driving

"Estúpido" she said

"You hit my head" I said

"I hit your head" she mimicked with a grumpy voice. "So?" She added.

"I wasn't ready" I said

"You should not be prepared for such hits, it comes unexpectedly" she said

"Sorry" I said. I really have no idea why I'm apologizing

"Just drive us to my sudden doom" she said and put her feets on the dashboard.

Well my only option is to take her to my get away, i bet she already knows the place.