Humiliation ***Sebastian's POV***

Rumors sure do spread quickly in high school, after the end of first period everyone was talking about Kesha and me, boys were angry at me, and I was stealing their shot at getting to be with Kesha. If there was one thing I knew about Kesha I know she doesn't like the attention is paying her right now, it's funny how she dresses like that and doesn't expect stares.

Whenever we walked past each other in the hallway, she would glare at me and when I tried to talk to her, she would walk away pretending I was not existing. I had to correct this mistake, we were past this level of ignorance in my journey to become her friend.

Classes were longer than usual, time moved at an annoyingly slow pace. The bell for lunch break and students practically dashed out of the classroom.

I walked into the cafeteria, grabbed lunch, and went to sit between Kesha and Regina in the "BRATTY TABLE" everyone here was either a member of the soccer team, cheerleading squad or was just famous. Kesha looked like she was out of place sitting here. She's a very confusing person. Why do you do things if you don't like the results?

Becca stared at me with her flirtatious smile and turned to look at Kesha "Hey fatty" she called out. Kesha ignored her and kept on eating her cake. This made Becca really angry, she pulled Kesha's cheesecake and spat on it, and everyone on the table gasped while she pushed the tray back to Kesha. "When the queen talks, you listen" Becca added

Kesha looked at Becca with such a calm face, I was starting to think something was wrong with this girl's thinking. "You should probably stop bullying and leave it to the real mean ones," Kesha said and forked the cake, Becca was about to comment but Kesha stopped her and forced the piece of cake into Becca's open mouth. Becca choked on the cake but swallowed it. "Do not forget your place Becca, a senior became cheer captain cause I left the team, Regina is clearly a better leader" she added and looked at Regina who willingly gave her, her cheesecake.

Becca and her minions rushed out of the cafeteria to try to get the cake out. I stood on the table to relieve the tension. I got everyone's attention "I am not Kesha's fling, I tried to get her to be mine but she declined," I said and someone in the crowd yelled sad. I looked at Kesha to see an unimpressed face busy enjoying her new cheesecake. I climbed down the table awkwardly and between Kesha and Regina.

The bell rang and lunch break was finally over, everyone left the cafeteria going towards their various lockers to prepare for classes. Kesha remained seated gently eating her cheesecake, Regina got up and reminded her best friend that it was almost time for class, Kesha nodded, stood up and stared at me "I am not going to say thank you for what you did earlier because you got me into this mess. Humiliating yourself like that for me was just hilarious because you humiliated me earlier. And also do not kiss me again" she said and stomped away angrily with Regina by her side while I stood there dumbfounded.

The second bell rang and snapped me out of my thoughts. Guess who was late for their next class? I dashed out of the cafeteria. Grabbed my history book from my locker and walked into class smiling at the teacher "Good day Julia" I said trying to tease her, she glared at me "Where's the miss?" she asked me angrily "Julia is cuter" I said "I hope detention is cute too because you just earned one" she said with a smile. " I have soccer practice today" I pleaded "And I don't care," she said and carried her textbook. She pointed at an empty seat directing me to sit beside Kesha "Miss Julia, the one close to Kesha?" I asked, my question must have gotten her attention because she stared at the teacher and then at me "I am glad you found the miss" Miss Julia said sarcastically and started her class. I walked to the empty seat and sat beside Kesha. She wasn't happy with the arrangements.

History class was going smoothly until Julia asked Kesha to answer a question. There was no way she was going to know the answer to the question. She never studies, is she smart?" I thought "Kesha won't you answer the question" Miss Julia pestered but Kesha kept quiet. I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention "Yes Mr. Heart, what do you want?" she asked angrily "I would like to answer the question" I said and Kesha turned to look at me " I did not ask for your help" Kesha said "And Kesha can answer the question addressed to her" Julia said and turned to Kesha "Kesh answer the question or forget about perfect As" Julia threatened "You cannot do that miss. I have a perfect 99, that's an A" Kesha defended, I judged her too quickly, she was smart."

You've only had 99 in all your results for a long time. I know love, but to pass my history exam, you have to get a 100 not 99, 99 isn't enough" Julia said and everyone grumbled "if you want a B, don't answer the question" Julia added. "Fine" Kesha grumbled and stood up to answer the question. She turned to the clock, cleared her throat and recited the answer to the question like she was reading it from a textbook. The bell rang and Kesha stopped "Class is over and I get my A" Kesha said and walked out of the class. After that, I didn't see Kesha till we closed and I saw her walking with Regina outside the school. I grabbed my gym bag and got ready for soccer practice.

I skipped detention and went to soccer practice which was as hectic as always. While the boys showered they gossiped about girls and who they've been with. Everyone wanted a piece of Kesha, either in her or with her. I got ready to leave school after soccer practice, walked towards my car and saw Kesha sitting alone on a bench staring at her phone with earplugs. I walked over to her and sat beside her, she was watching the credits of a movie roll-up. It finally ended and she tensed immediately noticing my presence. She removed her earplugs and place them and her phone in her bag.

"Why are you in school?" I asked her, she wasn't part of any sports team and Regina doesn't have cheerleading practice today. And she wasn't here with Kesha

"Waiting for my ride," she said "Your brother?" I asked "No you," she said. Was that sarcasm or her answer? I got up to leave and she followed behind me. I guess I was her ride.

"Oh! I am your ride, why did you wait for me?"I asked while unlocking the car doors, she pulled the door open and got in "I cannot stand the flirting going on between my brother and my only friend and walking is not an option. Morning workouts are okay for me" she said and I laughed, how was she maintaining her body when all she ate was junk and she barely exercises. "What's going on between Regina and Kyle?" I asked but she ignored me, fair enough. I drove out of school and took her to McDonald's, we were passing the drive-thru

"Why are we here?"