who is Richard...

 ***Sebastian's POV*** 

 "Hello who is this?" I asked and as the person said their first words, I realized it was her. "Your lovely girlfriend" she said and that made me nauseous. "Chelsea?" I asked to confirm. "I am so sorry. I miss you, I miss us. I was foolish to not see that we could work this out. I love you. Don't you love me too, you know you aren't perfect and you make a lot of mistakes and can be stupid. No one might want you. But I want you, so get back with me now that I'm asking" she said and giggled. "The stupid boy I left you for was perfect, he was something you were not so he cheated on me and broke up with me. But you Sebastian. I can accept your imperfection" she said and I realized that all this I while, I was being emotionally bullied by her. Who was she to tell me I wasn't perfect. She was the one who had issues and was making feel like I had problems. I can't believe I begged her all those years to be my girlfriend.