A little scare

***Kesha's POV*** 

 Dressed up in a pair of light blue denim shorts and a cropped black tank top, I tied a jacket around my waist, applied lip gloss wore my favorite pair of chunky sandals, and was ready to eat. Sebastian tailed behind me as we walked to Michael's car. Why does it feel like my elder brother is going to prom with me? Sebastian's presence behind me was oddly protective and possessive or was it just me? when I got to Michael's car, he was waiting outside for me and smiling. Michael looked away from me and stared at Sebastian they were exchanging looks like they were going to fight. "Why the looks?" I asked but got no answer. "Is this some kind of soccer rivalry?" I asked and they both shook their head. "Then if it is not then what is wrong with you boys, staring at each other like you want to fight or throw punches," I said. Sebastian looked away and murmured a "so smart yet so naïve"