Learning to be alone

***Sebastian's POV*** 

 I stood still watching Kesha drive away. I had no idea we were at her car. I unintentionally walked her to her car and now I was here standing by her spot watching her drive away. I went to my car and finally decided to leave school, I drove to McDonalds and bought a large burger and fries as always. I drove home and saw Kesha's car parked. I wonder why she didn't park in her garage. Grabbing my paper bag, I went into my house and dropped the food on the kitchen's counter. I went to my room and changed into something comfortable. I saw Kesha's shadow walking around and tossing things on her bed. I went over the balcony and knocked. She refused to open the door so I pushed it open. It must be my lucky day, I walked in and sat beside her. "Kesha" I called out but she ignored me and kept doing what she was doing. "Kesha" I called out and shook her body.