004. Magic Hall (edited)

Proofread by Dark Pride


"So what do you really want? Why are you asking that?" Ruby asked curiously.

At first he didn't know how to answer, but after thinking for a while, he decided to tell the truth, "Well, Your Highness, I considered asking for some shares of your team ownership. But if you only want to participate in the amateur championship, it seems that isn't really necessary." 

"Hahaha... So that's what it was. You are so kind Sir Adam. I understand now, you thought I didn't have enough money for constructing a team, so you want to help," Ruby laughed.

"Yes, Please forgive me Your Highness, I didn't know my place," Adam felt really embarrassed.

"It's okay, and I really do need some money, but it's something I have to solve alone, because I have already made a bet with someone. I really appreciate your kindness," Ruby looked at Adam affectionately, just like an elder sister would look at her little brother.

"So it's like that. How about this Your Highness let them be my guides for a week, because I'm not very familiar with this city and academy. It would help me a lot." 

"So be it. Cleon and Pete, be good guides for the week. Don't worry about practice, we need five more players to be considered a team anyway. I'll think about the recruitment and the funding. Don't make any more problems."

"Yes Your Highness," Cleon and Pete answered almost at the same time.

"Thank you Your Highness. I take my leave now Your Highness. I hope you can solve your problems immediately," Adam bowed respectfully.

"May your exam be successful, Sir Adam. Take care."

Next, Adam left the hospital with Cleon and Pete. Adam had to go to the magic hall immediately, so Cleon and Pete took the shortest route.


"So, what was the main reason Her Highness founded this team? I don't think she knows battle ball very well, let alone actually being interested in it," After they had walked for a few minutes, Adam asked them.

Cleon and Pete looked at each other, and then Pete answered, "I'm sorry Sir. We really don't know about it. We agreed to join her team because we owed a lot to her, but she has never talked about it and we don't dare to ask."

"Is that so? I just want to help her. After all, she did save my life." 

Hearing that, Cleon apparently wanted to say something, but he changed his mind at the last moment. Adam let out a sigh when he saw it behind them. 

Along the way, they didn't talk anymore. Adam didn't talk, because he had a lot on his mind. He still had to worry about his life from now on. As a transmigrator, he had to plan his life carefully, because he transmigrated into a noble, no less. 

He wasn't an ambitious person, but he still had to make sure he could live well in this unfamiliar world. As the only son of a Viscount, he couldn't really avoid politics, so he had to make some connection with other nobles and merchants. Princess Ruby Greylion was a good start. After all, from the former Adam's memory, he knew the king of Laits Kingdom, King Gerald Greylion only had a son and a daughter. They were Alan Greylion and Ruby Greylion. Assuming nothing happened to Prince Alan, the next King would be him. 

The only factor that could change that in this kingdom, was if the younger brother of King Gerald, Prince Harry made some move, but he would have to face the people's opposition if he wanted to rebel. In the five centuries of Laits' Kingdom history, few rebellions occurred, and all of them failed because they didn't get support from the people.

"Sir, we have arrived," Pete's voice woke Adam up from his daydream.

In front of Adam was a large building. The architecture of the building was really simple, much like the other buildings in Silverpool Academy. The size of it was huge, he didn't know exactly, but from what he could see, he was sure it was bigger than a soccer stadium.

"Thank you for taking me here. I'm really grateful for your help. Would you like to enter with me?" Adam smiled and looked at them.

"Is that ok?" Pete asked. Actually, it was normal for everyone to enter magic hall. The problem was, Adam was a noble. As a noble, he could choose to do the examination privately.

"Of course, let's go!"

They entered through a big door, about five meters high and four meters wide. Inside, there was a lobby that wasn't too spacious, a front desk with two girls waiting, and a corridor to enter deeper.

Adam led Pete and Cleon to the front desk, "Excuse me, could I meet with Professor Nadine?"

One of the girls stood up and said, "Welcome to Magic Hall, may I know your name Sir?"

"My name is Adam Elbaz, I think the academy has already notified you about my arrival."

After looking at a book in front of her, she nodded, "Yes Sir Adam, we have been waiting for you. Please follow me."

Guided by the girl, Adam, Pete and Cleon walked down the corridor and passed four rooms until they came in front of a room. On the door, there was a name plate which said 'Prof. Nadine'. 

Then, the girl knocked on the door.

*Tok tok tok*

There was a voice from inside of the room, "Who is it?"

"This is Anna, Sir Adam has arrived."

"Come in."

The girl named Anna then opened the door and let Adam, Pete, and Cleon enter and then she left.

The room was spacious, with a formation in the middle, a few magical instruments and some bookshelves. Near the windows, a woman sat facing the table, she was about 30 years old. Her shoulder length brown hair was a little untidy. Wearing a pair of thick glasses, she wrote something on the blank page of the book. 

Without raising her face, she said, "You're late Sir Adam. This morning, I was very excited. They informed me that someone who was diagnosed with magic dysfunction had come to consult with me."

She then raised her face, looked at Adam angrily, she said, "Who are you, Sir, to dare to make me wait for three hours? I haven't even had breakfast."

Hearing that, Adam glanced at the table. On top of it sat an empty plate, which still had some crumbs on it.

Knowing what Adam had glanced at, She was embarrassed, "That was a snack to fill my stomach. If you can't explain why you were late, forget about the examination and don't even dream about entering this academy."

'She is bluffing,' Eve said.

'Yes, she wants something. I had many customers back then who shouted and cursed just for a discount. What do you think? What does she want?' Adam also agreed with Eve's conclusion.

'I think she wants a guinea pig, something to test her experiments on. Like your father's friend's information, she just had a hypothesis. To make theories about this special condition, she needs more experiments and data.'

'And that is me, who needs her help. Let's compromise. As far as she doesn't go to far,' Adam sighed in his heart.

"I'm really sorry professor, I had gotten into an accident, so I had to get treatment in the infirmary." And then Adam told her about the accident. Pete and especially Cleon also confirmed it guiltily.

"Oh my, are you okay?" Nadine asked with a worried expression, "I hope your brain is okay."

"Thank you for your concern, but could we start the examination?" 

"O-okay, before that, you have to sign some documents. It's just some bureaucracy stuff," She took some papers from the table and gave them to Adam.

Adam read them at a glance, 'Could you find anything strange written in the documents?'

'It is just some medical documents, it says that the academy is not responsible if anything goes wrong. But one document is a little weird, it is an experiment participation application, but the content doesn't seem harmful so you can sign it.'

Adam trusted Eve, so he signed all of the documents. After he had signed the last document, he heard a sigh from Nadine.

After handing the documents back to Nadine, he asked "Can we start?" 

"Sure, I have already arranged everything for you. Please step in the center of the formation." Nadine replied in confirmation. 

Adam stepped into the circle at the center of the formation, and  he heard Nadine ask, "Are you ready?"

"Ready," He was nervous. In Greylion Academy, the former Adam had already done this, but nothing happened. He was afraid it would be the same.

The formation began to shine, and Adam felt a large amount of energy had been released. Something in his chest wanted to respond, but in the end nothing happened.

The formation had been working for 30 seconds, but nothing happened. Pete and Cleon who were watching from outside of the formation detected an abnormality. Although they had experienced magic examination only once, they knew that something was wrong.

Cleon turned his head to Pete, "I-is it because of the accident?"

Pete started to panic, "I hope not."

Meanwhile, looking at Adam's situation, Nadine murmured, "It really is magic dysfunction."