012. Instantly Skilled

"But Adam, you must practice hard, if you want to become a battle ball player. This sport is no joke. Let's train the basics of soccer tomorrow. I have many materials from earth, about how to train it," Eve said while looked at Cleon and Pete who had already stood near the bench of Solidarity Team.

Then Adam realized, he had to train from scratch, if he wanted to play battle ball well. And he had already 15 years old, he then thought it was too late for him to started from scratch. Moreover, he was a noble, he also had some money, he could do anything else, besides being a battle ball player.

"You know Eve, I have been thinking about the possibility of becoming a battle ball player. But it seems, I got traumatized after being hit by the mana ball," Adam said shamelessly.

"You lied. You just being lazy. GP is your bread and butter. Without it, your summoner class will be useless. Please, think about it seriously."

"Say it if I'm wrong, for qualified stand next to those monster and play with them on the field, I need to be as good as Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi, am I right?" Adam said in a self-deprecation tone.

"Of course, you must better than them to success in this world," Eve gave a matter of fact answer.

Listening it, Adam became more depressed, "So, as you said. It's too har...."

"Adam! A man who likes to make excuses is not cool and you can't achieve anything with just complaining." Eve was floating in front of Adam's face while looking at his eyes.

Knowing Eve being serious, Adam sighed, "Alright... Alright... Is there another way that is more convenient other than starting from scratch?"

"That's a better attitude. I think you should open your character panel. Seriously, in many fantasy novels, the protagonist is always impatient for opening their character panel. Why are you so lazy?" The tiny pixie protested to Adam who was still clueless.

Adam's face suddenly lit up, "Can I also do that? Open character panel."

[Adam Elbaz]

Level: 3

Species: Human

Class: Summoner

Mana: 200/400

Strength: 45

Defense: 45

Endurance: 45

Speed: 60

Magic: 30


• Innate physique: stats +25 per level

• Spirited: more than one spirit dwell in the body

• Glory system user: can open glory shop and other functions.


• Golden Aura: Negate all skills from causing harm to oneself. Mana consumption: 10 per second.

• Summon: Call summoned creatures that have already been owned. (Can only summon 10 creatures at the same time)

• Unsummoned: Recall summoned creatures that have already been summoned.

• Soul communication: Freely communicate each other's thoughts and ideas with the summoned creatures who have been summoned.

Skill Masteries:

• Rapier sword mastery:

° Laits sword art (intermediate)

• Swimming (basic)

• Dancing (basic)

• Horse riding (intermediate)

• Arithmetic (basic)

• Astronomy (basic)

• Pathfinding (basic)

• Languages:

° Fro (intermediate)

° Xeno (basic)

° Ganula (basic)

"That's a lot of skills. So it means I can do all of that? And my stats are almost as good as Ural the Orc. By the way, do you know about 'spirited' and 'golden aura'? And why is my mana just half of the total mana? And why do my summoned skills not require any mana?" Adam asked enthusiastically.

Listening to Adam's questions, Eve was overwhelmed, "Hoa..., Hold on! Let me answer one by one. First, yes, the skills that you have mastered are all available for you to do.

Second, your physical stats are indeed better than other mages but don't be too proud. Two well-coordinated Mages can beat you if you fight them alone. Remember, you are a Summoner, your ability to coordinate your summoned creatures is your advantage.

Third, about 'spirited', it could mean two of our souls dwell in your body. It can also be interpreted that maybe the former Adam's soul still sleeps or hides in this body. We can't do anything about it.

Fourth, about 'golden aura', to be honest, I don't know. I guess it's your family's special skills. Let us inspect it later. But from the description, it gives you immunity from attack skills when you activate it. But the mana consumption is no joke. you have to learn to use it timely if you don't want your mana depletes.

Fifth, you can only use half of your mana, because the rest is used to maintain the glory system. In exchange, you can use your Summoner's skills without mana consumption.

That's all that I can explain. I think you have already understood about it generally. So let's go back to the business.

You asked for a way that is more convenient for training battle ball other than starting from scratch. I tell you the way. But before that, I have to say something.

First, almost all of the skills in the skills department are skill masteries.

Second, You maybe wonder, why there are many skills that you can't learn. Because it can also be learned by your summoned creatures. You maybe don't want to learn how to build a house. But you can make an orc to learn it. And voila, you get a builder. But I must remind you. All skill masteries that can be learned in the glory shop are basic level. To upgrade it, the one who learned it must work hard.

And there is a soccer skill mastery in glory shop. But like I said, it only teaches you a basic level. You must work hard to upgrade it to master level. And it needs more than skills to be a good player. Position awareness, timing, and many more aspects you must study from scratch. Do you understand?"

"Ok, I understand. Let's check it out," And then Adam opened Glory Shop and found soccer skill masteries in the skills department.

[Soccer skills masteries 400 GP]

• Dribbling 50 GP

• Passing 50 GP

• Tackling 30 GP

• Shielding 20 GP

• Receiving 50 GP

• Shooting 50 GP

• Feinting 20 GP

• Juggling 30 GP

• Guarding 30 GP

• Heading 20 GP

• Goal Keeping 50 GP

• Diving 30 GP

"That's so many? Do I have to buy all of these?" Adam was shocked after knowing there were 12 skills.

"Well, you can just buy some basic skills like dribbling, passing, shooting, receiving, and guarding. But, if you buy a set, you can save 30 GP," Eve said persuasively.

"Thank you for the information miss salesgirl, then I buy a set," Adam bought all of soccer skills masteries with 400 GP, "Satisfied?"

[Thank you for your first purchase. As a bonus, you get once more of what you have just bought.]

After looking at the notification, Adam's jaw almost dropped, "Miss salesgirl, thank you for the bonus."

"Your welcome, but I didn't know anything about this. Now, use it immediately. I think there is a problem. Let's meet Cleon and Pete," Eve seemed noticing something, as she looked at Solidarity's bench.

"O-okay," Adam then take a blue crystal and a notification appeared.

[Do you want to learn soccer skills mastery?]

"Yes," then the crystal was broken.

"...," Adam waited for a while but didn't feel anything.

"Huh! Eve..., Should it work like that?" He asked.

"Don't be impatient. Wait for a while," Eve answered.

30 seconds later.

[Congratulation, you have learned soccer skills mastery]

Adam didn't feel any changes in his body, but he somehow confident if he had a mana ball, he could do some tricks.

Adam with Eve on her shoulder then go to Solidarity team's bench.


"Guys, please consider again. It's just our first match. Win or lose is not the point. It's okay if we don't continue the match, they will understand. But to disband our team, because of a loss. Please consider again," Gavin tried to persuade his teammates.

"You have already seen, our level is not enough to challenge even an amateur team, I don't want to waste any more time. We will go back to our old profession. Although it is dangerous, becoming an adventurer at least we can earn some money and honor," a guard who got a red card from the referee said.

"I'm sorry Gavin, I know you're talented as a goalkeeper. I believe one day you can rise to a professional level, but not everyone can do it. We have already tried. And it was horrible. We will support you from behind from now on, but as fans not as teammates," a man in 30 years old spoke.

"Captain, I-l will go with you. We have already struggled at the border of life and death many times for three years, I...," Gavin clenched his fists, "will stop playing. I will stop playing battle ball," everyone who heard his voice, could tell he was very reluctant to say that.

"No! your place is here. We can stop, but you can't. Although it didn't work for us, you are different. We all see how much afford you put into your practices and how much you love this game. We will finish this game as the last gift for you, I will find some outside players who want to join." The captain said.

The faces of Solidarity team players were dignified. Two of their members couldn't play again, one got a red card and one got an ankle injury. So they had to find two people to fill the positions.

But, one of players of Solidarity team rose his hand, "C-captain! Please substitute me, somehow after came back from the field, my right foot didn't feel right."

The captain sighed, "Miss healer, please examine him, can you heal him?"

A healer then examined the player, after a few seconds, the healer shook her head, "He is too tired, I can heal light injury, but I can't heal physical fatigue."

"Then three people ere needed. I understand. you rest!" The captain then when to the referee.

"Y-yes..., I'm sorry." The fatigued player nodded, ashamed.