015. The Finishing Touch

After receiving the ball, Gero passed the ball to his teammate on the back, and then he moved forward.

Adam who was tasked to guard Gero, loitering not far from him. The ball was being played in the middle of field for a while by Firering players, when solidarity players tried to intercept, the ball would be sent to back.

Everyone saw Firering wanted to waste the time which was not much. Adam saw it was annoying, and for a second, he loosened his guard of Gero. And it was seen clearly by Firering players.

Suddenly Gero ran past Adam, and then the ball was passed to him. Adam was surprised, "Dammed it," he tried to chase Gero who ran a few meters in front of him. And when he about to catch up, Gero did a crossing to Dito who was only a few meters from the penalty box. But something strange happened, suddenly he fell flat on his face. The ball was successfully received by Pete and kicked it to the middle of the field. And then Pete helped Dito to stand.

Unlike Cleon, Pete hadn't told Adam what was his class. Adam was actually pretty curious, but he hadn't had a chance to ask Pete. Now he became more curious. He couldn't identify his skill at all. Was it psychic or illusionist? He could only think one of these two classes as Pete's.


"The referee gave three minutes additional time, it looks, the result has already fixed. Right, Frank?" Andy said.

"Right, The two teams are in the deadlock situation now. No one gave a chance for the opponent. We can say they are equals. The three outside players that Solidarity team got are pretty decent actually. After getting more experience, they will be at professional players' level, especially Cleon and Pete. For Adam, although he is still green, but all basics are there. He is pretty fast and his mysterious skill that can saw Gero's illusion is terrifying for Illusionists. He only lacks experience. I have to say I can't wait for this kid grows. Maybe we will get a champions league player from our City," Frank said excitedly.

"We will see. Hey... Something interesting has happened in the field. It's like Firering wants to do the final push."


Adam had to admit, although his skill had already negated by Adam's golden aura, Gero was still a pretty tough opponent. He was very sly. If Adam got distracted even for a while, he would take that chance to get away. And his pass was also pretty accurate.

'But the situation was not as bad as I thought, we can still give some resistance,' Adam said on his heart.

'Don't be too proud. On earth, some experts said that in soccer, the most crucial moments usually happen in the early minutes, before and after half time, and in the last minutes. This is the perfect moment for them to strike. Look! They are coming!' Eve said

Adam saw all players of Firering came to the half area with great momentum. When he looked at Firering players who were coming, Gero used it to release himself from Adam's guarding.

Adam was surprised, but Gero had already few meters from him, "You sly fox!" Adam was ready to chase, but he then heard Eve's voice.

'Activate Golden Aura, Now!'

Without thinking, he did what Eve said. Then a big fireball engulfed him. Apparently, an elementalist from Firering attacked him when he surprised by Gero's breakthrough.

Cold sweat wet his back, he was terrified of what would happen if he was late activating his skill, he most likely would be thrown outside the field and suffered some light burnt.

There was some reason why physical attacks were prohibited but skills attacks were allowed in battle ball game. Because Mage's body had more immunity to skills damage than physical damage. When someone had brokenthrough become a mage, his body from organs to skin and hair was protected by mana layer. But physical attacks were another story. Even if mage's body stronger and more resilient than common people, physical damage could still endanger the mage.

Because of that, in most villages, towns, and cities in Salama Continent, there were laws that restricted people for carrying weapons. Of course, they could still carry it when entering the villages, towns, and cities, but they had to fulfill some requirements and would be monitored by guards strictly.

As he activated golden aura, the fireball didn't leave any damage to him, even he wasn't thrown out. He was just pretty shocked and felt warm. After he woke up from his shock, he ran chasing Gero as fast as he could.

All players' attention focused on Adam for a while when he was engulfed by a big fireball. They thought he would be thrown out the field.

One player of Firering who had the ball passed it to Gero when Adam was engulfed by the fireball. But when he had already kicked the ball, Adam exited from the flame unscarred.

When Adam chased Gero, he saw the ball was flying toward Gero. He instinctively cut the ball trajectory with his body and then turned his body to Firering's territory, he saw many players of Firering had already arrived at half-line, only a goalkeeper and a center-back were in their territory.

knew it was a rare opportunity, "Counterattack!!!" He shouted. He then dribbled the ball for a while, while looking for who he would pass the ball to. Then he saw him.

Cleon after saw Adam got the ball, he turned his body directly and transformed become a panther. He then ran as fast as he could to opponent's almost empty territory. He didn't know, not only him who reacted fast, but Logan also ran with all his might.

When seeing two players from solidarity were running fast at both flanks, the center back of Firering was caught in a dilemma. But after he thought for a while he was inclined to believe the ball will be given to Cleon. Because, in the last 15 minutes, Cleon had become the spearhead of Solidarity's attacks. When they were only a few meters from the penalty box, the center back moved to Cleon, but he was surprised, a very long pass was done by Adam, and it was toward Logan.

The center back then turned around his body and ran toward Logan to intercept the ball. Logan previously didn't think the ball would be passed to him, after saw the center back came to him, he was sure the ball was passed to him. A complicated emotion erupted from his heart. He was touched by Adam's choice. He determined to make this opportunity become a goal. He knew what to do.

Looking at the center back reaction, he knew the ball wasn't passed to him, he was a little disappointed to Adam, to not believe him in this crucial moment. But then, he set aside his disappointment, and lower his speed so he could look at the situation and assisted Logan if needed. He was afraid he would be caught offside if he was ahead.

When the ball almost arrived, Logan made an earth wall. It wasn't to hinder the center back, but he created it beneath himself so he could get the ball easier. Because like Adam's pass before, the ball was too high to receive it directly, although it was not as high as before.

Logan's creative idea surprised the center back and the goalkeeper. They couldn't think of a way to solve this problem. The goalkeeper could only face it head-on. When he received the ball, Logan didn't shoot it to the goal. He passed it to Cleon instead.

Cleon didn't think, Logan would pass the ball to him, he then transferred back to human, and without stopping the ball, he shot it directly to the lower left of the goal.

When Logan didn't directly shoot the ball, he had a hunch, the shot would be done by Cleon. So when Cleon shoot, he had been ready to face it. He jumped to the ball direction, he stretched out his right hand to the ball path. When his hand had successfully reached the ball, he was relieved. But in a flash, he felt an unstoppable force from the ball which pushed his palm to the goal. He was forced to let go of the ball, and the ball successfully went in.


"Gooaaallll!!!, What a dramatic goal. Once more, Cleon successfully scored a goal. What a trio. Adam stopped the ball before Gero received it, Logan, with his timely earth wall, and then the terrifying shot from Cleon. 5-2 solidarity behind," Andy said.

"This time I have to say, the most dazzling performance was Logan's. Have you ever seen the earth wall was used like that? I have never seen anything like that. This kid is a genius.

And the second is Adam, I have to say, he is very terrible. Gero, one of the best illusionists and the playmaker of the Firering, one of the leading teams in Silverpool amateur battle ball circle couldn't do much in the last 15 minutes. It was also the main reason why Firering couldn't endanger Solidarity's goal.

We have already known Cleon and Pete, this duo have pretty good records in outside players community, but never this good especially Cleon.

I haven't even talked about Gavin, this kid made dozens of rescues under the crossbar today, but in the last 15 minutes, he only touched the ball twice, and we must say he only caught two easy balls from desperate shots from Firering. My conclusion is, this is a good team. I want to watch this composition from the start of the match. I hope they consider my wish if you know what I mean," Frank said smilingly.
