022. We Meet Again

"Pete, Cleon, what's wrong?" Adam walked to them.

Seeing Adam, Pete and Cleon put a relief breath, "Finally we found you, Sir," Cleon said.

"Anything happened?" Adam looked at the security sharply.

Pete thought there was something wrong, but before he could say anything, The security said, "Are these two people your friends? They made the other guests uncomfortable. If you want to invite someone to our hotel, please tell them where they could meet you."

"You! Is that the way you talk to the guest?" Adam could not keep his emotion in check. Furthermore, he had unpleasant experiences with Eve and Victor this morning.

Adam's outburst made the other guests looked at them curiously. Some guests started to talk about it between themselves.

The security's complexion became ugly. He realized, he had already made a mistake, 'I and my big mouth.'

Then they heard someone shouted, "It's you again!"

A bald fat middle-aged man in a suit walked fast toward them furiously. He then said to the "Follow me!"

He then smiled and talked to Adam louder than necessary, "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, Sir. You and your friends could eat in our restaurant for free today. Please let us know if you have any other requests?"

Adam didn't answer immediately, 'Am I make a mistake?'

'Of course, you are. Poor Mr security. He will be punished because of you,' Eve said dramatically.

'But, he has made Pete and Cleon uncomfortable. What else could I do?'

'A normal person will ask first. Actually, Viscount Ryan had already reminded you.'


"No! I want an explanation of what did happen? Anyone could help me?" Adam said.

Pete sighed, "Hahaha, so like this Sir. Because we didn't know where to meet you, we were loitering in front of the hotel for about 30 minutes. Fortunately, this mister helped us. First, we asked the front table, but we couldn't find your room. The receptionist lady told us, maybe you rented the room with your subordinate's name, but we didn't know your subordinate's name. So this mister asked your characteristics. After asked some employees of the hotel, we got the information that you were in the restaurant. So, we came here nervously, fearing you have already gone. Fortunately, you are still here Sir.

Listening to Pete's explanation, Adam's face was red in shame, "Sorry guys, I didn't consider it. You must be hungry. You can eat anything you want."

Adam then turned to the security, "I'm sorry mister for my outburst. I misunderstood you, I'm really ashamed for my shortsighted. This is not much from me for the trouble you got because of my ignorance."

Adam then gave him three silver coins to him.

The security surprised at first, then while gritted his teeth he gave them back to Adam, "I'm sorry sir, it's my job to help the guest. So I can't take this."

Adam surprised, 'what an attitude.'

"Okay, may I know your name?" Adam asked.

The security looked hesitate for a moment, he then said, "Mario, my name is Mario."

Hearing his name, Adam remembered a plumber he knew back then. He smiled and held out his hand.

Mario shook his hands nervously. It's the first time he got such respect from a noble.

Adam then said quietly, "If you ever consider changing job. Find me."

Adam then said to the middle-aged man, that it was a misunderstanding. He hoped the hotel didn't make it difficult for Mario. After the man promised him, the restaurant atmosphere returned to normal.

After that, Adam asked two of his friends to ordered meals. Pete declined politely, he said he had already had breakfast with Cleon. After listening to it, Cleon became depressed.

How could Adam didn't know what he was thinking. He then convinced Cleon that it was okay to order some meals. Cleon then ordered some dishes simultaneously. Pete could only shake his head. Adam just smiled.

Adam then introduced them to Walker. After that, they were talking to each other for 20 minutes. They were talking mostly about Silverpool City. The battle ball events that usually held in some stadiums, the festivals, special places that sold specific goods, and what made him interested were dozens of private fields that were rented outside of stadiums. Pete said that most recognizable teams built their own field. The other small teams would rent a field for a period of time, but not long because the cost usually will be increased by the owner if a team wanted to rent it more than a month.

"Walker, please find out about fields that were rented and the environment around it, is it in an urban area, business area, etc. No, it's better if you find out all of fields in this city," Adam said.

Walker nodded, took out some kind of notes from his pocket, and wrote something on it.

Then, they saw Mario entered the restaurant again. This time he also brought two people Adam knew, Gavin and Logan. Mario's expression this time wasn't annoyed, but helpless.

The people around Adam's table laughed hard when saw Mario's expression. Gavin and Logan at first confused, but after hearing Pete's story, they couldn't help smiling. Only Mario who came back to his post sighed.

They then spent their time in the restaurant talking about Everything until 10 am. After that, they went to the academy to meet Princess Ruby. Pete and Cleon knew she would finish her shift at 11 am. They went earlier, so they wouldn't miss her if she went home earlier.

Should be noted, Walker as Adam's butler had to pay one gold and three silver coins just for that morning event. Most citizens' monthly income in Silverpool City we're only 3 Gold coins. It made Walker sighed, he could only look at Cleon fearfully from behind.

"Where were all the foods disappeared?"


Silverpool Academy was not too far away from Red Deer Hotel. It was also one reason Adam rented a room there. In 10 minutes they could arrive in front of the hospital, but because Adam had already promised Eve a carton of cookies, they had to stop by the restaurant they visited the day before. After 10 minutes of queueing up to buy the cookies, they strolled to the Academy Hospital, while bought some snacks from some street vendors.

The Academy Hospital was a place for Mages who awakened as healers practiced. Many Mages besides healers envied them, because, after level 2, they would earn 3 gold coins per month for helping the hospital. When they brokethrough level 3 they would get 5 gold coins per month and could apply for professional healer qualification. If passed, they would earn 10 gold per month if still wanted to work in Academy Hospital. If they chose to graduate then they could get 12-20 gold coins per month depending on where they were working. But this option was only chosen by some healers who had already given up breakingthrough to level 4.

They arrived at the park in front of the hospital at 10.40, just 20 minutes before Ruby finished her shift today.

"Right, anyone has a plan after this? How about doing 3 on 3 in the spear arena?" Cleon said after finishing his second roasted corns.

"But we didn't have enough members, even if Sir Adam was included, we still have five players. Will we recruit an outside player?" Gavin asked.

"Hmm, that won't necessary," Adam smirked.

Everyone looked at Adam curiously. Two cards then appeared on Adam's palm, "Haldir, Ural, Come to me!"

Then Haldir and Ural appeared in front of Adam. Not like before, when they appeared in their armors. This time, they wore normal clothes. Haldir wore a black hoodie jacket and pants, and Ural wore a brown leather vest without a shirt and baggy pants.

Adam gave them clothes from the space in his pendant. He got some clothes which had been enchanted. The enchanted spells were autofit spell that could autofit itself to the wearer's body, and strengthen spell that could make the clothes more resistant.

Everyone froze when looked at them. Cleon said, "Wow, an orc and elf?

"Dark elf exactly, I have never imagined, I will meet with them close up, wow!" Logan said.

"Do you know me?" Ural spoke curiously.

"No, but we saw your two species were summoned by some summoners in the professional tournament records," Pete said.

"That was interesting, we will saw them later. By the way, this tough orc is Ural and this mysterious guy is Haldir," Eve said while flying around the two.

After introduced each other, they saw Ruby exited the hospital with a girl with short silver hair. If Ruby was a dignified beauty, the girl was a sporty one. Adam could guess from the cool aura that he usually saw from a female athlete.

"She is miss Alba. One of Her Highness' friends," Pete said.


When Ruby exited the hospital building, she saw Cleon, Pete, Adam, and four people that she had never met sat on the park seats

"Who is them, Ruby? The boy with blue hair is pretty cool," Alba said

"Oh, he is the one that was hit by Cleon's ball, his name is Adam Elbaz. " Ruby said.

Adam stood up and walked to them. Adam then greeted them with a bow, "Good morning Your Highness, we meet again."
