035. Father

"I have to enter. There is still some stuff I have to do," Ares said.

"We have something to do too. Mr. Dell said we may use the communication chamber. We need it to call Viscount Ryan Elbaz," Walker said.

"Wait! So you are the person who wants to buy some lands in South block?" Ares said in surprise.

"If what you meant is the area outside of South gate, then yes. That's me. What's wrong?" Adam said.

Ares sighed, "Then we need to talk for a while."

Without waiting for Adam and Walker to answer, Ares walked toward the entrance of the building. Four guards who were guarding the entrance saluted to him without words.

With a puzzled expression, Adam and Walker followed Ares.

The interior of the lobby was more normal than the outside. Adam felt that it was like an office. Many rows of long wooden seats and some counters were placed like some government offices on Earth. It just that, because it had already been evening, only few people were there who looked like had administrative stuff to take care of.

The strange thing was, every employee even some visitors greeted Ares. Adam and Walker who walked following Ares were more curious about Ares's identity.

When they were about to climb the stairs, Adam couldn't hold his curiosity, "Ares, it looks like they respect you very much. Don't say that you are the Duke's son?"

Ares stopped his steps. Without turning his body he asked, "If so. What will you do?"

"I will pity you."

Hearing that Ares was dumbfounded, so Walker was.

"How can a Duke's son have to work overtime? That's ridiculous," Adam said.

"Hahaha, very funny."


They then arrived at a room on the fifth floor. Unlike the lobby and the corridor that were designed office-like. This room had a relaxing atmosphere. Many flowers and other plants were placed there made the room looked like a garden.

Some things that disturbed this harmonious atmosphere were piles of documents besides the working table that looked messy. And some dirty cups on the low table, that Adam believed was used for entertaining some guest.

"So you're really the Duke's son, huh? By the way. Pretty interesting office, if you ask me," Adam said as he sat on the sofa that he believed was for guests.

"And I didn't ask you. This room was designed by my mother. She said with many plants around us, we could think more clearly and live healthily. And you don't look shocked hearing my identity," He said as take some cups from a cupboard.

"I was surprised, really. But then again I could feel you don't really care about our reactions. So we didn't show it. Right Walker?"

"Yes... No... I meant, could I take care of the dirty cups?" Walker seemed not to know how to respond.

"Yes, please. Just take it on the table outside. Lucy, my secretary will take care of it tomorrow," Ares said while poured some heated water into three cups.

"Yes, Sir," Walker then took some dirty cups.

"So I come here to lend a communication chamber. May I?" Adam said.

"Wait," Ares was stirring the spoon in one of the cups.

"You are making coffee. I prefer tea. Thanks for asking," Adam said.

"You don't have a choice, my friend. I only have coffee."

After some seconds, Ares took two cups to the low table, " Would you mind to help me?"

"Right," Adam replied. He then stood up and went to take the other cup.

"Do you really know what you are doing?" Ares asked.

After putting the coffee on the table, Adam sat down. He then explained what he heard from Torres. After coming back, Walker also said what he heard from Dell.

"That all are true. But, they didn't know the real situation yet. The truth is, our Kingdom's economy is in jeopardy. The emergence of the technology that can mass-produce mana crystal makes us who haven't had the technology yet suffered greatly. Our industry that was using mana stones or devices that still use it have lost the competition in production cost.

And we can't abolish the products that use mana crystal either. Our system doesn't let such action possible. Because we are a semi-autonomous system where nobles' and kingdom's influences are needed to support a law to be implemented.

Now, with some nobles can order the technology from the Raymond Republic and the others can't, we are divided. And the Raymond Republic who get the most benefit.

As for your plan to buy the land cheaper and then claim it with a resident permit will offend many foreign merchants.

In these five months, many shipments of mana crystal and the device which uses it from the Raymond Republic come to the harbor. The warehouses in our city have difficulty to accommodate them all. After all the shipments from other inland region and Crabsean has already been a lot.

I heard some merchants from Raymond are looking around for who wanted to sell their usage rights of the land. They must have known about a lot of usage right that will be expired soon in the South block. They must be busy to find proxies who want to buy some of the rights for them.

You know, some of the usage rights will be expired next week. and an auction will be held to sell them. They will be willing to pay a high price.

And now you want to take them cheaply. In your opinion, are they willing?" Ares said while leaning to the sofa.

"But they can't do anything about that right? So as long as I'm at the Leits Kingdom, they won't do anything. Moreover, they are foreigners. They don't have the right to use our land legally," Adam said lightly.

Ares sighed, "Alright, but don't wish any help from me. I can't help you. It will damage my family's reputation."

"So, can I use the chamber?" Adam asked while smiling.


"Are you ready? I will call your fief's chamber in 10 seconds," Ares's voice came out from a square black device that has many holes on the surface of it.

"Okay," Adam said.

He was in the dark small room that only had a magic lamp that shone blueish light. In front of him was only the square black device.

"3 2 1. We are waiting for the connection,"

Two minutes later.

"We are connected. I will go for a while," Then Ares's voice was lost. Not long, another voice came out.

"Elbaz family here. Can I help you?," Adam heard a man's voice.

"Uncle Tim, this is me, Adam. How are you?"

"Young Master? Is that you? How can I know you are Adam?"

Adam looked into former Adam's memory, and found one. While smiling, he said, "At a night of mid summer two years ago, there was a maid named...,"

"Stop! Okay, I believe you. Damn, it must be Walker. When he came home I will kicked his ass. Wait a minute, I will tell Lord," Then Tim's voice disappeared.

Adam waited for 5 minutes, then he heard a voice that made his heart shook, "Hi son. Do you have any problem there? Why do you call in the evening?"

Adam didn't understand, something inside him was waking up.

'Father?' Then a boy's voice reveberated in his heart.

'Adam. He is waking up!' Eve's panicked voice was transmitted to his heart.
