044. First Game Part 3

"You should eat it now. It needs for a while to work," Eve said.

Adam then entered the pill into his mouth and swallowed it. At first, he didn't feel anything strange. Then he felt a warm current coming from his stomach and then spread to all parts of his body. He felt every flesh of his was nourished. The comfortable feeling made he couldn't help to moan. He felt all of his tiredness was gone and his body was fresh and full of power.

"It's so comfortable. Can I consume it every day? I felt better than this morning," Adam said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"No, you felt that way because your tired body was filled with nourishment. If you consume it when you are not tired, it will be meaningless. Okay, let's discuss the strategy for the next half," Eve said while flew to the crowd of players who were taking a rest.


Meanwhile, In Windart benches, Drake said, "Hector, in the second half we have to play all-out. Let's substitute some players, as some of you look tired."

As Hector wanted to answer, but Fox who was wiping his sweat reacted, "No, we can win this game by ourselves."

Everyone else stopped talking to each other and then looked at Fox strangely.

"What did you say?" Drake glared at him. It could be felt, he was challenging Fox.

"Our first goal is proof that we are able to face them ourselves. We don't need any help from outsiders," Fox glared back at him. The benches' atmosphere became suffocating.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Hector asked, his question seemed represented everyone's doubt.

"Captain, you don't know what they think about us, " He then said what Donald had said when he would throw-in the ball.

"Did you say that Donald?" Drake yelled at Donald who was on the edge of the benches.

At first, Donald was surprised, then his face reddened, "Hey, I just said the truth. You also said yourself that they played poorly," This statement made everyone's expression hardened, "I think it was logical to substitute them back then. And Fox, you have to admit that my words that had made you played impressively later," He then turned his head to Fox.

"...," Fox was speechless, he seemed wanted to speak, but no word exited his mouth.

His silence made Drake's expression lightened, as he wanted to speak. A Windart player entered his view.

"I also think that there is no need to change players. We are an experienced team. We have the capital to face any new team.

Furthermore, the leader's instruction is needed to be criticized. He gave us instruction to humiliate Princess's team without any explanation. I know you also had a doubt in your mind about this. It made us look like villains.

In the first place, our goal when entering AAM was to free ourselves from noble's hegemony. Not to become goons of some people," Sam, who scored the first goal said.

The atmosphere of the benches became cold. Even Fox had never guessed the calm Sam would say about something sensitive.

"Shut up! The person who you are talking about is my brother. Know your place!" Donald yelled while glaring at Sam. He came forward through the crowd.

"You also lied to us. You said Count Traze was protected by nobles of Cameron Kingdom, he was then killed by an assassin who was a member of the emerging AAM back then. But, how could I hear that he was executed by noble tribunal? And the story that you said about him was also too outrageous.

You have to admit that the story about the tragedy that circulated around the arena these days is more believable. Is it the reason we have to do this? To get revenge on the princess? Seriously, we gain nothing from this nonsense.

And we are not your goons," Sam said in a determining tone.

"Enough! Every one stop. Sam, do you want to quit AAM? Do you understand the consequences by doing it?" Drake said with a cold stare.

Sam shivered, but he clenched his fists, "I will follow captain. But this organization is becoming more unreasonable, as the time when by."

Drake then turned his head to Hector, "Hector, as their captain, I want to hear your view."

"I...," Hector seemed hesitant, he then sighed, "How about we take this argument as has never occurred? Sam, it is not as simple as that. I will explain to you later. How about that?"

Sam wanted to argue, but as he looked at a pleading look of his captain. He could just nod unwillingly.

Drake sighed in disappointment, "It seems we must abandon our plan. It's impossible to continue it if there is a disagreement between us."

"It seems like that. I will talk to leader after playing this game. Sorry," Hector said.

"Then we will go. Guys, you heard yourself some of our friends' opinions. Let's go. It is no longer significant for us to stay here anymore. Let's go!" Drake then went without looking back, all players and two auxiliaries followed him.

Donald walked in the back, as his distance had already five meters from the Windart players, he stopped, turned his body, and said, "I will remember it, **sholes."

Fox's face was reddened in an instant, "F**k, come here you...," As he wanted to lunge at Donald. But a strong arm held his shoulder, he then looked at the person who did that. It was Drake. He shook his head.

"F**k!" Fox then walked leaving the field.

Every player in Windart was alarmed seeing Fox leaving, Drake shouted, "Fox, where are you going?"

"Toilet, can't I have a piss now?" Fox said in an irritated tone.


"Guys, I think we will lose this match," After everyone in Hellcat assembled, Eve who stood on the water container said.

Many ones looked like didn't agree with her, it was shown by their expression. But some players nodded in agreement with her, they are Gavin and Pete.

Looking at the silent disagreement that was shown, Eve continued, "Maybe you don't agree. But the truth is like that. We are not strong enough to win this match.

I didn't allow Haldir to use his skill in the first round because I want to know your limit and their limit. My conclusion is without Haldir's skill, you are even with them. And with Haldir's skill, you will overwhelm them."

"So if Haldir uses his skill in the second half, we will win right?" Cleon said in doubt.

"But Haldir can't use it for 45 minutes. In my calculation, he can only use it effectively in 20 minutes, if we force him to do attack and defense continuously. As you can't do your role properly."

Every player hung his head in shame except Ural. He said, "I had already done my role, miss."

"Yes, you are right. I take back my words, you were playing well Ural, but no one else was," She stared dagger at every prayer.

"Gavin, you as the goalkeeper of the team should never loosen up your readiness. You should predict that Adam couldn't successfully guard Fox every time. He had done much to guard Fox, but his stamina hasn't been enough yet to compete full time.

And you were negligent to entrust the defense in the penalty box fully to Pete. Pete was a dependable CB but he is just one person. When two players work together against him, he would be helpless. The first goal was done because of your fault for not ready when needed."

"Yes, it was my fault. Sorry! I will be more serious doing my role in the future," Gavin said solemnly.

"And then Cleon," Eve looked at him.

Cleon's body became stiff when he heard his name was called.

But before Eve could continue, the murmurs of audiences attracted Hellcat players' attention. They then found out that many of Windart players were leaving the field. They were confused, Logan asked, "What is going on?"

"What's wrong?" Ruby also asked.

The leaving of some members of the Windart team made all audiences were more excited, as they smell a drama.

"Maybe they want to have piss?" Cleon said in a joking tone.

Everyone glanced at him for a while then they heard Haldir's voice, "Master, do you want me to check?"

"Okay," Adam said.

"No, I will do it. Wait here," Alba said and then left without waiting for everyone's approval.

"Master?" Haldir wanted to hear Adam's thought.

Adam shook his head with a helpless smile. They then waited for Alba's coming while Eve continued her analyses to everyone.

After five minutes, they finally saw Alba came with a smile on her face.

"So what have you gotten?" Ruby asked.

"Guess!" Alba smiled naughtily.

"They had arguments with each other?" Adam asked.

Alba nodded, "It seems so. Some audiences saw some players of Windart argued about something hotly. Then all substitutes went out."

She then told all she heard. As she talked, everyone's complexion became better.

"It seems God helps us. Okay, this match can be said is ours. You can go all out. Enjoy! And Haldir, you can use your skill moderately. Let others learn as well," Eve then said with a smile.

"Yes," Everyone said enthusiastically.
