053. Ambush

Proofread by Dark Pride


"Zenith, can you hear me?" Ruby whispered. Her voice was so low that the people around her couldn't hear it, even Alba who was right next to her couldn't hear it. As for Hector, because of the collision, he was unconscious again, and so far, there weren't any signs that he would wake up anytime soon.

"Your Highness, do you have an order for me?" Ruby heard a soft feminine voice, but there was no one near her except Alba and Hector. 

"Please! Just this once, send one of the shadow guards to protect Adam. I have a bad feeling," Ruby said.

"Th-That would be against the rules, Princess. Please understand. We have sworn to His Majesty the King not to leave your side."

As Ruby wanted to reply, she heard the voice again, "Your Highness, you may not have realized it, but I could feel that Victor is the real deal. And Sir Adam is a formidable summoner. There is a huge chance that he still has a trump card. Please believe in him more."

Ruby wanted to refute what she said, but she didn't know how to reply. All she could do was sigh and say, "I do believe in him."

Without Ruby's knowledge, a small pixie a few meters from her was smiling slightly.


Adam saw Victor cough blood again. But, then he saw a cold smile on his face. It made him shudder. Every cell in his body knew the meaning of that smile.

He took two rapiers from his pendant and threw one to Victor. It was a fine rapier from his ancestor's collection. As for himself, he chose the rapier he had bought from the glory shop.

Just as he did that, some stone shrapnel and spells like fireballs and thunderbolts pummeled them from the top of the building, forcing Adam to abandon his plan to counter-attack.

"Get into the building!" Victor shouted.

Adam leaped towards the old building and shoved it's wooden door open. Before he entered, he activated his skill 'golden aura', so he had immunity from most spells.

Mario followed behind him while carrying Sam, who was still unconscious and Victor entered the room last. The attack ended after a few seconds.

After that, Haldir came out of a nearby shadow, and with a guilty expression, he said, "Sorry master. It was my fault. I never imagined they would be on top of the buildings."

Adam felt his heart beat rapidly and cold sweat soak his clothes. It was his first time facing an attack meant to kill him. He still couldn't think clearly. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. No one disturbed him. As for Victor, he silently stood near the window, observing the situation outside.

After Adam felt his heart return to normal, he looked at Haldir, "Just make sure to learn from it. We never thought they would do that. Uncle, I am sorry about just now."

Victor glanced at him with a curious look, "About what?"

"It's nothing," Adam said. Actually, he wanted to apologize for calling him without any honorifics. But it seemed like Victor hadn't realized it.

"Young Master, it seems like they have already left," Victor said.

Adam then recognized that it was not the time to think other things, "Just to be sure. Haldir, check the rooftop! And if they're gone, find out where their base is and who they are. Are they really AAM members? They have too much courage to attack a noble just outside the city gate."

"Yes, master." Haldir then entered his shadow.

After a few minutes of inspecting the area, Haldir reported that they had already left the area. Adam decided to head back to the carriages. As for Haldir, he was still looking for their hideout.


As Adam exited the alley, there was a crowd of people looking at the carriages from a distance. He also saw some city guards that managed the crowd and some seemed to be talking with Ruby.

As Adam's group approached the carriages, Everyone turned to look at them. Adam saw Fox's condition had already stabilized, so he strode toward Eve and the two elves.

"Can you please help him? His injuries look pretty serious," Adam said while seeing Mario put down the unconscious Sam.

Eve examined Sam's situation and said, "It looks like it's just some blood loss. No serious injuries on him, but we need the manager's opinion to make sure."

Hearing that his friend would be ok, Fox breathed a sigh of relief. But he seemed hesitant to talk. He then gritted his teeth and said, "T-Thank you Sir...."

Adam looked at him, and nodded, "It's okay, but you have to explain everything to us."

Honestly, Adam could guess why they were being chased by the masked men, but the situation seemed to be more complicated, since he was also attacked by them. In his opinion, it was impossible for AAM members to attack nobles near the City. Unless they were idiots, they would know the consequences of doing so.

Just as Fox wanted to explain, a man wearing black armor came over to them, "Excuse me, Sir Adam. I need something from you."

Adam frowned but still looked at him, "May I know who you are?"

"I'm Sullivan, a detective from the Black Hound. I hereby need your approval to apprehend these criminals," the man said.

Fox's face went pale after hearing the man's identity and statement. Adam could see he was really terrified at hearing the name 'the Black Hound'.

Adam thought a little then said, "I'm also curious about this incident, so I want to ask him something. And you must understand that they were attacked. Do you have any evidence that they committed some crime?" Adam said without being bothered by Fox's reaction.

Sullivan then said, "I'm sorry Sir, I am afraid you don't have the authority to know that. Please entrust this matter to us. We will do our job."

Adam really wanted to scold this man for his polite but rude words. but he thought about Ruby and Ares. He then sighed, "Alright, but please treat him well, I don't want the people we just saved, to have an unfortunate fate after I handed them over to you. Remember, Princess Ruby is your master's beloved granddaughter and I also know your young master Ares. I will ask him about this case someday."

There was a trace of anger on Sullivan's expression, but Adam didn't care about his feelings. He would be kind to those who were kind to him, and he would be rude to those who were rude to him.

He had already heard about the bad reputation of Black Hound from Pete and Cleon. He had also met a Black Hound undercover agent who had disguised himself as a referee. He also suggested they deceive their opponent. In Adam's view, they were flawed as officers.

"Yes," Sullivan said with a flat voice. After that he was about to take away the pale Fox, but they heard a cold woman's voice, "Wait!"

Adam saw Ruby walk towards them, and she looked angry, "Your name is Sullivan right? I, as a daughter of your king and a granddaughter of your master, order you to set them free. If you want to ask for information, you must ask now, in front of us."

Fox was stunned. He looked at Ruby with a complicated expression. As if he felt ashamed, he bowed his head, and didn't dare to look at her again.

Adam smiled when he saw Fox's expression. He knew what he was thinking. He was also touched by Ruby's righteousness. When she expressed her unwillingness to punish Fox a few days ago, he respected her. And now, her action made him admire her.

Sullivan's face turned dark, but he still turned around and saluted her, "Your Highness, I just got a report that AAM members were causing a disturbance, and I wanted to question them."

"If you aren't satisfied with my decision, you can report to my grandfather, the Duke. Now, get a large carriage for me," Ruby said.

Sullivan's face paled. "Yes, your Highness," he said.

After bowing to Ruby, he walked through the crowd. Adam felt that Sullivan was very angry, but because he didn't dare to offend Ruby, he could only hide it in his heart. Adam could only shake his head.

He then saw Ruby walk over to him, "Sorry Adam, for his rude behavior. I, as Duke Silverpool's granddaughter, apologize to you."

Adam was stunned, but he nodded, "Don't worry about it. You could say he was rude, but you could also say that he is righteous. Besides his approach, which left something to be desired, his attitude towards his job is praiseworthy. He just needs to learn how to talk to a noble, and how to make a decision." 

Ruby nodded, "You are right, I always remind grandfather to educate them better, but it seems he prefers rough subordinates."

Adam felt he now understood the duke's personality. He nodded without saying anything else.

Ruby understood his reluctance to gossip about her grandfather with her, so she said, "Okay, I will continue to treat Hector. He had some internal injuries, and I was barely able to stabilize his condition. He needs better treatment from a higher level healer. After the bigger carriage comes, we can take them to the academy hospital."

Adam wanted to express his agreement, but Fox said ahead before him, "Is boss alright? Please punish me for my inappropriate remark. I always thought nobles were rotten and cruel, but after seeing your actions, I am ashamed by my actions. I'm so sorry for everything Your Highness." After that, he kneeled before Ruby. 

Ruby was stunned by what she saw. She seemed to be in the middle of a complicated situation. She used her eyes to ask Adam for help.

Adam wanted to smile, but just as he was about to do something, his expression changed and became grim. It was because he had lost contact with Haldir. A notification then appeared in front of him.


[Your summoned creature Haldir was forcefully unsummoned. You can't summon him for 6 days 23 hours 59 minutes 55 seconds.]
