057 Tower of Glory

"Say again?" Adam asked the flushed Roman.

"Yes, master. I want you to summon my wife. She was an angel. Her name is Lily," This time, Roman could say more clearly.

Adam then said with a joking tone, "You are a sinful demon, Roman! Even an angel was conquered by your sweet talk."

Roman could only smile embarrassedly.

"There must be a good story about it. I want to hear about it later if you don't mind, as we must access the tower of glory tonight. We are, no! It's me who is dragging this long. So I will ask Eve to find her. Eve, Have you found her?" Adam asked.

Eve then appeared on Adam's shoulder and said, "Done. Here is her card."

In front of Adam appeared a window of information.

[Angel Archer Lily Creature Card Lvl 3]

Description: used to summon and unsummoned Lily the angel archer. After she is unsummoned by the system, she can't be called for 7 days. Can level up naturally or by potions.

[Lily ]

Level: 3

Species: Angel

Mana: 350/400

Strength: 40

Defense: 40

Endurance: 40

Speed: 70

Magic: 50


• Creature type C: stats +30 per level.

• Holly protection: a thin invisible energy barrier always covers the user.

• False immortal: when received critical attack, will be forcefully unsummoned by the system.


• Invisible arrow: make an invisible energy arrow. Mana consumption: 10, cooldown: 10 seconds.

• Holy punishment: shooting an arrow that is possible to inflict a holy curse. Mana consumption: 50, cooldown: 5 minutes.

Adam then looked at the price. It was 5,000 GP.


As he heard her species was angel, he had already anticipated that her price would be expensive. He then eyed Roman, "How can your wife is 2 levels higher than you?"

Roman smiled bitterly, "It was a long story master. When I was a child…,"

"You can tell me later. Okay, I get her to you. Buy!" Adam cut off his speaking and declared.

A card then appeared and was floating in front of him.

Adam then picked it with his hand and said, "Summon!"

After that, a woman in white armor and a pair of white wings appeared. She also held a longbow and a quiver of arrows at her back. 

The woman then kneeled in front of Adam, "Greeting Master, I, Lily, devote myself to become your sword. I will defend your honor and extinguish your enemy."

"Stand up! Just for you know, I summoned you because someone had asked me. You should thank him," Adam said.

"It has been a while, honey!" Roman with an emotional tone said it behind her.

Lily froze, Adam could see her shock. She then stood up and turned and looked at Roman in disbelief, "Roman?! Is that you?"

Roman with a teary-eyed nodded, "I'm glad I can meet you again. This time, Don't do anything silly again. You are not very good at thinking."

Lily then pounced on Roman and hugged him, "It's really you! I'm sorry for not hearing you back then. I'm sorry…."

Adam and Eve could only watch at the pair that just reunited with smile. A second after that, they heard a cry from Lily. Roman caressed her black hair while his tears continued to flow.

Then the romantic scene in the room must be soiled by an annoyed voice.

"Geez, can you stop making a loud noise!? I'm studying now," Gideon stared at Roman and Lily.

Eve then shouted, "You insensitive dwarf!"


"Are you ready?" Eve asked.

After the atmosphere calmed down, Adam decided to leave Roman, Lily, and Gideon to have a shower. After his belly was full, he just realized he hadn't taken a shower.

After his body was fresh as well as his mind, he came back to the room to find that Gideon was still studying the blueprints and the two love birds were chatting silently at another corner.

"Yes, I'm curious what the tower is," Adam said, while accessing the shop interface.

[Do you want to enter Tower of Glory? It requires 100 GP.]

"Yes," Adam answered.


"Hiii… What was that?" A coach of a cart was terrified after seeing a ghostly creature moving past him at high speed.

Traze ignored him. In front of him a crossroad near the ferry dock. He then turned left and saw some shops that were closed. They were some shop that sold some fish that Adam saw before. 

After flying a minute later, he met two of Mike's subordinates that were patrolling while chatting.

'It seemed nothing wrong is happening,' Traze said in his head.

Just as he wanted to call them, he felt he was unsummoned. He was confused for a moment.

'What is it? Is there anything to discuss again?' His body then disappeared.


In front of Adam was a dark passage. 

"Where is it?" Adam asked.

"Where else? It is the tower," Ave said.

Then a sensation that he felt a few days before appeared in his chest. His invheart was beating rapidly.

"What a dense mana? Wow…," Adam murmured. Just as he wanted to say anything else, a system window appeared again.

[Welcome to Tower of Glory first floor. Kill 5 imps that guard this cave to move on to the second floor.]

"Eve? Don't say, glory tower is actually a place to train and level up?" Adam asked excitedly.

"Yes! But more than that. It also gives you rewards after you finish the floor. But it is designed to be more effective if the ones who cleared the floor are at the suitable level. For example, the first floor to the tenth floor are suitable for level 1 creatures. You can summon your contracted creatures who are just level 1. It will make them grow faster," Eve answered.

"So, I have to wait for a while to train myself," Adam concluded with a disappointed tone.

"Of course you can still train by meditating while waiting for the others to finish the floor. The mana in the tower is richer than outside. And the higher the floor, the mana will become denser," Eve said.

"Okay, I will do as you said," Adam then summoned all of his level 1 creatures.

One by one they appeared. Starting from Roman, the elves, the dwarves, Zeen, and Traze.

Each of them was surprised, being summoned inside a passage. 

"Master! I was still studying half of the blueprints!" Gideon grumbled.

Adam smiled, "Sorry! it's time to train."

He then looked at the disappointed Roman, "You can spend more time with your wife later. And don't do it in my room. You can rent another room."

"My apologies, master," Roman then bowed his head in a flushed face.

"Oh Traze, I'm sorry to call you back, were you still on the road just now," Adam said with a little guilt.

Traze then smiled bitterly and said," You can say like that. By the way, master. What will we do here?"

"It must be you had already arrived huh… I am really sorry then. We are on the first floor of the tower of glory. It's the place for us to train from now on. Next, find and kill 5 imps here. And we will be able to advance to the second floor. Don't worry! They are just level 1. I'm sure you can beat them easily. It is also your chance to train your teamwork. Traze, you lead them! I will meditate here," Adam said.

"Yes master!" They answered.
