
Hotel nights

"Hand me the waterbottle?" Destiny asked, waking up from what felt like a catnap. She had dozed off on Bianca's shoulder. The bus was rather nice and clean. Thankfully there werent as many people as there normally were. People were vetted as they exited Palermo to ensure that Kore doesn't escape Palermo too.

"Slept well sleeping beauty?" Bianca asked.

"Yeah..." the girl yawned before drinking from the bottle," remember what you promised?" she asked.

"Ugh that's like the fifth time you've reminded me" Bianca rolled her eyes," I will make sure you have a good dinner... chill"

Destiny grinned and adjusted her headscarf which was tied a tad too tightly. It was a baby blue one that was her favorite and she loved wearing it with her jacket. She looked around at other tourists who were also dressed well. It was nice to feel like one of them rather than feeling like a fugitive who was constantly facing the threat of death.