Judging from her stance, she's a martial artist that focuses on speedy attacks. She might also know several kicks as well. Looking at her hands, her claws are bent, mimicking a tiger's claw. This might be one of the eastern martial arts that focuses on gripping, joint locks and attacks on the body's pressure points.

     This kind of martial art also focuses on long range strikes, so that the practitioner won't easily get hurt. 

' So I need to get up close, and not to get too close so I wont get locked.'

I switched stance, from orthodox to a stance that focuses on kicking.

I kept my chin tucked, hands up to block punches and kicks, then I place my weight on my back leg, which is the right leg. I slightly lift my left leg to block her kicks if she dare come.

  For a minute, we started at each other without doing anything. Clara had already left and ran home without saying anything. I just hoped that she didn't call the police.

   Then, Bianca charged at me. After she charged, she landed on her right foot and clawed with her left hand. I dodged her left, sidestepped to the right and kicked her left ribs.


After that kick, she flinched a little and stepped back a few steps.

"Not bad." She said.

I raised my eyebrows and went back into my stance.

Then I went in and threw a left jab. As expected, she would either dodge, or she would duck and counter. It was the latter. But her counter attack would be countered by mine. She ducked under my left arm and I raised my knee to strike her head.

    I felt my knee hit something. But it wasn't her head. A second before my knee come close to hitting her face, she managed to block it with her palm.

   I quickly elbowed her back and stepped out of her range.

Obviously, our experience are different. I have the upper hand but I can't be too confident or else I'll get my butt handed to me.

Bianca looked like she's in pain. But she's still a threat.

This time, both of us charged at the same time. I didn't expect it so I was caught off guard.

She landed first and threw a clawed attack towards my neck. I raised my folded arm and defended my neck. She was a step ahead of me.

After seeing her strike getting blocked, Bianca struck my left abdomen with her right leg. I flinched in pain as I was trying to counter.

After landing the kick, she tried to step out but I managed to grab her right arm and pulled her towards me.

I then lifted my left leg, hoping to strike her chin.

And I did.

The kick landed and I could hear the noise it made. She staggered for a few moments, as if she was going to be knocked out, but she was able to regain her footing after a few seconds. She looked at me.

"Damn! Ugh, that one almost put me to sleep!" She exclaimed.

Her endurance was amazing. I need to put up a bigger fight. I tricked her by taking a left jab, but I quickly switched to a right cross and punched her face. Then I quickly launched a fury of 1-2 strikes on her. She struggled to block it all. She then saw an opening in my fury of attacks and sent a front kick towards my stomach.

    I got knocked a few steps back but I didn't flinch. I was determined to knock this b*tch out for assaulting my Android.

Seeing that her kick didn't do much to me, she attacked me with her clawed attacks towards my face. I managed to evade all but one. That one strike hit me straight at my right temple and I staggered. I heard the air woosh ahead, and I quickly lifted my right foot to block.

   My judgement call was right. The sound of the air was made by her kick and I managed to block it just in time. I regained my strength and sent a right hand, straight between her nose bridge. The punch broke her glasses in half.

    "Guah!!" She yelled.

She went dizzy for a few seconds, before falling on her back.

She was unconscious.

"Soooo…. What should I do with you…?"

I figured she would be a burden to take care of, so I just left her there and went straight home.

  I arrived home just before 6:30, and Clara was already in the kitchen preparing dinner. Like I guessed, it was hotdogs. 

I sat down at the dining table and observed her.

"Why did you run away?" I asked her.

She didn't stop working but answered;

"I thought it would be the best thing to do, because she wanted to destroy me, didn't she."

"Well she did-…" My words trailed off as I thought about it.

Is she becoming more sentient, or am I imagining things?

"Anything wrong Damien?"

"Ah, no it's just…. I'm kinda curious."

"Why is that?"

"Clara, are you learning things every day?"

She tilted her head a bit hearing that.

"Yes, I was designed to do so. Every day something new or interesting enough for a software instability, I would learn it. Just like the assault on me. I also learn behaviors and use it myself."


Does that mean, she would get to the point of becoming human-like?

"Yeah uh, forget about what we talked about earlier. Just continue doing what you're doing."

She went on with her cooking and ignored me. I stood up from my chair and waited in the living room to watch TV. Nothing in the news tonight, although it's just around seven. The more interesting news is aired around nine. I have plenty of time to spare. Tomorrow's the exhibition and I guess I'll bring Clara along. Maybe she'll pick up some new things while we're at it.

    I went into my room and looked at my phone. There was a missed call from mom. I decided to call her back. Soon enough she picked up.

"Damien! Why didn't you pick up?"

"Sorry mom, I got occupied with something. Why'd you call?"

"Oh… it's nothing. I just had an uneasy feeling about you. So I had to call you, just in case. You can't ignore these gut feelings."

Typical mom. This is why mom is the best person ever to be my mother.

"Oh it's nothing, really. I just went out to buy dinner. That's all."

"Did anything happen? Like anything at all?"

"No mom, nothing." I had to lie so she would calm down.

"Sigh. Good. I'm sorry if I'm such a bother."

"Its fine mom. It's okay to worry."

"Alright Damien, talk to you later."


I hung up the call.

Seriously though, why does she worry about me a lot? It's not like I'm going to war or anything…. But better be safe than sorry. That's mother's for you. They'll trust their motherly feelings without a doubt.

I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes, trying to get some rest. I guess I'll wait for Clara to come wake me up thennnnzzzzz…..