After what happened, Bianca and I decided to go to my house. I didn't say anything because soon she would be my roommate after all. When we arrived and went inside, Clara's reaction to Bianca was amusing.

When she saw Bianca, she just stood still, frozen, and she was frowning and cocking her head sideways. I can't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Hi Android, remember me from before?" Bianca asked.

"Aren't you the one who tried to assault me?"

"HAHAHA! You're funny!"

Bianca showed a confused expression on her face, then looked at me, and then Bianca.

"What is she doing here?" Clara asked. She immediately walked to Bianca and stood face to face in front of Bianca.

"She's staying with us from now on." I told her.



"Well then, I'm off to take a look at the rooms!!" Bianca cheerfully walked to the first floor rooms and began opening the doors one by one.

"Too small.... nah this one's too empty....," she mumbled as she checked each of the rooms. I sighed just by looking at her. I remembered that there is one more room besides mine upstairs.

"Bianca, there's one furnished room besides mine upstairs. It's at the end of the hallway." I told her.

She looked at me with a frown.

"...You sure?"

"Why would I not be?"

"Well then!" After saying that, she quickly rushed the second floor to look for the room.

Suddenly, Clara called my name.


I immediately turned to look at Clara who was suddenly standing next to me, looking straight at my eyes. Now that I see it, she has this expression on her face, which I can't recognize what it is because I didn't expect Clara to be capable of showing emotions. "What?" I replied then.

"Are you sure about this?" Clara asked. Why was she concerned about this in the first place anyway? I thought such a thing like her didn't have to worry about a thing and just put up an expressionless face all the time, but now she looks different. As if she was more human.

"Sure about what?" I asked her back. "About Bianca? She doesn't have anywhere to live at. We have spare rooms, so why not give her one to stay?" I told her, hoping that she'll stop bringing up this matter anymore.

"Damien, I know you're my master, but you have to remember that she tried to destroy me before.'

I placed both hands on her shoulders and sighed. "Clara, let me tell you. Bianca had no choice but to live of off scavenging android parts before. Now that her 'problem' is solved, she won't do anything to you anymore. You have my word." I replied.

She stared at me with her eyes. It somehow hit me, that you don't see a behavior like this in an Android these days, unless they're Androids that fully adapted to human ways of living and learned to have emotions. Plus, I've never seen any other Androids that has the same features as Clara. I guess I'll have to ask Mr. Warren about this matter later. With my hands still on her shoulder, I stared deep into her eyes.

"Clara, where'd you learn how to act like this? Is it not your duty to obey your master?" I asked her, not breaking eye contact.

She was stunned and didn't answer for a moment. Suddenly her expression from earlier turned to an expressionless one, just like what she always had.

"You were saying?" She asked.


"What do you mean what I was saying?" I asked her. "You just got mad at me for letting Bianca in earlier."

She tilted her head in confusion.

"What? I'm fine with letting her stay." She answered.

Okay, what? I'm literally have no clue what's going on. It's like she's a different person from before.

"Forget it. Just go and cook something for us to eat." I told her.

She just nodded and went off to the kitchen. Moments later I could hear the sound of kitchenware and metals hitting each other. I went upstairs to check on Bianca. I went to the room I mentioned earlier and could already see Bianca laying on the bed. She saw me and grinned.

"This room is nice! Are you sure you're giving me this?" She asked me.

The room was a little smaller than mine, but big enough for at least one person to stay in. It was already furnished with a single bed, a desk and a chair, also comes with toilet and shower. There is also a balcony, which I don't have. Forgot to mention, there's a bookcase next to the table. Perfect for a girl's room. Maybe.

"Sure, but if you want to decorate it then that's your job." I said.

"What!" She yelled. "But I don't have any money! Don't you have a lot of money? You're rich! Right right right?" She looked up at me with begging eyes to persuade me. I pushed her face away, making her yelp.

"Nope. We still have time before the university's open for applications. Once I get my results, I'll try and find something to do to earn money. Hey, thinking about it, our results are coming out soon." I said to her while checking the room which is now hers.

Bianca who was sulking because her persuasion didn't work earlier went back to her usual self. "That's a good idea, but what job are you going to do?" She asked, while looking at me wandering around in the room.

"Dunno." I answered subconsciously.

Her left eye twitched when hearing my answer. "You gave an idea but you yourself don't know what to do with it?!!" She yelled.

"I just gave the idea, the solution for myself to find. You should look for a job too."

"Fuck." She cursed under her breath.

I left the room to leave her alone and let her decide what's she going to do next. For now, I will have to obtain money for myself. True, I have a lot of money given to me by my mother and Mr. Warren is going to financially support me soon, but I can't always rely on them to fund me. I need to independently get money.

And I just had the perfect idea, that would involve both me and Bianca. I laughed quietly while going down the stairs. The noise of sizzling and metal scraping can still be heard coming from the kitchen. Well, I guess I'll have to wait until my finals result comes out.