Chapter - 18

Shizuku Kurogane had a man she loved. He the only person who showed her a kind smile among the grim-faced adults of her childhood, her one-year-older brother by blood, Ikki Kurogane. Shizuku loved him, so she suddenly kissed him at their reunion.

But Shizuku didn't see Ikki that way at first.

Four years ago, she loved him only as a younger sister would, and though her feelings changed when he left home, that separation hadn't formed romance in her heart. No, it only made Shizuku realize how her parents, eldest brother, and other relatives had ignored Ikki. Why didn't she notice her brother's pain before he disappeared, even though she was so close to him? She'd been tormented by unending regret, which turned to fury toward her family for hindering her gentle brother even after he severed ties, simply because he lacked talent. Simply because "Producing an F-Rank knight would disgrace the family name."

So Shizuku Kurogane decided, who cares about "taboo"? Who cares if their father, their mother, if the whole world no longer loved Ikki? She'd love her brother in their place, enough that no one else in this world would be nearly so loved.

But then something intolerable appeared: Ikki's self-declared slave, Stella Vermillion. Shizuku knew just by looking that Stella was interested in her brother and seducing him under pretext. That girl, that eyesore, was recklessly trying to cross the line with him. Even today, after Shizuku's house arrest was lifted and she invited Ikki to the movies as celebration, Stella intruded and demanded to join them.

Shizuku couldn't stand this. Her brother, being the kind of person he was, allowed Stella to tag along after hearing an excuse like "I don't know this country well so I'd like to find out more". Shizuku had been upset, but of course she was upset at Stella, not at Ikki, because Shizuku considered her brother the most wonderful of men. And that was why she couldn't tolerate Stella coiling around Ikki.

"…That sow."

Shizuku's roommate, Nagi Arisuin, smiled at her griping.

"Oh my, such a bad mood today too. Did something happen with the princess again?"


Fresh from the bath, Shizuku replied in a seething rage while Arisuin combed her hair. She usually spoke politely, even with Stella and of course with her brother, but she wasn't so reserved around Arisuin. Her expression wasn't as aloof as usual either; she was pouting, which Arisuin could easily see.

"Haha. A maiden in love sure has it rough."

Shizuku had already explained it all to her roommate. She naturally despised others regardless of gender, because her shyness had turned to mistrust after Ikki left home. Who was she supposed to trust in this world where parents could feel nothing for their children? Yet she told Arisuin about her love even though she met this person only a week or so ago.

It seems kind of fun to just talk with Alice….

Arisuin listened to what others had to say, and let others speak as they pleased. When Shizuku was delighted about something, Arisuin also became happy, but never meddled in matters Shizuku didn't share. Shizuku had brothers, but Arisuin was the perfect model for an older sister, so Shizuku sometimes simply told Arisuin too much.

"Hey, Alice."


"…Do you think it's strange for a sister to love her brother?"

Shizuku knew she was being childish, so why did she ask this unnecessary question? It was because she wanted Arisuin to guess her feelings, and give a different answer.

"Under common sense, of course it is. I don't think society can accept something like that. You should know it even without me saying so, right? But if you love him anyway, then I think it's a real and splendid love."

As usual, Arisuin guessed right.

"Sorry, Alice. I asked something pathetic…."

"My my, isn't it just fine? Seeing you think of him so much, I feel your love is something truly beautiful."

"Thanks. I'm not the least embarrassed about how I feel. But still, I'm worried whether Onii-sama will accept me."

"That's a contest of patience, I think. If he cherishes you as a sister, then it would be quite hard to become a woman in his eyes. The princess has an advantage in not having to jump that hurdle."


Arisuin's calm analysis turned Shizuku gloomy. In truth, Shizuku wasn't so devoid of common sense. She knew she shouldn't push herself on her brother, but she needed to approach him even if it meant loosening the screws in her head a bit. She needed to turn herself from a sister into a woman for Ikki, overwhelming him if that was what it took. The distance between them had broadened after four years, and if she didn't close it now, she'd have no chance at all. But even an overwhelming attack would repel her brother if it lacked charm. He might not even love her as his sister someday. Shizuku was so uneasy about it, she could break into tears at any moment.

Arisuin sensed Shizuku's depression.

"Don't make that disheartened face. Your rival does have her own obstacle in social position, after all. And there's no man who'd hate being approached by an assertive girl. If the girl's as cute as you, that's all the more exciting."

But is that really true…?

Shizuku didn't know if she was the kind of girl Arisuin described, but if Arisuin said men were like that, then that was how they must be. Arisuin definitely understood men better than she did.

"Thanks, Alice. I feel a lot better now."

"You're welcome~♪ …But still, a kiss like that right after meeting him is a bit too much, you know. I know it was also meant to fix your resolve, but if you do something so grand right from the start, you'll make your partner defensive instead."

"…I'm regretting it too."

"Then it's fine. You have to melt a guy's conscience slowly and carefully… just like melting a piece of candy with your tongue. Now leave tomorrow's date to me. I'll give you a makeover like you've never seen before―♡"

"That's right. I have Alice with me. I won't lose to that person."

If her rival was going to exploit being Ikki's slave, then Shizuku would use her status as Ikki's sister to the utmost. She wasn't about to give up, not when she was the only one who could understand her kind and lonely brother. She couldn't leave him to that girl. Strangers cared only for themselves, but Shizuku would never betray her brother. She'd never make him sad. She'd stay by his side forever, and her feelings would last even longer. That was why she had chased him this far.

Never… I'll never let that girl have him.

Arisuin's words gave Shizuku courage, and she regained the energy she lost when Stella intruded on their date.

"I'll do my best!"

"That's the spirit. Okay, it's done."

Arisuin turned off the dryer, and Shizuku's silver hair rustled when she tilted her head. It was completely different from when she styled it herself. When Shizuku learned of Arisuin's amazing skills, she stopped fixing her own appearance and allowed Arisuin to completely spoil her.

I want to do something for Alice too, but….

But what could she offer? Shizuku thought of something and turned around.

"That's right. Hey Alice, how about going with us for tomorrow's movie?"

"Oh, is that okay? Won't I be in the way?"

"It's fine. The date was ruined the moment that person joined."

"Haha, that's true too. Then please let me come along. I was hoping to chat with the brother you're so proud of at least once."

Good, Alice seems happy about it.

Shizuku quickly sent her brother a mail. Ikki was bringing his own roommate, so he should understand.

"Looks like tomorrow will be fun. If he turns out to be a good man, maybe I'll try for him too."

"Eh? Sorry, I didn't quite hear that. Could you repeat it… if you can, that is?"

"No, I'm sorry! That was a joke so please stop pointing Yoishigure at my neck!"

It was fine as a joke, but if Arisuin was being serious, Shizuku couldn't help but draw blood.