Chapter - 2

Entering the arena from the red gate from where Tomaru had gone through was a giant with a shaved head and a uniform with a high helm.

"Ranked fourth in our Hagun academy and a member of the student counsel, the C-Rank knight nicknamed 'Destroyer', contender Saijou Ikazuchi! Having won through an excellent run of matches, he leisurely stands in front of contestant Vermillion! There is no sign of the tension or excitement that had been seen from the others who fought contender Vermillion! Only the glaring at the opponent he has to defeat! Just like the wall newspaper club guaranteed, 'No running away for Japanese men', he lives up to the phrase! Completely ready to face contender Vermillion! Could it be that this time, we will finally witness the true power of the Crimson Princess!? Now, with both of them summoning their Devices―Match, START!"


"Whoa! contender Saijou swung his Device Zanbatou immediately with the sounding of the start buzzer! The force is so strong that the roar of the blade reached even the seats of the audience!"

"I'll ask, do you know my ability?"

Saijou asked Stella while rotating his Zanbatou overhead.

"I don't. Unlike Ikki, I don't research my opponents before the fight."

"Hmph. As expected of the famed A-Rank. Does a C-Rank not interest you?"

"It's not like I'm neglecting you. In the end this fight, and even the Sword-Art Festival, everything is simply training for us to grow stronger and become mage-knights. When confronting terrorists and the like, it's almost impossible for you to know of the opponents abilities beforehand. That's why, if you can't fight without knowing what your opponent's skill is, then that's no good."

"You won't do the initial research because of that, even though you are a first year. Such a noble will. Be that as it may, this time it is futile."


Saijou brought down the Zanbatou he was revolving overhead towards Stella. There was magic emitting from the rough sword that clashed with Stella's golden blade, Lævateinn.

The 'reason' of the blazers was already at work there.

"My ability is 'accumulation of the power of slashes'. The more I revolve the blade, the heavier it becomes. The current limit is ten tons. The reason for your loss in this battle will be because you let me charge my power to the limits because you didn't know of my ability!"

"It's the Crescendo Axe―!"

Accumulating the power of slashes. The slashes just now had enough force to crack open the ground. However―

"But no matter how heavy your slashes are, they're useless if they don't hit, you know."

That's right. This was the reason he loses to the third rank, Tomaru Renren. Certainly, if it's attack power alone, Crescendo Axe is of the highest class. But as for the speed of his fortified Zanbatou, it's definitely not fast. He was truly an easy opponent for speed-based fighters like Tomaru. And of course, Stella had plenty of velocity even though it wasn't as much as Tomaru. This type of attack, she could dodge it with her eyes closed.

"But, I'll receive it!!"



The downward slashing Crescendo Axe was received by Stella's Læveteinn. No, it didn't stop at that. Stella didn't just receive the slash from the Zanbatou, she used her might to push it back too.


He lost in strength. Saijou was shocked at that fact.

Yes, Saijou didn't know, because the single time when Stella fought seriously was when she fought Kurogane Ikki, and Saijou was not present there. Because he only saw the pictures taken by the students or the blurry uploaded movies on the streaming sites.

―That Stella was someone who could shake the Earth itself with just one strike of her sword!

"It would do you good to remember this, Sempai."

Stella pushed back the Zanbatou and stretched her hand toward the now defenseless Saijou, touching the upper helm.

"Power, talent, techniques, I will bring down everything while facing them head on. I am an A-Rank exactly because I can do something like that."

Instantly, fire blazed out from the hand that touched the helm. The collar snapped, and Saijou's body blasted 10 meters up in the air and then fell out of the ring.

Saijou, who was now covered in soot, lay unmoving. He lost consciousness at that close distance explosion.

"The match is over! Winner, Stella Vermillon!"

Realizing that fact quickly, the referee immediately judged the match to be over and announced the winner.

"A-Again, complete victoryyy!! Even though contender Saijou daringly wished for a head on battle, he wasn't even an opponent for her! This is world level! This is the highest rank! Strong, way too strong! The first years this time are way too strong!! If it's her, if it's them! They could earn our Hagun Academy the crown of the Seven Stars Sword King after all these years it has been out of our reach!"

While basking in the excited shouts and cheers, Stella left the ring.

It has been about a month since The Seven Star Sword-Art Festival selection battles started, when the season turned.

Failure Knight, Kurogane Ikki.

Crimson Princess, Stella Vermillion.

Lorelei, Kurogane Shizuku.

With their consecutive wins, they became names that everyone in the school knew.

Part 2[]

"Congratulations, Onii-sama♥."

After Ikki came out of the exit of the fifth training arena where the match was held, he suddenly felt a light impact on his hips.

After looking down, he saw Shizuku with her jade-colored eyes giving off her presence there. And Arisuin was behind her.

"Thank you, Shizuku. But could you please stop hugging me in public places. It's embarrassing."

"Okay. It's cute when Onii-sama becomes embarrassed too."

"Alice, it seems like my words can't get through my sister anymore. As expected, do you think the lack of communication during those four years is the cause?"

"Fufu, that might be the origin."

"Ahhh! Shizuku's hugging Ikki again!"

An angry roar sounded from behind Ikki who was being fawned over by Shizuku. The one standing there was Stella, who came out of the arena after Ikki. After seeing her, Shizuku's angelic expression twisted into something that made her look like she was biting on a sour insect.

"What is it, you loud person. You're already grown up so could you please not go around screaming like a kid."

"Isn't that because Shizuku is doing something strange to Ikki!?"

"Something strange? I don't understand. As you can see, am I not simply bonding? Right, Onii-sama? Aren't we simply siblings that get along?"

"Y-Yeah. But the distance is a bit too close and it's embarrassing. A little further would be better."

"See, Onii-sama said 'Yeah'."

An outrageous quote mining just occurred!

"There was more after that! What is it with you and your double standards!"

"I don't know. I don't understand what you are saying. In the first place, just think about it, Stella-san. I am certainly clinging to Onii-sama, but I am not putting in much force. First of all, even if I did force it with all my power, Onii-sama would easily be able to tear away from me. That's right, if Onii-sama really did dislike it, he would have done that. But Onii-sama won't do something so mean to a sister who yearns so much for her brother, right?"

Right? Those jade-colored eyes of Shizuku's glimmered with moisture as she asked that, not unlike those of an abandoned puppy.

…There's no way he could shake off something so cute.

"Y-Yeah…. I wouldn't… do that."


"Do you get it? This is permitted skinship between siblings who love each other. Stella-san, who doesn't have anything to do with it, shouldn't butt in."

"I-I'm not unrelated!"

"Ooh? Then what kind of relation do you have?"


"In the end you are going to say something like you're his slave, right? But if you're his slave, then you questioning the actions of me, his sister, is in the wrong here. The people of your country, even though they do not serve you but your parents, they show proper respect to you, do they not? Or is it that the Vermillion imperial family only sees what's convenient for itself?"

"W-Wro, ugh, uuuu…."

Stella, who tried to rebut Shizuku's fierce attack only kept muttering. But what she tried to say, Ikki knew it. That's right. Their relation, it changed on that night one month ago. From simple roommates, it changed to being lovers. And Stella was a princess, even if hers was a small country. They didn't have the social standing to be able to announce such a thing in public. Of course, Ikki was also aware of that. That's why they decided to hide their relation for now.

But there was no woman in this world that would permit her lover to have a relationship that obviously passed the borders of love, even if it was her lover's sister. And of course, Stella didn't like it either. But she could not say it. That's why she sank into vexed silence.

And Shizuku glanced at that Stella looking a bit disappointed.


"Eh? Shizuku?"

"It's nothing. Then, shall we go, Onii-sama?"


Stella sent a glance filled with jealousy towards Shizuku, who was now dragging Ikki away.


Seems like she was crying a little. It was a bit cute.


She's growling!?

"H-Hey Shizuku. As I thought, locking arms with my sister at this age and in school as well, it's a bit… too embarrassing."

Sensing the incoming danger, he tried to shake Shizuku off.

Shizuku looked a bit dissatisfied, but she removed her arm immediately.

"I understand, Onii-sama… I wouldn't want to be hated by Onii-sama after all."

"There's no way I could hate you."

He denied that part. He could never hate his little sister who loved him so much. And that will not change, no matter what would happen.

At his words, Shizuku smiled a little.

"Thank you. But still, Onii-sama―"

She stopped speaking once and then whispered in a voice that couldn't be heard by anyone other than Ikki.

"If you are too kind, then you won't be able to go forward even if you try."

It seems like this good younger sister of his already guessed something.

…Won't go forward even if I try, is it….

Certainly, it was exactly as she said. Ikki has been Stella's lover for about a month. But their relationship hasn't progressed even a bit. Rather, it feels like it retreated a few steps. With him being her boyfriend, he felt overly conscious of her.

He wanted to be closer. He wanted to touch her more. His wanted to step on the next level. However, he didn't know when he should make his move. How exactly should he explain this situation? Should they both discuss this situation properly like a company meeting? Or should he make his move while having a random conversation?

I don't get it.

Ikki who had no experience with the opposite sex wasn't able to read the timings at all.

―And the more hopeless fact was that Stella was the same in that field. It's like they were sailing the deep blue seas without a compass. Of course, it would turn into a disaster.

…Like Shizuku said, should the guy be more aggressive in these cases?

But if that made Stella hate him… no can do. He couldn't be forceful. As a result, Ikki wasn't able to touch Stella even once in the last month.

…Haa…I'd like to get a kiss soon though….

The fact that they felt more distant than before they started dating was a bit too lonely.

"Ah! Hey look at that."

"It's the Crimson Princess. The Lorelei and the Failure Knight are also with her."

"They really have a different air to them, don't they? Those three."

"What are you spouting like you actually know something? Those two girls aside, that Failure Knight's just an F-Rank with a bit of luck, that's all."

"You, you're still saying stuff like that?"

"Rather, did you hear guys? I heard that Vermillion and the Kurogane brother both defeated those fourth and third ranked student council members easily."

"Seriously? Then there's only the 'Scharlach Frau' and the president left above them!"

"Well, those two are doing excellently in Hagun Academy, and if their luck doesn't turn downhill from now on their place in the representatives is almost certain. And the Kurogane sister also has consecutive wins."

"This year's first years are really something, huh. That tall dude behind the Witch of the Deep Sea. Isn't he also amazing?"

"Hey you, don't call him 'that dude'! Nagi-sama has a cool nickname, 'Black Sonia'!"

"That's right! I can't believe you just called our Nagi-sama 'that dude'!"

"H-Huh…. Sorry… I guess."

"That many talents gathered together in the first year alone…. This year, Hagun might actually do it."

As Ikki's group headed towards the main school building from the fifth arena, they felt various kinds of gazes on them. It had already been a month since the selection battles started. The number of remaining candidates was slimming down. And among the rest, the four who reigned undefeated would obviously gather attention.

Especially Ikki, he was attracting a lot of scrutiny. The Failure Knight who was advancing by leaps and bounds after defeating the Hunter shocked the student body of Hagun Academy beyond measure. Knights who boasted about their talents were defeated one after another by the person who was ranked F no matter how you evaluated his ability. At first, the students could not accept the scenes they saw as reality, but after the same thing happened nine times, they had no choice but to accept it. Ikki was no longer a fraud like they called him before. They could no longer see him like that.

It was enough to raise a sense of inferiority in a few others. Now, almost all of the knights could only be perplexed at this heretical failure of a knight, and only guess just how much higher he could climb.

Seeing that, Stella started to brag happily.

"Fu-fun. Seems like the other idiots finally noticed Ikki's strength."

"Of course. My Onii-sama is the most fantastic person in the world, to the point where those realizing it now can be considered way too slow. But still, things have really changed in the past month. There are a lot of people coming to the lunch break lecture nowadays."

"Certainly. I was so surprised when the third year sempais also came."

The lecture they were talking about was the one Ikki was forced to start giving, being pestered by his classmates. It was a martial arts class. Ikki gave classes on various martial arts. Of course swordsmanship was included, but there were also kodachi techniques, spear work, and even archery.

Only Ikki could do it. Being well versed in many martial arts after analyzing so many techniques of different enemies, he was a universal martial artist.

Though, taking into account that Ikki himself doesn't count anything else but swordsmanship as his speciality, and that he wouldn't teach the students actual techniques along with their skills, it was simply a school class for fundamental martial arts.

At first, it was only a few of Ikki's classmates who participated. But after all the uproar Ikki made, the students started to get a better opinion of martial arts. Now, not only the classmates, but people from outside the school boundaries also came to him for lessons. This was also one of the great changes that happened from a month ago.

"But the biggest change that happened till now… I guess it's that."

It had only been about a week since one particular change started. Honestly, he thought that if he ignored it, the problem would settle, but there were no signs of it ending any soon. He couldn't ignore it any longer.

"Onii-sama, what do you mean by… 'that'?"

"Yeah. Actually… I think I'm being stalked."
