Chapter - 17

Thank you for waiting! It's time, so we will be starting the first match in the sixth training arena! I, Isogai of the Broadcasting Club, along with Oreki Yuuri, a homeroom teacher of the first year, will be your commentators for this match! Oreki-sensei, you seem to be in a good condition today!"

"It's because it's still the first match~ I will become the same ol' Yuuri that everyone loves when we get to around the third or so match~ ♪ But, it's still good. I've got about a liter of blood in reserve~"

"I see! It seems there will be a rain of blood in the broadcasting corner again! Well then, everyone, we will carry out the awaited introductions of the participants!"

The female student of the Broadcasting Club

began introducing the first player.

"First, in the blue corner, with his perfect games; having won ten out of ten matches, and the one who is now the center of attention, the F-Rank knight, Kurogane Ikki!"

The audience burst into cheers the moment Ikki showed up in the stadium. The fans who came to cheer the Failure Knight on were female students.

"The stadium got filled with shouts the moment he showed up! He has amazing popularity!"

"Kurogane-kun has lots of female fans―"

"Even though he is so strong despite being a F-Rank, it feels like he isn't being rewarded!"

"Does Sensei understand this feeling?"

"A little while ago no one took notice of him, and he was just a nobody who had repeated the same year, but after the changes in Hagun's system, he stood out after displaying his ability in actual combat and weaponry. Now, the Failure Knight is considered to be one possible candidate for the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival! What kind of fight will he show us today!? And, today the one facing him has appeared in the red corner! With the same splendid record of ten wins out of ten matches, and wishing for her eleventh victory, the D-Rank third year knight, Ayatsuji Ayase!"

After Ikki, Ayase appeared, her black hair fluttering.

"For some strange reason she is also from a house that practices the art of the sword, which is very rare these days, like the contender Kurogane. They both had won their every match with sword techniques. From the information provided by Kagami-san from the Wall Newspaper Club it seems that she is actually a disciple of contender Kurogane who had been giving her lectures! In other words, today's match is between a master and his disciple! Will the disciple be able to overcome her strong master!?"

"*Cough* This will become a critical moment for Ayatsuji-san."

"Yes. Unlike contender Kurogane who had fought off competitors like the Hunter and Runner's High, contender Ayatsuji had won against lower E-Rank knights. Realistically speaking she was extremely lucky to have continually won ten matches."

"What kind of Blazer is she~?"

"We have little to no information regarding contender Ayatsuji. We don't have any data because she didn't participate in last year's competitive matches even once, and like I said before, she had won her matches with sword skills alone this year. That is why we don't know what kind of ability she is hiding up her sleeves! The existence of the trump card that contender Ayatsuji is hiding will increase the excitement of this match! Well then, both of them are now on the starting line!"

The two of them faced each other with a distance of twenty meters between them in the middle of the ring that was about a hundred meters long. Like it had been announced a little while ago, both of them were comrades who had practiced the sword and had spent time together. But, at present, there was no longer such a relationship between them.

…Such a scary face.

Ayase thought, looking at Ikki's expression. She had never seen such a strict and grim expression on Ikki's face before. He was mad. At Ayase who had dirtied herself with a conduct called foul play that a martial artist should never lay his hands on.

But Ayase didn't feel sorry. Because she had already decided to walk down this path.

Rather… this is more convenient.

Ikki's mana had not completely recovered because of Ayase's preparations. He should not be able to use Ittou Shura anymore. On top of that, Ikki was clearly straining himself. That was not his usual posture, she could easily see that.

Anger robbed his composure, and lack of composure always connected to the decline of potential. Since the difference between them was obvious, she had to remove whatever was removable from Ikki's fighting power. That is why, this could be said to be a pleasant byproduct of her actions.

Furthermore… Ayase had a trap that could very well be called a trump card. She had already prepared it at dawn before the face off with Ikki.

Now that he has lost his composure, he might just jump into that trap.

"Now then, Everyone, please cheer them on! MATCH START!"

Part 5[]

The moment the buzzer to start the match was hit―


With the reaction speed of a sprinter, the swordsman with the black katana rushed towards Ayase. Bending his body low, a sprint like a gale that used his entire body's springs and not just leg strength. It was a complete surprise attack, raising the curtains of the match.

Ayase, who hadn't yet taken a good hold on the red Japanese sword Hizume, would not be able to counter it.

But, that was only if they were just swordsmen. The two of them were Blazers!

"You fell for it!"

Along with her voice, Ayase's device Hizume released a red light, resembling fresh blood, from the blade of her sword.

―Blood flew from Ikki's entire body.

"Guhh, ahhhhh!"

Ikki fell while shouting in pain. Upon examination, Ikki's entire body was covered in wounds made by long slashes.

"Wh, wha wha wha wha what was that just nowwwwww!? Suddenly contender Kurogane's body has been hacked up! Just what the heck happened!?"

"What!? What happened!? There is blood coming out of the Failure Knight!"

The audience was stirred by the sudden turn of events. No one understood what happened in that moment.

However, only a Blazer can do something like slice-and-dice an opponent who was far away. That was the ability of Ayatsuji Ayase's Device Hizume.

My ability is to open the wounds given by the blade of Hizume.

By manipulating the wounds given by her sword at will, her ability allowed her to make any kind of small wound into a fatal one. In other words it was an ability to deepen vital wounds.

However, this was only when it was used on humans. Her ability could also be used on the atmosphere. By manipulating the parts of the atmosphere that were cut by the blade of Hizume she could instantly, or after a certain time, create blades of vacuum.

That was her Noble Art, Mark of the Wind.

Before dawn, and before she went to meet with Ikki, Ayase had come to this sixth training arena, which was to become the stage for her match, and laid down the land mines of slashes by cutting up the entire ring with Hizume.

I've laid out more than a hundred of these marks all over the ring. Even if Kurogane-kun is a master in seeing through things, there is no way even he can defend against attacks that can't be seen! In reality, he just easily fell for one of my traps.

Of course, this was against the rules. It wouldn't be a problem if she marked around during the match, but it was completely against the rules to set up traps on the stage before the match had even begin.

But, because the kamaitachi couldn't be seen, it was hard to notice the trick. She was worried that Oreki, who was a mage knight, might be able to see through it. But Oreki still hadn't called off the match due to foul play. Then―

I can do this!

She had outwitted Oreki. Ayase certainly felt the attack hit.

The vacuum blades created by Mark of the Wind was a byproduct of conceptual magic. Honestly, it lacked the power to kill the opponent, and thus was not a decisive move. But a slash of Hizume was a different story. With Ayase's ability, the match would be decided if Ikki received even a scratch from the blade of Hizume, because she could make any kind of wound, no matter how small it was, and open up and tear the flesh until the bone to make it fatal.

In other words, Ayase's goal was to corner Ikki with Mark of the Wind and then slash him once with Hizume.

If I can do that, then I'll be able to win.

The problem was, when could she charge in to deliver the wound?

Ikki was no average swordsman. Ayase understood it the best due to directly taking classes from him. If she made one wrong move, she would be defeated instead. She had given him some damage with that surprise attack, but that didn't make him fall down, it only stopped his charge. He still had his guard up to at least fend off attacks even while he was wounded.

…That's why, it's too early. It can't be helped, and his actions would mean only one thing if Kurogane-kun doesn't charge at me now.

His charge had been stopped, and in return it ended up with him receiving heavy wounds. There was a breather for a while to reconfirm his emotions and posture. Then―

"Oh, contender Kurogane took a step back! Has he decided to retreat and reconfirm the situation before the unknown slash!?"

I'll aim for that!


"Ahh!? How could this be? Contender Kurogane was slashed from behind this time! What is going on in that ring!?"

Ayase had created a prison out of slashes. There was nowhere to run. Ikki finally fell to his knees after suddenly being slashed from behind.

A complete opening, and that was for Ayase―

A once in a lifetime chance!!!

She would end it here; with that in mind, Ayase rushed forth towards Ikki.

"Contender Ayatsuji takes the offense the moment Contender Kurogane fell to his knees! This is bad! He won't be able to demonstrate his prized sword technique in that position!"

Ayase had the choice to drag out the battle since she had created the prison of slashes, but she was afraid.

Kurogane-kun was able to beat even that Hunter.

And he didn't just beat him. The important thing here was the fact that he managed to beat Hunter after receiving all of his attacks and even broke that famous Area Invisible.

In that fight Ikki was not able to see Hunter until the very end. Despite that, the Worst One still caught Hunter and defeated him. Ikki had frightening insight. With that it wouldn't be odd for him to trace Ayase's thoughts back and see through the places that had Marks of the Wind.

She wouldn't think about it if it was someone ordinary, but Kurogane Ikki just might do it. Even if she dragged out the match and chipped his stamina off little by little, it'd be bad if he managed to recover mentally during that.

The frightening part about the Worst One wasn't his physical strength but his mental power that supported his insight.

That's why―I'll charge in now! It'd be fine if I just hurt him a bit! The match would be decided with just that!


"And contender Ayatsuji fiercely attacks! Rush, rush, ruuuuush! She is raining down slashes by the scarlet blade at contender Kurogane, who is on his knees! Is blocking the attacks in that unstable position the best contender Kurogane can do!? Will he get sliced by the rain of slashes just like that!? …No!? Wh-What a thing! Contender Kurogane is completely defending against the rain of red slashes despite being at a disadvantage and in an unstable position with the blade of Intetsu! He is not letting even a single slash from the blade which keeps falling down on him from above pass!"


She couldn't reach him. Even though all she needed to do was scratch him a little bit, that little bit seemed so far away. Ayase was astonished at Ikki who was, despite being in a disadvantaged position, blocking all of her attacks by using techniques that relied on the wrists alone.

As expected… of the knight who was even called the Crownless Sword King by some. He wouldn't let her win easily. Moreover, Ikki stood up while blocking the rain of slashes.


"Contender Kurogane, while blocking the sword strikes from his opponent in that position, stands up and finally counterattacks!"

He launched a wide and big slash to her head.

It wasn't Ikki's style to strike with power alone, but that was all a part of his plan.

―This was not a counterattack like the commentator had said.

Even if he was able to make a comeback, the rhythm that was lost because of receiving the attacks in that disadvantageous position wouldn't come back so simply. Ikki wished to create some distance, thus the wide swing. If his opponent dodged, it would obviously increase the distance between them, and even if the opponent received the attack it would still shake her off because of the power of the strike and distance would be created between them.

It'd be advantageous for Ikki no matter which of the two she chose. It was an attack with a plan behind it. However, Ayase had read that plan of his!


She read his movements and understood that this was a chance to win. Ayase's Ayatsuji single-blade style was a school that specialized in the counter by deflection.

It is normally impossible for someone of my level to actually counter a strike from a serious Kurogane-kun.

Ikki's swordsmanship was too agile. If she recklessly tried to make a move, she would be the one getting burned.

But this strike from above was a different matter altogether.

This intimidating strike was just to gain some distance from a glued opponent. Though it was violent and rough it didn't have that agility and sharpness.

If it was this strike, then even I can counter it.

She decided it in an instant. Ayase readied Hizume and slid the hammer-like strike outside. Simultaneously, Ayase put strength into her leg and moved her body forward, aiming for a counter. She passed by Ikki whose upper body was afloat and swung Hizume aiming for the torso.

I got him!

Ayase gained definite confidence in her judgment.

But―rather than getting the sensation of cutting abdominal flesh, what she felt was the resistance of having hit something hard.

He was able to guard it! Why!

Even though she had slid his blade to the side, how was he able to guard in that timing?

The answer lay in Ikki's hand.

He blocked Ayase's counter strike with Intetsu's hilt.

"Oooooooo! The moment when we thought he was countered, contender Kurogane blocked the counter with the hilt of his sword! What an amazing trick play!"

"Kurogane-kun used the same guard in his mock battle with Stella-chan. Guarding attacks, which couldn't be guarded with the blade, with the hilt. A defense that uses both the blade and the hilt, as always the cross range is impregnable."

…Kuh! Now that I think about it, Kurogane-kun was able to guard in this strange manner, too…!

Upon Oreki's explanation, Ayase clicked her tongue. What amazing power of concentration. But why is he able to maintain such concentration? Even though he had lost his composure―


Thinking about it, Ayase, who looked at Ikki's expression, was stunned.

His expression didn't contain even an atom of anger or impatience that he showed before. Ikki had regained his composure. He was looking over at Ayase with eyes so tranquil that it reminded one of a fountain that didn't create even a single ripple.

It can't be…. I was lured in…!?

Ayase reacted immediately to chills she felt on her back. She kicked off the ground and gained a considerable amount of distance from Ikki's attack zone. She was on guard thinking an attack from him would follow, but Ikki didn't chase her. Ayase was just standing still in one place but there were no attacks that followed her. She thought she was either under a misunderstanding or maybe she was being excessively cautious.

Either way, it's back to square one.

There were still many traps left. She didn't wish for a prolonged battle but it would be meaningless if she went for a decisive battle only to get bitten herself.

As she had thought, she had to be more careful next―

"…I am glad."

In that moment, the samurai with the black katana, who was her opponent, sighed as though he was relieved at something.


Glad? About what? That she opened up distance between them? Ayase was trying to think hard about the meaning of those words.

"As I expected, Ayatsuji-san is a person just like how I imagined you to be."

Her thoughts froze before Ikki's smile that was filled with happiness.