Chapter - 8

Crouching on one knee, Arisuin observed the fallen Kagami. She had entirely lost consciousness. With her like this, she would probably stay asleep for an entire day.

"How unfortunate. If Kagamin was just a bit duller, we could've been friends for a few more hours."

The conclusion she made…

「Among the schools, there's an extra one.」

What Kagami had realized―was certainly on target. At the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival this year, as she had concluded, there was a power maneuvering secretly beneath the surface.

The name of that power was―Akatsuki Academy.

It was a new school based on a huge organization with the sole purpose of destroying the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. At present, there were seven students. They were almost all members of the huge organization that established Akatsuki Academy, but they were elites of the underworld society who employed the terrorist group Rebellion. They've snuck into the seven schools, and had already taken control of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival framework. In order to create chaos in the tournament, the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival had been conquered, because this new power wanted to take out the League which supported the Seven Stars.

Kagami had realized this situation. Because she had made that realization―she had been attacked.

"It's really too bad, but it can't be helped."

Suddenly, the student datapad in his pocket vibrated. It had been putting out that notification many times now, but Arisuin had been watching Kagami from the shadows, so he had ignored it.

What Arisuin pulled from his pocket wasn't Hagun's student datapad, but a different school's tool. Though no one was displayed, he knew who the message was coming from. The only one who would use this datapad to contact him was the man in charge of communications for Akatsuki Academy. Only the Pierrot, Reisen Hiraga.

"What is it?"

「Ah, I finally got you. Since you didn't pick up at all, I thought you didn't like me.」

"I have such thoughts often, I think."

「How harsh.」

To the sounds of clattering laughter coming from the phone, Arisuin's eyes narrowed in distaste. There was no possible way he could like this man's voice, because although it was a tone that could easily calm someone down, the laughter seemed to appear and disappear frivolously as if sneering at everything.

「By the way, why didn't you pick up immediately?」

"There was a bit of trouble."

"Oh? What kind of trouble?"

"It seemed that a girl of Hagun's newspaper club started to suspect our operation, so I silenced her."

「…And how much did she suspect?」

Slightly, but clearly, the tone from the phone grew stiffer.

Arisuin picked up one of the documents Kagami had been looking at before she fainted, and replied.

"Donrou Academy's Yui Tadara.

Kyomon Academy's Amane Shinomiya.

Rokuzon Academy's Sara Blacklily.

Bunkyoku Academy's Reisen Hiraga.

Rentei Academy's Rinna Kazamatsuri.

Bukyoku Academy's Ouma Kurogane.

Hagun Academy's Nagi Arisuin.

Enough to list these seven names, including yours and mine."

「…That's certainly something.」

"Since I don't know any of our members except for you who communicates with me and Ouma-san who is a guest, I can't confirm that this list is completely correct. She seems to have predicted our intentions, so for the moment I've made her quiet, but… I wonder if this list is on the mark?"

「Alas, forgive me, I can't tell you the details of our members just yet. Right now, what's there is just a pointless list. Well, it's coming close to the festival so it'll be soon. Even though I don't like it, I have to show my face, so I'll introduce you then. …Still, that list hits three out of seven correctly. I wonder how she figured it out?」

"Looking at the data here, she apparently investigated all of the representative contenders of the past. Other than the guest, all of our personal histories were fabricated. They wouldn't hold up against a professional's thorough investigation."

「I see, I see. In other words, it was the ineptitude of the documentation people? Well, we'll deal with those responsible for that later―hah, your action was truly appropriate. That's what I expect from the Black Assassin. How reliable! Oh, by the way, how will you dispose of our perceptive little mouse?"

"I've only stunned her―though if you wish her killed, I'll do so."

Arisuin had not a trace of hesitation in his voice, even though his target was a girl who he had been friends with yesterday. That cold, blade-like dispassionate voice confused Hiraga who was on the other end of the line.

「Oh no, no! Killing would mean having to hide the evidence. After tonight, the whole world will know about Akatsuki Academy, so it's fine just to imprison her somewhere for the day.」

"I understand. It was just a small joke. …If there is anything else you need, you'll contact me?"

Arisuin hurried Hiraga to the point as if he was going to cut the call. From the beginning, this was an unpleasant conversation. He had no intention of talking at length. In response, Hiraga….

「No, no. It's not me who wants something. There's someone else who wants to speak to you. I'll switch with him now.」

With that, someone came on the call. The next voice he heard was….

「It's me, Alice.」

In an instant, Arisuin's face stiffened. He couldn't see who was on the other end, but he understood clearly. There was no way he could mistake what he was hearing. This leaden, severe voice was―

"It's been a while, hasn't it Wallenstein-sensei?"

「Ahh, you've gone to Japan, I see.」

The One-Armed Swordsman, Sir Wallenstein. One of Rebellion's leadership, the Twelve Apostles. The man who had discovered Arisuin's strength and trained him into Rebellion's top assassin.

"Sensei, you're also in Japan, aren't you?"

「Rather than entrust the supervision to others, I needed to come here myself.」

Wallenstein had already come to Japan. At that reality, Arisuin's body stiffened a little. It was probably from fear, because Arisuin knew that man's strength. According to the League's standard, he could certainly be called an A-rank. He had no vulnerabilities in ability or combat expertise, and his swordsmanship was excellent. Without a doubt, he was Rebellion's most powerful leader.

Now that such a person had come to take direct command, Rebellion's scheme over this year's Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival must be real.

"Then Sensei, what do you wish of me today?"

After the moderate greeting, Arisuin asked for his business over the phone. And Wallenstein brushed the question away with a stern voice.

「…Alice. You are the most superior among the pupils I've taken. The one who gained results against criminal gangs and cults and terrorist groups… assassinating the people who share the underworld with us in wars for territory no matter how important they were, no matter how much effort was needed to reach them. You may not have ever thought about it even now, but do you properly understand your role today?」

In response, Arisuin―became silent in an instant. And he closed his eyes, as if resolving himself to some farewell.

"Yes. I understand it thoroughly. And I will not falter. I have already earned the trust of Hagun's main team. I will crush them in one blow. And my Shadow Bind is a Noble Art that can steal all their fighting capacity in an instant. There is nothing to be concerned about, Sensei. On the eve of the festival, I will undoubtedly present success. On my name as the Black Assassin."

He made this promise with no hesitation in his voice. Hearing that answer….

「…I am relieved hearing those words.」

Wallenstein awarded encouragement to Arisuin with a voice sounding like he was smiling somewhere.

「I am counting on you, Alice.」

At that encouragement, Alice replied with a nod.

"Yes, please leave it to me."

At the conclusion of that exchange, Wallenstein ended the connection.

For Sensei to contact me.

It was something rare. But perhaps it was reasonable. The festival eve that was happening today was an order of the sponsor that employed Rebellion. It was the commencement ceremony for Akatsuki Academy, the power that would destroy the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. No failure, no matter how small, would be permitted or forgiven. If there were any failures, Rebellion and its sponsor's hopes would turn to nothing.

Now, I have to tidy this place up.

For the festival eve to go as planned, Kagami and her documents would have to be concealed until tonight. So Arisuin directed his shadow magic, and submerged Kagami and the documents within the darkness.

"Don't think ill of me. In order to implement the plan, we can't have uncertain elements."

And all of the traces were erased.

After hiding Kagami and her documents out of the way, Arisuin returned to the lodging for training participants.

And facing his room straightforwardly, he opened the door―

"Welcome back, Alice."

In his room which was only illuminated by the lamp on his bedstand, Shizuku, sprawled on the bedsheets in a negligee and reading a paperback book, called out to him.

"Oh my, are you still up, Shizuku?"

"I'll go to sleep soon."

Saying so, Shizuku turned the page lightly with one finger. Certainly, there weren't many pages left.

"What are you reading, I wonder?"

"One Hundred and Eight Ways to Bully the New Wife. A must-read for mother-in-laws."


"…At any rate, you've been out having fun quite a lot recently, Alice."

In the ensuing pause, Arisuin thought about how he should reply. After overhearing hearing Ikki's concerned phone call, Arisuin had gone out at night to watch over Kagami many times recently. If he went for a walk every night, it was only natural for others to become suspicious, he thought. On a night as rainy as this one, especially.

But giving an awkward lie would only leave him revealed as well. Shizuku was a clever young lady who could discern the subtleties of a person's mind. So….

"I haven't really been having fun, you know? The Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival is coming up soon. I have to make my own preparations."

Arisuin didn't tell the truth, but his answer was no lie either.

"Is that so?"

In response, Shizuku gave an answer that didn't sound very interested, and continued her reading. At that time, he was thankful for how unconcerned Shizuku was toward others. Her interests and concerns were entirely on her brother, Ikki Kurogane, after all.

I'm… a little envious, huh?

As he thought so, he realized that his days with Shizuku had come to an end. Once the festival eve was over, he would be leaving Hagun. And he would never come back.


"Hey, Shizuku."

Arisuin, who had entered the room, fetched a stained bottle of alcohol from the travel bag he had put in a corner.

"Would you like to share a cup with me?"

On the last night, he invited Shizuku to drink with him. Shizuku heard Arisuin's invitation, and raised her body slowly. And in the darkness, she focused on the bottle of alcohol he was holding―

"Is that the alcohol that smells like medicine we didn't finish from the bar we went to before?"

When she said so, Arisuin remembered.

Now that she mentions it, this is from the celebration after that first win in the selection battles, isn't it?

Rather than drink it, Arisuin had only tasted some sitting at her side. But no more than that, before Shizuku chugged water while teary-eyed from the smell of the whiskey chemicals.

"Sorry, I forgot. I guess I'll drink alone―"

"No, it's fine."

Saying so, Shizuku got up from the bed and sat down at the sofa.

"Are you sure? It's difficult for you, isn't it?"

"I'm fine with it today, because today's special."

Today's special?

Did something good happen? Alice wondered so, but if the person herself didn't mind, it should probably be fine to drink. Arisuin brought out two glasses, and faced the sofa himself. He sat down facing Shizuku, poured the amber fluid into the two glasses, and held one glass out.

Shizuku accepted the glass, and brought her nose close to it.


She grimaced with all her might. The singular aroma piercing her nose was impossible to get used to in a single day, after all.

"You're different too, Alice. You have lots of other easier-to-drink alcohol."

"Ha ha, that's true."

Her words were quite right, Arisuin thought.

"But if we're talking about this alcohol, it's bad for it to be easy to drink, you know."

"What do you mean?"

Shizuku tilted her head slightly. In response, Arisuin shifted his focus to the bottle with the sooty label on the desk, and spoke.

"…Long ago, when I was younger, I made a promise with a neighborhood friend. Adults drink something this unpleasant, so whoever's able to drink it is an adult."

Hearing that, Shizuku let out something that sounded like a small sneeze.

"Hahaha. What was that? Such a cute idea."

"Yes, very much so. …Well, because of that, those kids who drank became adults."

"So it was a rite of passage for your group of friends?"

"Looking back, that was basically correct."

"You were a no good child, weren't you Alice? You hadn't had your coming of age yet, right?"

"Where I grew up, we didn't have that kind of custom anyway."

With his reply, Arisuin swallowed the contents filling up his own glass. The alcohol gave the inside of his mouth a tingling sensation, and put the scent of medicine in his nose. It was a peculiarly strong liquor. In truth, the drink was a very specific preference even among people who were picky about whiskeys.

"…Honestly speaking, I'm still not very good with this alcohol's flavor even now."

"But you still drink it?"

"It's a flavor that brings back memories, you know? Well, it's not like I drink often from this bottle."

"Hmm… but I don't have anything like that, so I just don't like the alcohol much."

While saying so, Shizuku raised her glass with a jerk and downed all the whiskey in it with one gulp. And she made a sour face.

"…It's not for me after all. My throat burns, and the medicine smell in my mouth makes my head hurt."

"You didn't have to drink it, though…."

"It's fine. Today's special."

While rubbing her throat with a finger, Shizuku answered so.

Special―he had heard that word a while ago too. What was so special? Arisuin asked in unease.

"You said so before, but what is this special day? Did something nice happen?"

In reply, Shizuku shook her head gently.

"Not for me. Alice, it's a special day for you, isn't it?"


At that moment, Shizuku's words made Arisuin's heart jump. Certainly, as far as he was concerned, this was the last night he would have with Shizuku. Once dawn breaks, and once the sun sets again, he would reintroduce himself as a member of Akatsuki Academy. But surely she wouldn't know anything about that. Even so―

"…Why do you… think so?"

Shizuku answered Arisuin who had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Because Alice, this was the first time you invited me to something."

The first time…?

"How can that be? After Ikki fought with the Hunter, didn't we go out to drink together?

"That was… because Onii-sama was hurt and I was worried. Including me, you've never approached another person for your own sake. You speak to anyone in a friendly way, in a kind way, and you're easy to get along with, but―no one has gotten close to you yourself."

Arisuin's breath had been taken away without him realizing it. Exactly as Shizuku said, Arisuin became conscious of it. Being favorable to anyone, being amicable with anyone, but never once opening his heart to anyone at all.

He had not allowed anyone near unnecessarily, because he had infiltrated Hagun with an underhanded motive. And because he had no intention of letting anyone suspect him, he had behaved accordingly.

But Shizuku had realized it. Arisuin was honestly surprised at this.

"…I'm shocked. You really see through me, Shizuku."

Shizuku seemed to have hit the target….

"Naturally, because you're my big sister, Alice."

Wearing a tiny smile on that adorable face like a bisque doll, she gave that answer.

"You called out to me yourself for the first time. I don't know how or why, but it must be a special day for you, right? So I'll share a cup of alcohol with you―but really, only one though."

This time she wanted to lay out the alcohol to drink. Shizuku replied so, pouted her lips as if sulking. At that cute expression, Arisuin's cheeks loosened in a smile.

"Ha ha, one cup is enough. …Thank you, Shizuku."