
Regarding the raid on Hagun Academy by Akatsuki Academy, a video recording of the Hagun Academy buildings burning immediately became a news headline across the nation. Against the terrorists who called themselves Akatsuki Academy and perpetrated this unprecedented brutality, the steering committee of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival immediately began both the process of revoking Akatsuki Academy's student knight qualifications and considering a severe liability investigation. Condemning them more rigorously than anyone else, arresting them, censuring them. It was natural to believe that they would not be allowed to participated in the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival.

But–when the person who called himself Akatsuki Academy's board chairman appeared, the situation changed completely. The name of the middle-aged man who named himself Akatsuki Academy's board chairman and revealed himself to the media was–Bakuga Tsukikage. He was the current prime minister, in other words the chief executive of the nation of Japan.

In the liability investigation, he did not apologize. On the contrary–he said this with a refreshing smile.

"It's magnificent, don't you agree? How surprising. An academy attached to the League wasn't even a worthy opponent for them. That's the strength of Japan's national Akatsuki Academy, who will replace the Seven Stars, the dogs of the League!"

And he declared his purpose: to have the national Akatsuki Academy conquer the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival, to have the Blazer-training system dominated by the League of Mage-Knight Nations rendered obsolete, and to have Japan regain its supremacy.

After that speech, the situation started to develop in a direction that no one had imagined. The police, the justice system, they took absolutely no action against Akatsuki Academy's brutality. On the contrary, they asserted 「It is a false report that Hagun Academy was attacked. In reality, it was only an accident during a mutually agreed-upon practice match.」 and began to pass this off as the truth.

Generally, this was an unacceptable assertion, but if the government insisted it was so, it was easy for the public to become confused. Of course the seven schools starting with Hagun Academy, as well as the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival steering committee, were infuriated. They immediately moved to suspend the right of Akatsuki Academy's students to appear at the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival.

But this action was not executed. A directive came from the League of Mage-Knight Nations headquarters. Regarding the training of Japan's Blazers, an outrage like this could not be ignored. Therefore, Akatsuki Academy must be destroyed at the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival, and the correctness of the League of Mage-Knight Nations must be displayed publicly.

Everything–had occurred exactly as Hiraga described. The enemy had been lurking behind the scenes, but the enemy was the country itself, and moreover the League headquarters was the one to give such an order, so the people in charge of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival steering committee and the seven schools could not do anything at all. In the end, their claim had ended with a whimper, and Akatsuki Academy took the reputation and degree of attention as a collection of powerful up-and-comers who drove Hagun Academy to half-destruction with only seven people, and formally entered the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival as the eighth school.

Part 2[]

"I'm sorry."

Speaking of the circumstances of the attack on Hagun, Kurono apologized to Ikki and Shizuku for her own powerlessness. In response, Ikki begged Kurono to raise her head.

"No, there's no reason for you to apologize, Chairman."

"Yes. But it's astonishing, isn't it? …That that was such a thing hidden out of sight in this country."

"It's been smoldering ever since the end of the second world war."

Kurono said so to Shizuku's muttered statement.

From the start, the country's unification could never be called peaceful. After the second world war, the public's weariness toward war made it convenient to halt the Prime Minister's reckless imperialism, and to progress toward world harmony by giving up territory. Japan's entry into the League of Mage-Knight Nations was a step in carrying that plan out.

"However, it was an act that relinquished the privileges of a powerful nation. Naturally, there were very many dissenting voices, and bloody political strife arose. Even though the Prime Minister at the time forced the country to move toward international harmony, the discord from that era still remains even now. There were people who believed Japan had the power to remain a major country without joining the likes of Russia and America. There were those who thought about reforming. And as far as it goes, there were many who thought it a problem that training and disciplining Blazers without the League of Mage-Knight Nations approval would be disallowed–these people had a great deal of influence pushing against creating a branch of the League."

"Even to create a League branch?"

"From the beginning, the League branch that we have now was formerly a bureau of warriors from back when Blazers were called samurai, an army corps of Blazers directly controlled by the Japanese government, now detached from the government with nothing more than a change of names. The relationship we have with the League branch that snatched our authority can't be described as good. Well, because this was also to force us along the path of international cooperation, there would be strain. And the anti-League view was also held by parts of the public."

The portion of them that were extremists were special, but the anti-League claim that it would be strange for the nation's own soldiers to be trained in a system created by foreigners was pretty logical. But then, because there were those who would stand to gain from the League's favor, it was hard to say who was correct–

"…Like that, the public opinion was pushed for half a century and that influence expanded into the ruling party of government we have today, but it may be inevitable that the incident this time would happen."

"In short, Prime Minister Tsukikage's scheme was to demonstrate his own accomplishments at where the League hold the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. He shows his accomplishments directly, and takes away the League's authority to educate Blazers, basically?"

"That's still an optimistic conjecture. At worst, his goal may be to sever relations with the League completely."

"Isn't there a problem with Akatsuki Academy's training program coming from Rebellion, the terrorist group?"

"The only evidence that Akatsuki Academy's students are members of Rebellion is Arisuin's testimony, after all. If they just feign ignorance and honesty, there's nothing we can do. Even if for argument's sake definite proof came out, the government would use all of its power to suppress it. Just like with the attack on Hagun."

While letting out a sigh, Kurono took out a cigarette.

"But I still can't believe it. That Tsukikage-sensei would do something like this…."

She groaned with a bitter face.

"Sensei, you're acquainted with Prime Minister Tsukikage?"

"He was the board chairman of Hagun Academy back when I attended here. I remember him as an intellectual, rational, and very respectable person, but… what happened to him after he became a politician?"

While expressing doubt, she lit her cigarette. The ashtray on her work desk was stabbed so full of used cigarettes it looked like a sea urchin. It was probably in proportion to her irritation.

"Anyway, it's already been formally decided that Akatsuki Academy will appear in the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. They're all elites of the underworld. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this year's Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival will be completely different from normal. Therefore the teachers are thinking of allowing the students to decide not to participate. This means you get to decide whether you still want to show up."

"Is that how it is?"

Ikki finally understood why he had been called to the board chairman's office.

"Arisuin and Toutokubara, as well as the Hagure sisters, have already withdrawn. Arisuin felt he was a liability, as expected. I hear Toutokubara is staying by the side of Touka, who still hasn't regained consciousness. As for Kikyou and Botan Hagure, it seems their confidence was broken after witnessing Akatsuki's strength."

"…I… see. I guess it can't be helped, huh?"

"What are you going to do? Given the circumstances this time, I'll make an exception regarding my promise with you–"

"No, there's no problem at all."

Ikki interrupted what Kurono was about to say, because he didn't need the concession she was making. Ikki had already decided in his heart.

"I will participate in the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. The promise can stay as it is."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. In the first place, the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival this year didn't seem normal to me. At a festival where only legitimate knights usually appeared, powerful people from the criminal underworld are intruding. That's all it is. Instead of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival being for deciding Japan's most powerful student knights, this year the Festival might not even be called a real Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival."

In that case–

"There's something I want. Regardless of what Prime Minister Tsukikage and those with him are thinking, it's not what we student knights are concerned about. As usual, I'm just heading for the place where I promised to fight fairly with Stella."

Answering with a strong voice, he made a face that was certainly resolved.

"…And besides, there's an opponent I'm a little worried about."

"The Sword Emperor of Wind?"


Ikki denied that immediately.

"I can't say I'm not worried about my brother Ouma, but there is someone else."

"More than the Sword Emperor of Wind? Who?"

"The representative originally from Kyomon Academy. Amane Shinomiya."

"Onii-sama, that's the boy with the extremely cute face?"

Ikki nodded in confirmation of Shizuku's inquiry. Kurono tilted her heard slightly in confusion at that confirmation.

"…I didn't see him as a knight who's particularly noteworthy, though."

"That's also what I think."


"The ones related to this must have outstanding ambition like my brother Ouma. Among Akatsuki Academy's members, there are none who doesn't leave a special impression. And I think my impressions are basically right. His power as a knight isn't as great compared to the rest of Akatsuki Academy. …Despite that, for some reason I've always had a weird impression about him stuck in my chest. An unpleasant feeling that's strong enough to surprise even me–"

Why did he have such unpleasant feelings for no one other than Amane? Ikki didn't know himself. For that reason, he couldn't help but think it was ominous.

"Why am I repelled by Amane-san to this degree? I want to know."

He didn't understand right now, but there must be a reason. To Ikki's words, Kurono nodded in comprehension.

"…Certainly, you're not the type to look at others in disgust without reason, Kurogane. Maybe you're the only one who noticed something about this boy called Shinomiya. –Anyway, I understand your determination. I'll follow through with your participation at the tournament."

"Thank you very much."

Ikki stated his gratitude, and asked something that was on his mind.

"By the way, Chairman. Will… Stella also participate?"

In response, Kurono answered with a small laugh.

"If you asked her this morning, she would've immediately answered with 'Are you attached to me like moss?'"

"That answer seems very much like what Stella-san would say, Onii-sama."

"…I guess so."

At Shizuku's scolding words, Ikki nodded a bit in return.

"Ahh, I remembered because of that, but… Kurogane. She left a message for you. 'For the week up to the beginning of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival, I won't come back to the dorm,' she said. And 'Just because I'm not there doesn't mean you should let Shizuku do what she wants!' as well."

"I decline."

Although Shizuku immediately replied to part of that message, she raised her eyes and looked at Ikki in confusion.

"But what does she mean, not coming back for a week?"

"–I wonder."

To Shizuku's question, Ikki thought back… to Stella's words as they went yesterday to visit Touka and Utakata who still had not woken up. She stared at the two sleepers from behind the glass window. And squeezing her fists hard enough to draw blood, she spoke with a trembling voice.

「I didn't know… that being weak… was as painful as this….」

"…I'm sure that Stella has also been thinking about many things."

Those remarks, those tears, they were probably not what Stella wished for. Therefore Ikki vaguely glossed over Shizuku's question.

"And so, Shizuku Kurogane. I have something important to discuss with you."

Suddenly, Kurono presented an issue to Shizuku who had been standing next to Ikki all this time.

"Yes, what is it?"

"The truth is, since Kanata Toutokubara, Nagi Arisuin, Kikyou Hagure, and Botan Hagure have now withdrawn from participating, I was going to offer you the right to appear in the tournament. You're the knight who took the only victory in this incident. There's no problem with your capability. If you're willing to accept this offer, I'll make it happen accordingly, so… what will you do?"

Shizuku's expression did not show surprise at the question. Perhaps Arisuin had already spoken to her about it before. Shizuku, without displaying any particular hesitation, returned a nod.

"Certainly, I gratefully accept the chance to participate."

"Then let's get that taken care of."

Saying so, Kurono wrote some words on documents she had near at hand, and affixed her seal. After that, she raised her face and informed Ikki and Shizuku who were standing in front of her. Showing a rather fearless smile, she said–

"This year, an impossibly abnormal disturbance broke out before we could react, but like Kurogane said before, there's no need for you to worry about the conspiracy of adults surrounding the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. The leading actors of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival are undoubtedly you student knights. This is a good chance to meet those people from Rebellion in combat where they can't fight in a way that breaks the rules. Whether in open society or in the criminal underworld, powerful people without such distinctions are gathering in this festival to decide who are truly Japan's strongest. Isn't it splendid? The highest and unparalleled stage. Test yourselves to your hearts' content, and enjoy yourselves to the limits of your strength!"

"We will!"

Part 3[]

At the same time, Stella Vermillion was standing in front of the gym in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area reserved for the exclusive use of King of Knights contenders. She was waiting for someone inside.

"Well well, I didn't think we would meet in this place."

The one who finally appeared was the Yaksha Princess, Nene Saikyou. This was an institution Saikyou used while she was staying at Hagun.

"I was waiting for you, Nene-sensei."

"Oh? So you're saying you have business with me, Princess?"

Guessing her intentions along those lines, Saikyou heard the important matter that Stella wanted to speak with her about. Stella's expression was extremely earnest–or perhaps over-worried–as she answered.

"For the week until the beginning of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival, I ask that you train with me."

"Once again, what an abrupt thing to say. What brought this on?"

At the question, Stella bit her lips, and she answered with a strained voice.

"…Ever since I failed to get a decisive lead on Touka-san in mock battles during the training camp, I've been vaguely aware. But this time I really realized it."

The sensation of facing down Ouma's Kusanagi was still raw in Stella's hands. It was the first time she had experienced it, losing in strength at her own field of expertise: offense. The shock of that defeat, along with Touka who had protected her still not having regained consciousness, had made Stella face reality.

"I… am weak. At this rate, I won't be able to join Ikki at the place we promised."

"So that's why you want me to train you?"

Stella nodded heavily.

"As far as I can see, you're the strongest at this academy, Nene-sensei! That's why I want to spend this last week training with you! Please!"

"…If I say no?"

Saikyou watched as Stella bowed her head deeply, and when Stella raised her head again quickly to respond–

"Sparks that fall onto everyone can't be brushed off, right?"

From within the hair hanging in front of her face, Stella stared at Saikyou with blazing eyes. If Saikyou didn't accompany Stella, Stella would force the issue. If Saikyou didn't agree here, Stella would immediately attack. That was what Stella's gaze was saying.

Acknowledging this, Saikyou sighed a bit inside.

I guess she's forced into a difficult situation, huh?

Saikyou recognized it. Today, Stella–was struggling. The experience she never had before of absolute defeat. The feeling she never had before of great helplessness. Frustration, bitterness, the pain of wanting to do something, anything, but not knowing what to do. That was probably why she was trying to do the most difficult thing she could do right now. Because if she's not doing something, if she doesn't do something, she would be crushed by anxiety.

Honestly, what she needs right now is something to calm her down, but….

Forcible training due to impatience and agitation would only be dangerous. There was nothing more important that telling her this clearly. The potential Stella had was too far in another dimension. Being brought down to the level of an ordinary person, hitting the ceiling on the ability of a prodigy who boasts of the world's greatest magic power, it had become a huge minus for Stella. Therefore, telling her to calm down was the best option for a teacher.


…As expected, this needs a little compassion, huh?

Seeing Stella's expression strained to the point that she might break into tears at any moment, Saikyou thought. Certainly, looking at the long term, calming her down might be the best choice. Stella's potential undoubtedly stood above the rest. There was probably no one else from Hagun that could match the Sword Emperor of Wind. For Saikyou, it was easy to imagine the future.

But–that was in three years. Right now, the unease that Stella was feeling was an unmistakeable truth. In terms of this year's Seven Stars Sword-art Festival, it would probably be difficult for Stella as she was now to make it to the finals. Because Stella also understood this, she was asking what she could do.

You're the type with great talent, so… well, that's no reason why I should help, you know?

Recalling her own days as a student, Saikyou leaked out a wry smile from her innermost thoughts. When she herself had been young, she had made various idiotic requests in order to raise her strength and get results. When she went too far and forfeited that match by using deadly force against Kurono would be a good example. That time was really entirely similar to what was going on right now. Stella wasn't looking at the future. This girl was thinking that if she could win, it would be fine even if she died.

Youngsters have their own sense of values.

It might be the illogical thinking one would expect from the inexperienced and laughable. However, forcing youngsters who only think this way into rational adults would be–

–Illogical, wouldn't it….?

So Saikyou made a proposal.

"Hey, Stella-chan. I'll give a condition. If you can take it, then I'll train you."

"R-Really!? Then what's your condition!?"

"It's simple. I'll give you a crash course. However, I won't teach you a thing."


"In other words, Stella-chan, for the remaining week I'll do nothing but beat you up like a punching bag. Maybe your body will be broken, and maybe your heart will break before even that. I'll continue mercilessly knocking you around. If you're fine dancing along with that kind of training, I'll give it to you?"

"So you're saying in the meantime, I have to figure everything out myself?"

"Just so. Of course, I can't guarantee you'll figure anything about, but–what do you want to do?"

That was the best Saikyou could come up with. Show off her absolute strength. Make Stella realize her own powerlessness. However, Stella would have to find her own solution. If she couldn't, Saikyou wouldn't care. It was a proposal that a normal teacher wouldn't make, but–for Stella as she was now, it was more than attractive enough. In any case, the struggling Stella wanted a direction. For the sake of becoming stronger, some kind of impetus to advance a step. Because if she could find a way somehow like this, there was no way she would refuse.

"That's enough! Thank you very much!"

"Then come along. …For one week, I'll show you hell."

And so, all of the participants spent their last week in their own ways. Above and below the surface, both adults and children, all desires and ambitions swirled in a maelstrom and gathered, facing toward the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival.

And two days before the opening of the Festival, the tournament schedule was finally announced. Seeing the distributions in the tournament schedule, Ikki Kurogane's lips twisted in a smile.

Was he smiling in confidence? Or bitterness?

After the non-participants were removed, the final count was–thirty-two. Among the thirty-two names, the one given for Ikki's opponent in the opening match was–Bugyoku Academy third-year.

Seven Stars Sword King Yuudai Moroboshi.

The champion of last year's Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival. The man who at this moment was without a doubt standing at the top of Japan's student knights.