Chapter - 4

"Really, these people are always doing something screwed up. You bastards aren't with us, can't they be more aware of that?"

The girl wearing a Phantom Of The Opera-esque mask complained bitterly while looking at the entrance of the reception room through which Kazamatsuri and the others had departed. Shizuku could not immediately piece together this girl's identity, but―

"Are you by any chance Akatsuki's Yui Tatara-san?"

―at her brother's words, she recalled her belatedly.

"Ah, you're that weirdo who was wearing winter-wear in summer like an idiot."

All wrapped up in winter clothing as she had been, they were unable to see her face at all, but now that Ikki had mentioned it her physical dimensions fit the girl at that time perfectly. Seeming displeased at the conclusions Shizuku drew, Tatara replied―

"I'm not weird! Do you even think showing your face in public to goddamn everybody is something a killer would do?"

This is the first time someone from Akatsuki said something that made sense…!

Shizuku suffered a mild shock. This person certainly seemed to fit the professional killer image better than the previous two. But―

"Is it really okay to acknowledge being a killer? Isn't the official story that you're a student?"

―Shizuku thought aloud. Tatara gave a throaty, contemptuous laugh.

"Heh heh heh. I'm sure you've already heard from the Black Assassin. The level of information control that Tsukikage possesses within Japan is flawless. No matter how much of a fuss you shits kick up, it would only be taken for idle talk by the public―so there's no problem."

Hearing this, Shizuku raised her eyebrows. Tatara's words were the undeniable truth. In fact, Kurono had already informed the relevant authorities that Akatsuki Academy's students were mercenaries from Rebellion, but this fact had not been made known to the public. And even if the government had not worked to conceal this information, something like "our Prime Minister is actually colluding with terrorists", though the truth, was just too far-fetched to be believed. Thus, only those who were involved actually knew and believed that Akatsuki's students were terrorists from Rebellion. To those like her who knew the truth, this situation chagrined them greatly. After all, the present situation was simply playing into the enemy's hands. It was only natural that she would chafe under such ill-meaning provocation.

In response to her change in expression―

"…Heh heh. Don't make that scary face, Kurogane lassie. I said that, my bad. I'm on leave today anyway, so what say we just enjoy this party, eh?"

So saying, Tatara took some food from the table and offered it to Shizuku. Her attitude seemed friendly enough, but a contempt she could not quite conceal hung at the edge of her tongue―an apology that could only make one feel disgusted. But to so easily bite at bait proffered would grate on her all the more, and so she decided that she would let this slide.


But even as she decided this―the food was sent whirling through the air, before falling with a crash onto the marble floor.


Her brother, who had been standing beside her, had knocked the offered plate from Tatara's hands.


Shizuku's eyes grew wide with shock at her brother's actions. Indeed, the eyes of the whole room had turned to them at this sudden development. Her brother looked like a different person from the one who had spoken to Sara and Kazamatsuri, his eyes glinting coldly as he glared wordlessly at Tatara. What could have happened? Her doubtful gaze moved to the fallen platter.

"This… this is…!"

She understood the reasons for her brother's actions. The plate Tatara had offered her had contained chicken thigh on-the-bone, but within the meat one could see the gleaming of many shaving razors, likely having burst through the flesh from the impact of the fall. These could not have been part of the cooking process, but could only have been concealed within by someone of malicious intent. That person could be none other than the terrorist standing before her. Her brother noticed this, and had thus struck the plate down.

"That's quite the exciting topping, wouldn't you say, Tatara-san?"

"Heh, so wasteful! That was a special brew of various alkaloids. There was enough in there to kill an elephant with a single taste, you know."

Tatara chuckled, her shoulders shaking in fearless mirth despite Ikki's withering stare.

"I even did my best to conceal it. Unlike your sister, your senses are pretty damn good!"

"It wasn't that praiseworthy. You're practically oozing malice."

Ikki did not say this out of humility. Whereas his sister had not realized it, he had known from the beginning that Yui Tatara was different from the three they had met previously. They were merely eccentrics, from whom no malice could be felt. But from Tatara, he could feel nothing except malice. While she was picking up food to pass to Shizuku, she had deliberately positioned herself in order to obscure their vision. There was no way she would have done nothing in that time. Firmly believing this, Ikki had knocked the plate to the floor. As it turned out, his hypothesis was right on target.

"Wasn't this your day off?"

"Heh heh. Aye, it is. That's why I wanted to kill someone to de-stress. Damn, I almost had it too, you know?"

Despite having her plot foiled, Tatara smacked her lips, showing not the slightest compunction for her deed.

"This is the first time I've had to do such slow-ass job. 'Go attack a school,' they said, 'but don't injure anyone'? I'm different from those idiots. I've been killin' since I was a brat. You want a pro to do a job where killing is forbidden, you don't come to me. I haven't had my fill, and that jus' pisses me off! …To hell with it, I'm not waiting two days, I'm gonna kill y'all right now!"

Showing a grin that was all teeth and menace, Tatara laughed as sinister energies gathered and took shape in her right hand. Her chainsaw Device, with its rows upon brutal rows of blades, brought to mind the maw of a shark.

「Hey hey, is this girl serious?」

「Is she just going to start right here?」

Tatara's violent, reckless disregard for decorum had the entire room in an uproar. For his part, Ikki did not respond to her, but instead moved in front of Shizuku as if to shield her. He understood that she was not the sort of person he could reason with. But beyond that, he thought while preparing to draw his own Device Intetsu, he wasn't the sort of saint who would forgive the person who had tried to poison his sister―

"Stand down, Crownless Sword King."


The commotion was quieted―no, was silenced―by a voice that rang out from behind. It was not shouted, nor did it sound angry. In fact it was a quiet thing. Yet it was larger than life, exuding a pressure that compelled its listeners to follow.

Ikki knew this voice. Though he had never heard it in the flesh, He had heard it broadcasted on TV countless times. Its owner was―

"You didn't claw your way up here just to get into this sort of petty quarrel, did you?"


―none other than Yuudai Moroboshi. Third-year of Bukyoku Academy. Japan's Seven Stars Sword King―and the Worst One's opponent in the first round of the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival.

A sharp gaze like that of a majestic predator, Standing, like Arisuin, around 1.8 meters in height with the muscles to match. Topped off with a bandanna that befitted his strapping stature―that was Yuudai Moroboshi, the man at the summit of Japan's student knights. With a word, he had frozen the fog of blood-thirst around them.

He was also not alone in approaching Ikki and the others. At his sides stood a male and a female student, who like him were dressed not in suits but in the modern-styled yet unique uniform of Bukyoku Academy. Of course, they too were known to Ikki. The bespectacled third-year student knight Byakuya Jougasaki was on one side, his uniform crisp and immaculate. On the other stood third-year Momiji Asagi, with a bandage on her cheek and a mischievous twinkle in her eye like that of a much younger girl. They were the first and second runner up, respectively. Indeed, the ones who now stood as a barrier between Ikki and Tatara were the three standing on the podium of last year's Festival.

No wonder my body froze up back there.

Standing in a line with one another, they were shrouded in an extraordinary aura, the pressure of which was such that being close to them would make the reception room suddenly seem smaller. Ignoring such a presence was impossible.

"What a dangerous girl, going around saying 'kill this, kill that'. Well, it's not that I can't understand the feeling of your blood boiling now that the Seven Stars Sword-Art Festival is so close… but how about cooling down a little?"

They had in all likelihood been watching from the sidelines since earlier. Moroboshi didn't seem to be rebuking Ikki, but rather directed his somewhat monotonous lecture down at Tatara. Then, as though to follow up―

"Indeed. To unleash your Device in this place truly puts your character under suspicion…. Well, they do say that a vulgar Device reflects its wielder."

Jougasaki also attacked Tatara's behaviour.

"Character ain't any good in a fight, you poseur. Want me to teach that to ya using yer body?"

Revving up the engine on her chainsaw Device, she pointed its edge at Moroboshi, the one furthest in front among the three.

"Don't bare your fangs so impertinently. It makes you seem like a weak dog."

That insult, coming forth with a sigh, was more than enough to rile up the already wild-tempered Tatara, who seemed to convulse and spasm with laughter.

"Hee hee hee. You brats…. Fine. Then you'll find out right here if I'm weak or―"

She advanced towards Moroboshi, murder now supplanting malice in following her steps―and suddenly stopped, as though jolted by lightning, a full three meters way.


Moroboshi spoke, impressed.

"So you aren't just for show. See, that's the extent of my reach. If you were to step inside carelessly… whoosh, I'd jab you with this guy here."

He had at some point summoned a sleek Chinese-style spear into his hands. Its point was ramrod straight, its tassel flowing like a tiger's fur―this was the Seven Stars Sword King's Device, Tora-Ou.

"Bastard, when did you―"

Tatara retreated several steps back in her surprise. But she was not the only one surprised. Ikki was, too.

That's amazing….

Even with eyes like his, he had not been able to catch the blade materializing. Beyond that―

―It's as if he has no openings.

Even though Moroboshi was merely holding his spear, there were no blind spots within his attack range; regardless of where the enemy came from, he would be able to meet them. Ikki could clearly see how this would make things difficult for him in the future.

This is the first time I'm seeing it… so this is the Seven Stars Sword King's rumored Happo Nirami, huh.

Happo Nirami―a control over attack range so absolute that even Raikiri had not been able to penetrate it; a discernment of the enemy regardless of their position or angle of attack, to a level of perfection that had earned it its moniker. Even Tatara would have to hesitate to enter this space, for the reach of Yuudai Moroboshi was nothing less than the reach of the number one student knight in Japan. Then―

"Gahahahaha! Man, the first years this year sure are spirited, eh? Not bad, not bad!"

Apparently those who had followed the commotion here were not limited to the students from Bukyoku, as a black shadow followed that almost megaphone-like voice and laughter, casting itself over Ikki and the others. Standing before them now was one who hardly looked like a student. Easily over two meters tall and nearly half as broad, the huge man also sported a beard. This was the previous festival's quarter-finalist, the Panzer Grizzly who hailed from the northern continent of Hokkaido―Rokuzon Academy's third-year Renji Kaga.

"Still, wasting food just ain't right. Our farmers worked hard to raise this delicious chicken so we might enjoy eating it. It would be wrong to not repay them by feasting."

So saying, Kaga, of whom urban legend held to have cleared 100 hectares―the equivalent of around twenty Tokyo Domes―worth of land for cultivation by himself in his elementary school days, picked up with one large hand the poisoned and blade-filled chicken that Ikki had knocked to the ground.

"Ah, that chicken is―!"

Ikki's warning came too late to stop him from tossing the chicken, bones and all, into his mouth. As he worked his mighty jaws, meat, bones and blades alike were crushed by his teeth and then swallowed.

"Gahaha! That could kill an elephant, but it couldn't kill me, eh, Akatsuki?"

"…Is this guy really human?"

Nothing in the slightest seemed wrong with Kaga despite having swallowed deadly poison―indeed, it was Tatara instead who looked a little green in the face. However, her day of surprises would not end here.


A breath air blew from behind Tatara's ear, causing her to notice something she hadn't realized till just then―that she was being held in a woman's embrace.

"Alriiight, that's a good girl. Your body checkup is in progress, so please stay still for a bit~"


Tatara forcefully pushed the young woman away, escaping her bodily ministrations, but despite her quick reactions there was panic written all over her face. She was a hitman well-known among Rebellion's young blood. Her skill was the real deal and she knew it. As such, being grabbed by someone without her noticing would of course be cause for panic.

"Who the hell are you…!"

"Haha―♡ My, my, what a lively kranke. It's good to be lively, you know~"

Tatara's voice trembled with panic, but her abruptly-arrived assailant on the other hand spoke with a composed smile on her pouty lips.

"How~ever. As I thought, an excited state, high blood pressure, and a high body temperature. And with that small body and that rough skin, you do look like you lack nutrition. Show me your hands~"

The instant she finished saying that―

"You bastard, what did you dooooooo!?"

Against her will, Tatara let go of her chainsaw and stretched her hands out to the young woman in white, palms up. Just as Tatara had been asked. And into those hands―

"Please take in more calcium, vitamin C and collagen. Also, here, this is an aroma oil I synthesized personally. Burning some before going to bed will help calm your high spirits."

―the young woman placed a cute ribbon-tied bag full of tablets, pills and capsules, smiling all the while. Of course, Tatara didn't need these things. In fact, she intended to immediately smash them onto the floor, but―

I-I can't move!

"Bastard, what did you do to me?!"

"Mmm~? Fufu―♡ Is it so surprising? It's normal that a doctor should be able to do whatever she wants to a patient~♪"

Tatara was absolutely sweating now as she roared angrily, but the young woman remained all smiles. Seeing that exchange, Ikki turned to Shizuku and asked―

"Shizuku… do you know about her?"

His sister nodded slightly.

"Yes, of course. I know her."

Shizuku was not the sort to do in-depth research into the nation's elite. Most of those here were unknown to her. But this young woman in white was different. Even as a student, she was Japan's top doctor, and also a national-level knight.

"Rentei Academy third-year―the 'White-Robed Knight' Kiriko Yakushi."

This was the only water user in the country whom Shizuku considered superior to herself.

"Given that she hadn't participated in her first or second years, I didn't think she would participate this year either, but…."

"That aside, that technique she used when she was restraining Tatara-san, was that by any chance―"

"Yes, it is as you thought, Onii-sama. Without a doubt, that is something similar to my Aoiro Rinne… however, I am unable to vaporize my clothing along with myself."

Also, Shizuku could not perceive the technique by dint of which Tatara's freedom of movement had been taken away from her. It might have been some sort of interference conducted with the target's blood―as things stood, she could only speculate this far on techniques that she could not yet use.

To be in D-Block with this person makes me a little depressed.

They were both of the water element, and both leaned towards the use of techniques. Thus, even a small difference in the refinement of said techniques could spell the difference between victory and defeat. They might meet in the third round of the Festival, but Shizuku hoped that Yakushi would be defeated before then.

There was also a familiar face among the national-level knights attracted to the commotion, someone Ikki remembered with not a little nostalgia.

"Hey, runt. Who gave you permission to go after the Worst One. Huh?"

Cutting through the crowd, a golden-haired young man grabbed Tatara by the collar roughly. This was Donrou Academy's ace, 'Sword Eater' Kuraudo Kurashiki. He and Ikki had once crossed swords during the incident involving Hagun's third-year Ayase Ayatsuji, during which his natural-born gift 'Marginal Counter' had given Ikki a hard time.

"Kurashiki-kun… it's been a while."

"Hmph. Thought you'd come here. I'm gonna return the favor from that time."

Having said that, Kuraudo turned back to Tatara, whom he had lifted up into the air and warned her sharply.

"It's not just me. Everyone here's looking forward to go a round or two with this guy. You try anything funny before then, and I'll crush you."

As though to affirm his words, all present glared daggers at her. At this, even someone as violent-tempered as Tatara could not persist. All those gathered here were at least at the level of a quarter-finalist of the national level. Taking them on all at once was a gamble with no prospects of victory.

"…Tch! Let go!"

Unable to use her arms freely, she escaped Kuraudo's grip by kicking him backwards before leaving the scene, her face a writhing mix of loathing and shame. She could not do anything else