
Rain and I met at a party. His birthday party, according to Rain, Judah decided to throw him an insane party for his twenty second birthday.

I don't love parties especially one hosted and attended by a bunch of stupid rich college kids but on that night I did and it was the best - worst mistake of my life...

I can't remember much of the events that unfolded. The only thing that I remember was me and a certain blue eyed boy drunk out of our minds as we stumbled into one of the many rooms in the mansion.

He lived in his own mansion.

"Why haven't I ever seen you before?" He asked between kisses and pushed me on the bed. The bed itself was large and if my math was right ,it could fit in ten people. Maybe I should steal it later and replace it with the tiny shitty bed at my shitty apartment.

"We live in a completely different universe," I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better view of the boy in front of me.

He shot me a sly smile,situating himself between my legs and slowly pulled up his shirt. I swallowed,my sinful eyes roaming on his torso. There were three tattoos scattered on his warm beige skin that seemed to glow under the light of the full moon flowing into the room from the balcony screen door.

His well defined abs made me feel a bit jealous and question my work out routine. I immediately made a mental note to ask him for tips on how to get the perfect six pack.

What was more fascinating was his face, he had jaws that could cut through diamond, a pointed nose, chin and cheek bones that could make a sculptor jealous, his blonde hair reminded me of a bird's nest and it was partly my fault for messing it up because just seconds ago I had my fingers tangled in them while we made out under the stairs. But still, he looked like a hair gel model.

Then there was his eyes, they weren't too big nor too small, just the right size and despite how blown his pupils were thanks to whatever poison that was in n his system , you could still see the blue in them. It was the deepest blue of the sea, the clear skies and glaciers all mixed together. Bottom line,he had pretty blue eyes.

"Like what you see?" He asked flexing his biceps. The urge to touch him immediately turned to a craving.

"I've seen better," Trying to deflate his ego seemed pointless because he immediately detected my lie and smiled cockily. He pressed a kiss on his flexed bicep while looking at me so as to pull some sort of reaction from me. Hate to admit it but he did.

I reached out to touch him but he was fast, grabbing my hands and pinned them above my head. I wanted to snarl at him but moaned instead when he grinded himself on me.

"You like that?"

He did it again,I could feel his size and boy! Did my engines turn. I was growing hard with each thrust and it was driving me insane. "Fuck,"

" I know," Using his other hand, he grabbed me by my neck and kissed me roughly : It was a battle between tongues ,teeth clashing and saliva being exchanged. It was driving me insane. I whined when his lips left mine and his hand slipped off my neck, I found myself mumbling incoherently about wanting his hand back on my throat.

"Shit!"  The lips that were once on my mouth were pressed against my neck, lips sucking , teeth nibbling and tongue licking at one particular spot that drove me crazy.

"Let's get this off you?" He said tugging at my shirt.

He briefly cut the onslaught on my neck and helped me slip off my shirt since the task had become so difficult to do. Cold breeze from the wind rolling into the room from the window immediately hit my torso making me slightly shiver and for a moment I had to argue with myself about catching pneumonia or having a good fuck.

Definitely good fuck.

My insecurities came crawling inside me like spiders when Blue eyes roamed on my torso. Unlike him with his perfect skin that had no scar whatsoever mine looked like a bad artist's canvas. In the place of unfinished art, eraser dirt and unwanted pencil marks, I had scars and bullet wounds, some recent, others old. I was ugly inside and out.

Showing my insecurity to anyone was like dropping my guard down and one of my main rules was never drop my guards down. I recollected myself by kissing him hoping he won't fucking ask questions.

He didn't, we were back to messing around fighting for dominance till he had me pinned back on the bed, lips wrapped around my dick sucking the living shit out of me. I can't remember my pants getting of me but they did anyway.

I've had a lot of sex since I was fourteen and I swear to the high heavens this was the best I have had..well until maybe I do it with someone else. He knew where to touch, the pace to use. At first he rammed into me hard and pulled out softly halfway then rammed a lot harder. I screamed so loud I probably drowned out the music. The pleasure kept building up inside me as he maintained his pace ramming in and out of me.

"My name..." He panted," My name's Rain."

"Rain..." I hissed when I felt him hit a bundle of nerves inside me. "Like the weather?"

"Fuck Yeah," He lifted my leg over his shoulder and our lips met again for the millionth time that night. "What's yours?" He asked,fanning hot breath on my ear that sent shivers down my spine.

"I just sold you drugs.." I muttered.

"So?" He rose an eyebrow at me,his pace suddenly slowing and yet I could feel my climax building up inside me.

"So," I flipped us over, this time pinning his arms above him despite his protests. "I can't tell you my name,"

"Fuck ! You look hot," He hissed when I rolled my hips, loving how my muscles clenched around him. "You're eye patch makes you look dangerous."

"I'm dangerous."

"Yeah, dangerously hot," He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist,fingers painfully digging into my skin.

"I'm so close...."


The room was filled with rugged breathing , muffled moans and whines as I rode out my orgasm while he fucked his inside of me.

Best sex ever.

Tired,I flopped beside him, both of us panting hard in syncopate. My head was buzzing and a distant ache already beginning to manifest itself.

"That was fun," Rain panted, from the corner of my eye I could see him light up a joint. "Want one?"


I gathered the little bits of whatever energy I had left in me and got up,grabbing my pants from the floor and slid into them. "You're leaving?" I nodded, pulling out my buzzing phone from my back pocket to see who was calling and Grayson's name flashed on the screen.

"Yeah," I sent him a quick text that I was on my way downstairs then picked my shirt from the dresser table and wore it. Next were my shoes.

"So I'm not getting that name?" I even forgot Rain was here. I looked at him. He was seated up, hair ten times messier than before and had a joint dangling between his lips. He was a sight to see.

"Yeah,you're not?"

"Number?" He asked blowing out clouds of smoke. I glared and shook my head. "Then I'll leave it to fate,"

I wanted to say something snarly about fate but thought against it, scared of stirring up a debate with him on whether or not fate is real. "You do that," I said while reaching for the door and as I opened it,Rain called to say. "I had a great time Cyclops."

"Whatever," I sighed and walked out.

My brother was already waiting in his Mustang parked outside the mansion.

"Who was the lucky girl?" He asked,igniting the engine. The car came to life with a low soothing rumble.

"No one,"

He snorted while starting to drive away from the neighborhood. "You have hickeys all over your neck, your hair is all over the place plus you smell like sex. Who's the lucky girl?"

Grayson can be persuasive at times and that's what makes us a lot different. We are a fucking reflection of each other, we are blondes who decided to dye their hair sea weed green, have the same symmetrical faces and straight upturned noses. We have same grey eyes that match a stormy sea except he has a set of perfectly functioning eyes while I have to wear a patch over my left eye.

"I don't kiss and tell," Was the final answer I gave as we drove into the night. One thing remained etched on my mind.

Those pretty blue eyes.