Chapter 4 Where are my parents?

The Atmosphere was cold and lifeless around Blade who didn't know where she was or what had happened she was in a dark room shrouded by eerie mist she was on the floor and got up slowly looking around for any signs of anything else besides the misty abyss a voice broke out into the dark room that made Blade jump and make the girlest little scream that has ever escaped her lips.

Unknown voice: Well well that was close Hazel you and your girlfriend would've been Dead if it wasn't for your guardian Angel.

Blade: she isn't my girlfriend and wait hold what?Am I not already dead?Where are you?

Unknown voice:Haha I love how that is the first thing you say and well no you are most certainly alive my dear and I prefer not to reveal myself just yet and I'm only here to give you a message child and that is "Stay Alive" your time is not yet near and you have far much to still do. Any how it's best you wake up now Hazel.

Blade shot up and shouted "WAIT" only to be met with familiar faces staring at her with concerned faces. Denise was sitting on one side of the bed and Tara was sitting on the other side she had her one arm in a cast and some small bruises on her neck and arm Denise leaned closer and gave Blade a very gentle bear hug.As Blade lifted her arms up only to notice her wrists were bandaged and now noticed the pain throbbing in her wrists she whimpers.

Denise:Ai Mija you're awake dont be alarmed by

your wrists they've been bandaged and seen to will still hurt just try not to move them much.

Blade:B..but the voice...???

Denise:What voice child?

Blade proceeded to tell them about the strange dream she had before she awoke.After explaining it all she was met with a very surprised looking Tara and a look of concern spreading on Denise's Face quickly turned to a small weak smile and reassured her that it was probably nothing but a strange dream after the traumatic day she had ,Tara leaned over and hugged her and Blade couldn't help but wonder how come Tara seemed so attached to her and cared so much they had only met that day her thoughts were interrupted by a detail she had missed.

Blade: wait what happened to the men that attacked us??

Tara: Denise came running out when she heard me scream with a pistol and shot one of the men in the arm and both of them decided that was their opportunity to scamper Denise drove us to the hospital you were out cold and losing a lot of blood from your wrists the police questioned me right after I got fixed up and I gave a statement and description.

Denise: And I also gave them the security footage from the diner but for unfortunately for us it went all fuzzy and they couldn't ID them or get a good look so that was useless.

Blade: what about my Parents do they know where I am or what happened?

Denise gave a knowing look and shook her head and said she tried calling them but there was no answer and nobody was home.

To Blade this was very suspicious and strange of them because they were always at the house cause they worked from home and always had their phones with them but it was also not very surprising they never answered calls from Denise they could of also gone out to run an errand or gone grocery shopping but those thoughts were pushed away as the nurse came in with a tray of food and placed it down in front of her instead of horrible hospital food it was takeout from Denise's Diner that had been heated up and for the first time in so long Blade felt the hunger and she couldn't wait to sink her teeth in it but she slowed herself when she noticed her baggy of weed on the tray and gave a quick look to the nurse who gave a knowing smile on her face and winked when she left the room Blade shook her head and started eating while Tara and Denise were telling her to take an easy and that she was getting discharged that night and that Denise would drive both girls home.

After filling out all sorts of papers and forms before she could be discharged it was a whole process and when it was finally done it was late night and the drive seemed to last forever they dropped off Tara first at an old house that seemed eerily empty looking both Denise and Blade were worried about the looks of everything but Tara assured them that she would be perfectly fine and after lots of asking if she's sure they eventually let her go and only drove away after she went in the house and they saw a light go on and Tara waving from a window.

While driving to Blades house Denise decided to start a conversation for it was too quiet in the car.

Denise:Do you know anything about Tara's parents or anything more about her?

Blade:Well I only sorta met her the other night in the park while I was rehearsing my song and then today at school we kinda clicked and we....well I decided that I had enough school for the day and basically got her to bunk with me now that I think about it we didn't talk much about each other.

Denise:For someone who you only met today she seems to care about you an awful lot when I shot that one guy and they fled she immediately went to see if you were okay didn't seem the slightest concerned of her own wounds I must say I like her a lot already just a tiny bit worried of were is her parents and why she didn't call them or why they weren't worried sick and calling her to see where she was.

Blade:Maybe she has parents like mine or my lack of parents.....

Denise glanced at Blade and could tell that she was hurt and trying her best not to show but she knew her all to well. She decided to drop the chatter and arrived at Blades house and gave a long sigh but she saw Blade tense up as she looked at the house.

Denise: Mija what's wrong?

Blade: Look closer at the house...

Denise did so only to finally notice the door laying on the front lawn and furniture scattered scattered everywhere and broken windows and only one light was on and that was an upstairs room Blades room and Denise was about to say something but was stopped by Blade grabbing her hand and saying look and pointing to her bedroom window there was someone in there moving around throwing stuff and it was only then that a bookcase went flying out the window and landed mere inches away from the car they were shocked to see that the figure was now looking right out the window at their direction and Blade could see who it was as clear as day it was one of the men who attacked her and Tara and she whispered to Denise and that was enough for her to make it a priority to get them outta there immediately but as she tried to get the car to start it struggled to start as the man jumped out the bedroom window and made his way to the car all windows were closed and all doors were locked but the man came running with his fist clenched and punched right through the window grabbing Blade by the neck and giving that devilish grin and growled out the words.

Strange man: I got you now.

Blade: Haha No you dont.

A look of confusion crossed his face as Blade stabbed him in the eye with a screwdriver and the man yelled in pain as he let go and backed away the car finally started and they sped away while the man yelled at them Denise looked over at Blade concerned spread across her face.

Denise:Are you okay??!!

Blade:Yeah I'm fine thank god you dont clean your car if that screwdriver wasn't still there ....

Denise: Question How did they know where you live?

Blade: My only question is Where are my parents...?